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The Forum > Article Comments > Abbott spoiling for a fight on GBR > Comments

Abbott spoiling for a fight on GBR : Comments

By James Wight, published 10/2/2014

All these approvals have been granted in defiance of repeated warnings from the UN World Heritage Committee that the Reef would have to be declared 'in danger'

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Oh dear, here we have a poor silly kid, who has made a big mistake in his choice of studies. He is looking from the sidelines as the wheels of his intended gravy train fall off all over the place.

It must be a bit soul destroying to watch your train crash, even before it has reached your station, let alone allowed you to get on the thing.

James there is still time, if you have any ability.

I hope you are not one of those doing an "environmental science" course. They are used to sweep up those who want to go to university, but can't qualify for anything requiring any ability. The market for those graduates is drying up rapidly, councils can only find space for so many tree huggers, & sewage plant operators need better qualifications.

If you have any savvy, move onto something with some future. I guess you are too early for a course in glacier management, but it would be a better option, if you can find one. Those in the field early should get a gravy train ride for life.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 10 February 2014 4:42:49 PM
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Posted by individual, Monday, 10 February 2014 7:05:14 PM
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ateday. Just for you.
Posted by Prompete, Monday, 10 February 2014 8:00:02 PM
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So James is trying to become a climate scientist? A bit late mate. It's a dying field. The scare has been overblown. Climate scientists who created it are on the nose, and the grants are drying up. But James can always try his hand at protesting ... oh sorry ... he's started that here.
Posted by Captain Col, Tuesday, 11 February 2014 1:15:24 AM
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Dear James,


The environmental sciences, including climatology, are noble pursuits, still very much in their infancy, vital to the future well being of our planet and mankind.

Any suggestion that such studies are of no interest and should be abandoned is pure obscurantism that plunges us back into the Dark Ages.

No doubt the State and Commonwealth governments consider that their economic decisions are based on sound scientific assessments of possible impact on the ecosystem, in particular, on the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest single structure made by living organisms of which the most recent portions are about 6,000 years old and visible from outer space.

Given the state of the art of our current scientific knowledge, it appears that the impact assessments on which the State and Commonwealth governments have based their decisions are debatable.

Since the site was inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1981, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act has been amended to provide for increased powers for inspectors, increased penalties, extended search and seizure powers outside the Marine Park, powers to remedy actual damage or prevent possible damage and allow costs of clean-up operations to be recovered from convicted offenders.

Growing public concern for the preservation of this important State, national and World Heritage treasure should not be underestimated. Political and economic leaders can expect to be made accountable for their decisions and actions in any future ecological disasters affecting the Great Barrier Reef.

Though environmental justice is also in its infancy, it will inevitably extend, sooner or later, to include condemnation not just in terms of economic sanctions, compensations and reparations but also in terms of penal sanctions of those found guilty of “Crimes against Nature” as practiced in England under the “Clean air laws” of the 14th century when it was a capital offense to burn coal in London, and violators were executed for the crime (though future penal sanctions may not go quite so far):

This should, nevertheless, be a fairly good incentive for governments officials and business leaders to get their priorities straight.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 11 February 2014 3:25:13 AM
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Great news, James. We have a government that realizes that AGW is a fraud backed by the UN.

What a relief, to be rid of the depredations of the Labor/ Green clowns, and to see support for industry, despite baseless nonsense concocted by people like yourself.

there is no substance in your weasel-worded piece, just back-handed abuse.
Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 10:03:27 AM
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