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The Forum > Article Comments > Democratise and federalise 'Our ABC' > Comments

Democratise and federalise 'Our ABC' : Comments

By Jai Martinkovits, published 31/1/2014

Research indicates that the typical ABC journalist's political beliefs are well to the left of the general population. A recent survey found that over 40% support the Greens.

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Any evidence for ' Abbott, a genuine, decent family man was maligned' (any part of it)?
Posted by Candide, Saturday, 1 February 2014 8:22:47 AM
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Ha ha, evidence that Abbott has been maligned by the ABC! Count the abc contributors and regulars amongst this lot:

You were probably amongst them candide with your snide little comment, "(any part of it)?"

Do you have any evidence that Gillard was subject to any meaningful scrutiny on a personal or policy level by the abc? Of course not it wouldn't enter your closed little mind that Gillard deserves scrutiny.

What grubs the left are; and I know, I used to be one.
Posted by cohenite, Saturday, 1 February 2014 9:19:38 AM
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Your passion is palpable, but your case is not convincing.

The ABC may have been as you describe back in the Whitlam era. Or perhaps during the dark days of Howard’s children overboard treachery.

But haven't you noticed the dramatic shift in News and Current Affairs over the last seven or so years since John Howard appointed then chairman Maurice Newman and current CEO Mark Scott?

Here is one example:

Last September, ABC Lateline introduced Reserve Bank Director and Fairfax Chairman Roger Corbett at the start of an interview. The reporter did not mention he was a Liberal Party member.

First question – paraphrased slightly – Can you please tell us what a disaster Kevin Rudd has been as prime minister?

Corbett went on and on for more than a minute, maybe two, bagging Rudd as “discredited”, “incapable”, “destabilising” and so on.

The reporter followed that up with a hard-hitting “So now tell us how wonderful you think Tony Abbott will be as prime minister” or words to that effect.

Actual wording verifiable here:

That discussion – which couldn’t have been better written for the Coalition had it been scripted by the IPA – ran 17 minutes and was played on continuous rotation on radio, TV and the website for about 24 hours – until someone complained that Corbett was a Liberal Party member.

The item was then pulled from TV. But when the Labor Party asked for equal time, that was refused.

Barry Cassidy later observed in passing, “Reserve Bank board member Roger Corbett caused a stir when he said Rudd was a leader discredited by his own conduct since being ousted in 2010. But his comments probably struck a chord with the electorate, and with many Labor supporters as well.”

See here:

The item aired on the Wednesday before the 2013 election, timing which could not have been better for the Coalition.

So, Anthony, can you recall a similar ABC item which had the effect of promoting either the Greens or Labor that that piece had in promoting the Coalition?

Thanks, Anthony.


Posted by Alan Austin, Saturday, 1 February 2014 9:34:27 AM
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Yeah I do not watch 7.30 Report that much these days. It does have a slightly hysterical feel to it.
As for listening. Classic FM is about it.
I do get most of my news on line, and from various sources.
Overall I watch little TV and the little I do watch is usually ABC. Much of the entertainment on the commercials is pitched at a younger audience base than one of my years so it has nothing to do with standards, ethics or whatever, plus commercial breaks do little for me.
I just like what I like and have a bias to Auntie as a result.
Guam eh, a bit out of the way.
Take it easy.
Posted by Shaggy Dog, Saturday, 1 February 2014 9:48:02 AM
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I'm sure the ABC was sraping the barrel to find that Leigh Sales. You couldn't get a more tunnel-visioned & opinionated & indoctrinated presenter than her. 7.30 is plumbing new depths with that one on the mic.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 1 February 2014 10:12:36 AM
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Hands off the ABC rabbott.
correction, Hands off Abbott ABC. As far as rioting goes don't bother we do have more than enough idiots on the streets already, one more though probably wouldn't make any difference anymore.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 1 February 2014 10:16:11 AM
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