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The Forum > Article Comments > Democratise and federalise 'Our ABC' > Comments

Democratise and federalise 'Our ABC' : Comments

By Jai Martinkovits, published 31/1/2014

Research indicates that the typical ABC journalist's political beliefs are well to the left of the general population. A recent survey found that over 40% support the Greens.

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Yes perhaps we should ask the USA Koch brothers and anyone associated with the USA Republican Noise Machine re the best way to abolish and/or privatise the ABC.
Meanwhile re the real threat to democracy by the REAL elites (that is the captainns of finance and industry) especially in the USA, and as promoted by the Koch brothers and ALEC too everyone should become thoroughly familiar with the writings of both Henry Giroux and Chris Hedges.
Australia is of course very different to the USA but I would argue that we are slowly heading in the same direction, and NOT because of the chardonnay swilling inner city left wing "elites" or chattering classes who have no REAL power

Speaking of the USA Repugnant party they are certainly leading the way in deliberately dis-enfranchising thousands of people who by tendency vote for the Democrats. They are doing so by putting in place rock solid legislation based gerry-mandering mechanisms which make it virtually impossible for Democrats ever to be elected, and which grossly distort the way in which the USA President is or can be elected.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 31 January 2014 10:32:29 AM
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yep the denialist are out. The same ones that will be resisting a proper look into the crimminality of unions, the same ones that want perverted marriage introduced in society, the same ones that hate Israel, the same ones that scream at a shark being killed while thousands of unborn babies are slaughtered yearly. To be paying huge wages for the likes of Jones to smirk at anything half decent is obscene.
Posted by runner, Friday, 31 January 2014 10:51:30 AM
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Could it be that 40% of journalists in general belong to or favour the Greens? Could it be that journalists in general are well-educated individuals with a good grasp of the political situation who realise that the Greens have sensible policies that are good for Australia and the world?

There is no reason that journalists should be representative of the less well-informed general population. If they were they would be of little use. There is no reason that the ABC should defer to corporate interests as the commercial channels which depend on advertising do. I think the ABC is great as it is. Whatever party is in power tends to whinge about the bias of the ABC against them. That means the ABC is an effective watchdog which is what bugs the government whatever party is in power.
Posted by david f, Friday, 31 January 2014 11:52:01 AM
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Well I suppose this will come as no surprise. Murdock has made a big investment in the Liberals and he is a canny operator. The expected return of course is a diminishing of the ABC's capacity to produce content free from outside influence. Talk about paying the piper.

I have friends who work in the Murdock press at an editorial level and they are seeing a stripping of quality, investigative journalism, the kind that protects individual freedoms and challenges the powerful. Any citizen from whatever side of politics they might lie should be seeking to preserve the independence of the ABC because in many ways it is the final preserve of those seeking transparency, the kind of which is vital to any decent democracy.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 31 January 2014 12:15:31 PM
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SteeleRedux, "I have friends who work in the Murdock press at an editorial level and they are seeing a stripping of quality, investigative journalism, the kind that protects individual freedoms and challenges the powerful."

Of course you do. Storytelling on the world-wide web is full of possibilities. LOL
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 31 January 2014 1:24:49 PM
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"Research has shown.."
What research?
Research among members of the IPA and the LNP or is this an example of the alleged biassed comments of which you are accuse the ABC?

This accusation (among many other similar recent government comments) is but an opening salvo in the softening up of public opinion for the intended carve up or dismantling of the ABC and SBS.
Rupert's calling in his favours.

When it comes to public comments about the media, here are but a few -

"You have got to say, when politicians complain about the media, it strikes me as resembling footballers complaining about the umpire" - Tony Abbott July 2011

"I think it's very important that we always have in this country a diverse and dynamic media" - Tony Abbott July 2012

"This is a government which blames everyone else for its problems" - Tony Abbott Sepember 2011

Then again, hypocrisy has always been his strong point.
Posted by wobbles, Friday, 31 January 2014 2:32:15 PM
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