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The Forum > Article Comments > Democratise and federalise 'Our ABC' > Comments

Democratise and federalise 'Our ABC' : Comments

By Jai Martinkovits, published 31/1/2014

Research indicates that the typical ABC journalist's political beliefs are well to the left of the general population. A recent survey found that over 40% support the Greens.

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The relevant sample for the ABC is the remuneration its propagandists receive:

The ABC is a propaganda outfit; it's bias is palpable and could be taken from Sarah Hansen-Young's collection of quisling comments about various issues.

The cost of the ABC is not just the $1.2 billion but the effect its bias has on shaping policies which cost Australia dearly:

If the left and the greens want the ABC to continue so badly they should support it financially as Wood does with the Global Mail; oh that's right he's pulled the plug:

There are about 12 million adults in Australia; if they all put in a 100 bucks the ABC could continue. Let the lefties put their money where there mouths are for a change instead of bludging off other people.
Posted by cohenite, Friday, 31 January 2014 7:26:03 PM
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In any artistic or intellectual group you'll find leftwing views are prevalent. This applies to the ABC. Its as it should be.

Even if I disagree with ABC lefties I'm more comfortable that they're on the Left rather than having intolerant, limited conservative views.

Turfing out ABC talent just because its not in accord with the Government of the Day's political flavor would severely handicap the ABC.

I recall a good female journalist being sacked from the ABC in 2002-2003, on Howard's orders, just because she opposed Bush's invasion of Iraq.

Drawing ABC talent on a state-territory quota basis would dumb-down talent. The Labor Party always suffers in quality from picking Ministers on a State and Wing Factional basis.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 31 January 2014 7:33:07 PM
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Sounds like some of you would rather get your information from newspapers owned by an American,who is a Briber,perjurer,phone hacker, police briber,all round liar.
If you want that view watch FOX NEWS you will have to pay a lot of money for but it should make you all very happy,Murdoch's Tea Party boys have wrecked the Republicans in the US & given enough time will destroy the Liberals.
The commercial networks have news programs as well,trouble is they are aimed at people with the metal capacity of a 10 yr old, which pretty well describes the Right in Australia including Abbott.
Abbott will dig his own grave soon enough and putting some clown on her to write articles about something he knows bugger all about astounds me,anyone who hangs around and follows those comedians in Cando and whats more believe what the head clown Flint has no credibility
Not sure who wrote his bio but he looks like another wet behind the ears boy who has bugger all experience out side of his chosen group,speaking of CANdo how is the Dictator Newman going in QLD,also Bernardi the nutcase if you dont like the ABC dont watch it,just leave it to the 70% who trust it on NEWS which is a damm sight than trust Murdochs papers and Bolt the Racist
Posted by John Ryan, Friday, 31 January 2014 8:19:08 PM
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John Ryan,
As it happens I just watched an ABC journo interviewing Newman about a 3/4 hour ago. Newman put the journo in place after he became stupid in his questioning.
I mean it's a bit rich having an asexual questioning the Premier about bikies.
Posted by individual, Friday, 31 January 2014 8:28:29 PM
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Ha ha John Ryan; what a litany of clichés, slogans and leftie junk.

If you want the ABC you PAY for the damn thing.

I don't have to watch Murdoch and I can inform myself.

The supporters of the ABC just don't get it; it is an outlet for hard left and Green ideology. Why should people who recognise this ideology for the pernicious rubbish it is have to pay for it?
Posted by cohenite, Friday, 31 January 2014 8:33:07 PM
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I am a lifetime LNP voter and also a lifetime ABC listener/viewer.
At various times in my life it was all there was. It has served me well, kept me informed and entertained over the years.
Nothing is perfect, to expect it to be so is foolish. I take what I want from the ABC as I do any media source.
Posted by Shaggy Dog, Friday, 31 January 2014 9:01:46 PM
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