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The Forum > Article Comments > Climate change, the ozone hole, and skin cancer - they're all connected > Comments

Climate change, the ozone hole, and skin cancer - they're all connected : Comments

By Noel Wauchope, published 30/12/2013

And there's skin cancer on the increase 2 common forms, and the less common melanoma, and another nasty rare one, that is becoming less rare in Australia.

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I cannot believe the level both of ignorance about published facts and the willingness of climate change rejecters to abuse those who accept the reality of climate change. Peer-reviewed findings are called a global conspiracy while no credible and scientifically acceptable evidence is produced to back up any of the rejecters’ claims.
Alan Jones, Viscount Monkton and Andrew Bolt are not credible sources in this regard.
It is right and proper to be sceptical about new claims but when there is consensus among meteorologists with 97% leaning one way and 3% leaning the other way, surely it is time for those with no background in meteorology/ climate study, indeed those with no background in science, to accept that human-induced climate change is a reality.
I don’t believe in climate change: I accept the facts that are put in front of me.
It is time for rejecters to fold their tents and steal away.
Posted by Brian of Buderim, Wednesday, 1 January 2014 8:04:41 PM
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This is an article about three things: climate change, the hole in the ozone layer and skin cancers.
Can we, please, start talking about skin cancers in the context of the hole in the ozone layer and climate change in an adult and civilised manner?
Posted by Brian of Buderim, Wednesday, 1 January 2014 8:08:31 PM
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Oh dear, we have the 97% 'consensus' meme again. It was just a matter of time before that one came up again, sigh... Dealing with these deniers is so disheartening.

Hasbeen, being an Adelaide resident I am concerned that your hypothesis may have some merit. How about you just send us heeps more of your irrigation water and we will hold onto a bit for a while whilst we enjoy a little boating on the previously non existent lakes Albert and Alexandrina, then flush it out to sea quicker than you can say 'where did all that ice come from??
Posted by Prompete, Wednesday, 1 January 2014 8:48:32 PM
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Brian of Buderim, you are correct, as mentioned in a previous post Adelaide has had a very hot steamy day today, this is unusual, it is not the first, we now seem to have these days quite frequently.
I can go back sixty years and this then was not the order of the day, one person did inform me as to why this was happening now and I respect their answer, but this was NOT HAPPENING in Adelaide sixty years ago, it was hot but no humidity, if the answer given by the OLO person then this also should have been happening sixty, fifty, forty. thirty, twenty, ten years ago, that is very hot and humid, but this has not been the case.
I do agree there are three items in the heading of the writer but unfortunately two seem to have got missed by the deniers of climate change, hole in the Ozone layer and Skin cancer, perhaps they are being fooled by Tony Abbott.
Not only is climate change of concern but when one sees the amount of rubbish that people produce daily, there will be at some given point in the future no more land fill to accommodate it, my street alone worries me, let alone the rest of the world, but then the deniers will probaly say there is plenty of land fill. no worries mate
Posted by Ojnab, Wednesday, 1 January 2014 8:57:57 PM
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What worries me is that in this day, with so much evidence to prove the warmers are shonks, there are still people dumb enough to believe the crap.

Of course there is no way to know that those professing belief in the scam are not gravy train passengers, scared stiff that the game is up, & fighting a rearguard action, rather than coming clean, & admitting to fraud.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 1 January 2014 10:05:40 PM
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In reply to "atman" (I Jan 1) - it might pay atman to read my article properly. As to the cause of Merkel cell cancer - the article states " a rare cancer,and is known to be caused by a virus. However recent research is showing that UV radiation is also part of the cause."

Atman states that the rise in Merkel cell cancer is simply due to better diagnosis. That is not the conclusion of health authorities in Queensland and Western Australia. The real conclusion is simply that more research must be done.

However, there is no doubt that this cancer is more prevalent in areas of great sunshine, and that it affects fair-skinned people.

Common sense alone would indicate that sunshine has something to do with it. It is possible that the causative virus flourishes most in sunny areas. Cancer is a group of many diseases, and of complex causes. We need to take seriously all the contributing factors. With Merkels - surely the tasks are to do more research, and to protect ourselves from excess sunshine.
Posted by Noel.Wauchope, Thursday, 2 January 2014 8:24:36 AM
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