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The Forum > Article Comments > Climate change, the ozone hole, and skin cancer - they're all connected > Comments

Climate change, the ozone hole, and skin cancer - they're all connected : Comments

By Noel Wauchope, published 30/12/2013

And there's skin cancer on the increase 2 common forms, and the less common melanoma, and another nasty rare one, that is becoming less rare in Australia.

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An Australian Scientist explained the hole in the Ozone Layer over 20 years ago. It is caused by no SUN in winter over the Antarctic and he said the CFC claim was rubbish? So now there is still the hole even though CFC's have been abolished. Sounds like the Aussie was right all along.So Noel another scare comes to a profitable end for slick Scientists. As you consider yourself a scientist you are probably applauding this theft of our taxes but you people are an absolute dishonest disgrace.
I am surprised you didn't put the Y2k bug in your article as well?
Stick to changing bed pans in your public hospital Noel and keep your sticky fingers out of my pockets, thanks!
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 30 December 2013 5:25:47 PM
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Well the whole AGW business is now up for grabs.
The US's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency has at least one,
maybe more, satellites in orbit measuring the heat radiated by the earth.
One scientist has pointed out that either the temperature measured by
the satellites is wrong or global warming is not occurring.
He says one or the other is true, no third option is possible.
He stated he does not know which, but it will have to be resolved.
It is a matter of thermodynamics.

I just cannot remember the reference, I will keep trying and post it
here when I find it again.

BTW, the last sunspot maximum was a weaky and the current sunspot peak
is even worse.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the pause ?
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 30 December 2013 6:07:39 PM
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Climate change you say Noel.
I'm perplexed. Can you explain to me how an ice breaker has got stuck in an expanding ice flow in the Antartic in the middle of summer. I thought you blokes claim the ice is melting on the polar caps.
Also confirm that the current stats re Artic ice ice are wrong. It's reported the current ice in the Artic this year is 50% greater than the ice in the Artic last year.

If these two things are occurringand given the contraction of the polar icecaps have been hailled as the greatest indication of global warming, wouldn 't these occurances now indicate global cooling?

Please explain.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 30 December 2013 6:10:52 PM
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The World is wasting $1 billion a day ($359 billion last year) trying to control the climate.
Posted by Peter Lang, Monday, 30 December 2013 7:39:02 PM
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We seem to be having the debate on climate change, for goodness sake the two words "skin cancer" was in the heading as well, all you people so concerned with climate change, how about getting out in the sun and frying yourself to a frizzle, whether it is climate change or the same weather that I knew sixty years ago imakes no difference to how the skin reacts to exposure to the sun, get burnt you worriers of climate change and find out the hard way. Yes! It was hot back then but we did not have to put up with humidity days, like we now do in Adelaide.
Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 30 December 2013 7:52:33 PM
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Me worry ?
No, global warming is of no concern whether true or false.
However being fair skinned and almost ginger and with freckles when a
boy my mother always warned me to cover up when in the sun.

Seems like mothers know it all, some sort of sixth sense.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 30 December 2013 9:18:22 PM
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