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You old folks, you're not off the hook yet : Comments
By Alanta Colley, published 25/11/2013Look, the main point is this. I agree with you Donald, the clicktivism isn't enough. We need to get up, get engaged, get involved. But not just us.
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Posted by Kilmouski, Monday, 25 November 2013 9:16:25 AM
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I don't believe the old should have to sell heir home to fund their retirements, unless of course it is a policy carved in stone for at least the next century, and applies in spades to all those who proposed it!
The fact that it is proposed at all, highlights the absolute economic incompetence of recent govts. I think that govt guaranteed reverse mortgages would be a better outcome. An outcome which would fund part of the old age care bill, without forcing them prematurely out of their homes. We could increase the retirement age to 70, given the vastly improved health outcomes we are experiencing, and or, people who aren't actually crippled at around 45-50, by their whole of life physical workload. Patently incompetent govts invented the very policies that saw around 95% of corporate Australia, migrating offshore, taking their tax liabilities with them! Various govts followed that with privatization policies, just to fund recurrent spending, with the consequent inevitable increase in energy prices etc, putting inexorable downward pressure on the discretionary spend, and GST revenues! Which various govts responded with increased stamp duties etc, which in some cases adds $150,000.00 to the price of a block of urban land; and or, the highest median house prices in the English speaking world. And payroll tax, might have worked in a closed economy, but does nothing but enormous harm to an open one! The obvious solution is a very broad based, unavoidable, stand alone expenditure tax, which won't actually lower individual or corporate tax, but entirely remove compliance costs, which eat up-to 7% of the bottom line. The end of avoidance, would likely increase govt revenue by around 100 billion per! However, current govts seem to want to keep the current convoluted complexity!? A very wise Republican Senator, appearing on Q+A said, At some point, complexity always becomes fraud! Quote unquote. Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 25 November 2013 9:59:42 AM
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you got the right idea
just the wrong homes stop gifting 50 billion to investers or wanna save money..stop..borrowing it from..the fed then..gifting them..back the cash that 9 billion bailout..borrowed from..the give to the just one case in..point..FIRSTLY..thats only to bailout a broken system..[any*money spent on bailing out the rich[by borrowing more from the rich well..mate..thats ONLY BECAUSE OF URSURY* you heard jesus was upset at the money changers,,[right] you..know why but..usury..leads to..inflation [that has DEBASED*..THE QUEENS COIN.. [the ONLY lawful tender! debasement..of HRH>> treason,,tony high treason..[what the bankers did..was set up THE WORLD WAR so..its ADVISERS..could advise govts to fight paper promise WAR BONDS MATE..that were ASSURED..payable./.by govts they even..had,,but cLEVER bankers..bought up the paper promises..AND DEMANDED>>THE PAYMENT>.instantly..[of GOLD..anD SILVER COIN]= SOWW1 SAW THE loss OF OUR the worlds feds ww2..they got the silver..[and the crime of DEBASEMENT*] that saw even..our silver get 1966 copper didnt get looted[debased till the ni9neties but mate your advisers wont even cash money[especially coin gone] so opeople forget all about pounds etc..that are the ONLY*CONSTITUTED..LAWFUL..currency further you..know that shareholders are mainly other corporations..not pensioners directly....onlythe ADVISERS/middle men..that collude massive treason..GLOBALLY we need govt to control the bankers..and advisers allowable via their family trusts or gross wealth* wanting to/do their USURY..[that links to inflation..and deflation..and stagflation etc..and then/that final day..of high treason the bail-in..and not even fiat paper which is basically THEFT* RESTORE THE TRADITIONAL..VALUE..back into..coin govt pays only in coin*..only TO the living.[not lawful..corporate-[incorporeal]..'persons'] thats high treason as well think what would jesus do? Posted by one under god, Monday, 25 November 2013 11:57:33 AM
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Standing ovation.
Neatly summed up, Ms Colley. "The times have changed but while you're still here you're not out of the race." I see far too many from my generation spending their time excoriating younger folk, their work habits, their lack of commitment and their creeping anomie. Almost as if they had nothing to do with creating the environment that nurtures such attitudes, and instead expect the world to ignore the insidious destruction of values that was the inevitable corollary to those glorious, heady days of sixties freedom. But frankly, it's a little late to rectify the situation by calling on us to shape up, and get back to the barricades. It is so, so much easier to simply shut ones eyes and grumble into a gin and tonic. On the bright side, we'll all be gone soon, and you can begin to pick up the pieces. In fact, why not just ignore us, and get on with it, starting now? If you need to siphon off a chunk of our superannuation piggy-bank along the way, then so be it. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 25 November 2013 12:33:48 PM
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Dear Alanta,
Anyone that starts off with “you old folks”, tongue in cheek or not, is heading for a heap of pain. << you're as much the cause of those troubles that grieve us now as the solution. Climate change cares not for comfy laurels. We're all in this together >>. Really? We have recently discussed on another thread, the moral and value based perspectives of the “progressives”. Your article is not just an ill informed hissy fit, it is a classic “progressive” response and is based upon multiple assumption closes in one sentence. That we are a “cause” of “your” troubles, your “grief” at the lack of a “solution”, that Climate change is an “issue”, that “we” are sitting on our “laurels” and from your high and mighty eminence “we” are all in it “together”? It would be so easy to dismiss your article as the ramblings of a lost and consequently confused generation, because that is precisely what you do represent. But it is worse than that because you clearly don’t even know what it is you don’t know. We can be absolutely sure of this fact because your article in it’s entirety, is composed of platitudes, rhetoric and adopted opinion. There is not a single shred of original thinking on offer. In fact there is no evidence of any thinking at all. I do however regret, that our education system failed you so miserably, you are clearly living on emotional energy and that is not healthy. It would frighten me terribly if any of my daughters shared your jaundiced perspectives. That said your do represent a sad generation, you can’t be bothered or are terrified to seek out reality, your future is bleak because of the pain it will deliver to your ideology. A conclusion from another thread:- “Progressives are in fact those who accept the ideological mantra without critical thinking. The conclusion must be drawn that the real thinkers are the plebs and the progressives live in a world of rhetoric. No thinking required, just the ongoing quest for relevance.” Turn down your rhetoric engine Alanta. Posted by spindoc, Monday, 25 November 2013 12:41:33 PM
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One of the best articles of read on OLO of late. It has the ring of authenticity.
The Productivity Commission recently said the fiscal gap might blow out of 6 per cent of GDP re health care and aged pensions. I'm not a big fan of the PC but that's my problem. You might have included some problems your gen is going to have with intergenerational transfers but all I can say is, for god's sake, don't quit your day job. I'm going to need full time physio sitting and writing all day! You're right. Your generation is far more powerful - I'm a Boomer - and far more interconnected. I'm glad you give credit to the good things the Boomer generation did but remember, most people we're not activists. They went to work in shorts and long white socks. It was only a brief period - maybe 1967 and bits of 68 in the States. It was already unravelling by the moonwalk. Posted by Malcolm 'Paddy' King, Monday, 25 November 2013 3:20:54 PM
" ... We need to get up, get engaged, get involved. But not just us. ..."
Oh boy! Do you need to do this!
The young have a major problem, an insidious problem that needs to be addressed Pronto. This problem is the operation of the FIRE economy and its rent seekers. The FIRE will deliver massive profits to the few at the expense of the productive economy.
Just remember that the superannuation system will deliver you very little except fill the pockets of those who manage the system.
Be careful of simple solutions as they may have unintended consequences. Sounds nice to get pensioners to sell their houses to fund their retirement, doesn't it?
BTW. This does not apply to me.
Well just imagine that the young having paid usury for most of their working lives only to have to return most of their equity to the institution to which they were enslaved all theit working lives.
You certainly have your work cut out ... Get into the system to change it.