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The Forum > Article Comments > You old folks, you're not off the hook yet > Comments

You old folks, you're not off the hook yet : Comments

By Alanta Colley, published 25/11/2013

Look, the main point is this. I agree with you Donald, the clicktivism isn't enough. We need to get up, get engaged, get involved. But not just us.

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docter/quote..<<..I remain in awe at the capacity of the “intelligentsia’ to pick up the wrong end of the stick. (An English idiom meaning to get something wrong by one's approach by making stupid assumptions.)>>

stop putting the 'nice' spin/on-it
grabbing the wrong..'end'..was to/grab..the sponge end

unlike grabbing the short end of the tally stick
which..implies assuming the debt..[lest the kiddies feel/put upon
one third of the bank..of england..was bought/paid for..with a short stick..[hence guy faulks blow them all up]

your simply repeating..the same old crimes
using the same old cures..too much depends upon..wether..your blue blood..[beneficiary..of a family trust]..or trust govt to..wipe ya bunns for you./.in..penny-tenury..

how you will..miss the coin age
[its your gen..that put its cyber cyfer computation
in lue of HARD-cash.

anyhow kiddies every generation..
grabs at straws and sicks it to the parentus[par-rent teaze]
but its..just sticks and stoners..getting into/the heart of the matter

if you depend upon/the dont matter.
i blame it half on the dumping down..of education
and the other half..on..the your childhood vacinations/teeth and you may learn..some things
are more important than money..and they should be beyond..govt ability you to death...but heck..your free to die in other peoples we ol/school chums.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 26 November 2013 6:53:05 AM
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Enjoyed the read, Alanta...

"No one gets to retire from the march for progress."

Though by the time you are in a wheelchair another verb is needed. What about a 'push' for progress or (in a back-formation) a 'process'... geddit?

As for, "Superannuation. I am as oblivious as most of you to where my hard-earned 9% a year is invested. We're the faceless enemy we rage against at Occupy. We front the cash to the 1% while we wait for retirement" at which point just regard the annuity from the funds as stealing it back off the 1%. Extend the redistribution in your favour by living as long as possible.

If, in the fullness of time, you eventually find yourself doing this with a gin and tonic... I highly recommend Bombay Sapphire blue gin!
Posted by WmTrevor, Tuesday, 26 November 2013 7:44:37 AM
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I like your article it packs far punch then any of the comments made so far.
If you want to know where your super is going a fair chunk of it is going to search for new sources of of fossil fuels which if we are avoid the worst predictions of climate change can not be used.
Posted by warmair, Tuesday, 26 November 2013 10:06:07 AM
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