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Australia under new mismanagement? : Comments
By Lyn Bender, published 18/11/2013If the Labor government was a complete 'shambles' what do we have now?
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Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 18 November 2013 9:30:09 AM
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"I have wrestled with my depression and despair at the election of Tony Abbott..."
Luvvie, take another good dose of what ever it was you were on when you wrote the article and have a good lie down. You are clearly confused. I mean all that ranting about JWH.. News flash dear, he is no longer in politics! Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 18 November 2013 9:54:12 AM
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If this was an attempt by the author to gain attention to herself then it was a resounding success, alas, for all the wrong reasons.
Being polite, it is a rant, which could have largely been written at any time in the past six months. Bit silly, very sad. Some will never get over we had an election and the people decided. Posted by Neddy, Monday, 18 November 2013 10:21:07 AM
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Lyn Bender - A few points:
• It is a great relief to many of us that the Rudd Gillard gang have gone. May we never see their likes again? May there never be another labour government at least in my life time and hopefully for the rest of the century. • I look forward to the day when the Abbott Government declares so called ‘climate science’ is but a subset set of ‘junk science.’ By the way the latest information from Poland is that your Kyoto protocol is a ‘dead duck.’ • I welcome a Government whose emphases are on ‘wealth creation, not like you’re ALP and Green mates on wealth destruction. Wealth distribution is a free market function. While on the subject of wealth creation let us have sensible industrial relations and not a trade union inspired so called ‘fair work act.’ • Lyn I assume you are in favour of unlimited illegal boat arrivals, porous borders and the inevitable massive deaths from maritime tragedies. • National disability scheme-great news. How it will work? How much it will cost? How much fraud will it engender? Who knows! • I write as a person in his eighty first year and therefore in your words, ‘an ignorant and stupid old man.’ Clearly, The Advisory Board on Positive Aging has failed to endow me with your type of wisdom Posted by anti-green, Monday, 18 November 2013 11:17:50 AM
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LYN, another excellent article which will doubtless get the rightwing Abbott-clones all riled up.
The Abbott-clones think the Second Coming has occurred, that below the Big Ears of St Phoney lurks the end of the world and we're all going to heaven, not me of course, because I'm an atheist. I don't want to be in heaven with Phoney! I could imagine nothing worse than breaking bread with a man who gives the Sri-lankan military two warships. They were able to kill tens of thousands of Tamils without our warships, Phoney! And I don't want to break anything with a man who supports Australia spying on the world. I thought we were a bit above that! And it seems that Phoney supports torture as well. When Phoney leaves politics (which I hope is soon) he might get a job as the Governor of Guantanamo! Posted by David G, Monday, 18 November 2013 11:40:20 AM
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Hey David can you send me a bit of what ever you and Lyn are on?
No one thinks the "second coming" has occured we are just pleased to be rid of the disfunctional rabble. You declare yourself to be an aethiest and then go on to say you don't want to be in heaven with the PM. Confused, David aren't you? Also I didn't realise that Australia's intelligence capabilities had been shut down during the illustrious labor reign. I obviously missed that bit of news. But one bit of news I remember was labor gifting Indonesia a couple of patrol boats and fighters. But I suppose that was OK because the Indonesians are such nice people and don't torture anyone. My advice to you is as it was for Lyn. Have a good dose of whatever it was you were on when you wrote your post and have a good lie down. You've got the this government for the next three years (and probably a lot longer because labor just can't seem to sort themselves out.) Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 18 November 2013 12:45:10 PM
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is diguising one's hatred instead of dealing with it a new psychological practice? Lyn should apply for a job at the ABC. She has all the hallmarks of most of the Abbott haters.
Posted by runner, Monday, 18 November 2013 1:52:06 PM
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Sparkyq, don't count your chickens before they hatch.
With Tony's consummate skill in world politics and the bottomless depth of his knowledge about world affairs, I would imagine we'll be at war with Indonesia within six months as well as Malaya, Fiji, New Zealand and New Guinea. Tony might manage a close relationship with North Korea because its leader is a clown like Tony too and he, like Tony, also believes in torture. And, of course, Tony will be in bed with the imperial U.S. just like Howard, Tony's mentor, was. What a shame that Albernese is not leading the LABOR Party. He would've exposed Tony for the lacklustre flim-flam man that he is although Tony is doing a pretty good job himself! Posted by David G, Monday, 18 November 2013 2:05:26 PM
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Dear Runner I think the poor woman is hardly disguising her hatred, or dealing with it for that matter. Hatred and bitterness is all the left can fight with.
Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 18 November 2013 2:10:42 PM
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David G, chickens don't matter, votes do.
But I do agree with you about Albo but for different reasons. At least Albo has some convictions. Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 18 November 2013 2:47:21 PM
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Basically a Greens Manifesto of aspirational aims - many of which would be incompatible in practice.
Without selling Australia's main exports, such as gas, coal, iron and farm animals the State and Federal Governments, business and employees couldn't afford any of the following aims. "To care about the vulnerable. To strive for a fair and just Australia. To preserve our moral gains." A large part of social welfare delivery requires money for social welfare budgets. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 18 November 2013 3:11:56 PM
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Isn't there a single intelligent, sober thinking among all the lefties ? When will the Conservatives stop feeding these morons with our money ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 18 November 2013 6:32:26 PM
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Dear Individual,
Reverting back to type again, I see with the use of your favourite word against anyone whose views disagree with yours, can't you do better than just - "moron." At least no one can use you of being a "wit," or if they did they'd be half right. Dear Lyn, The current Australian government is certainly a concern. They were obviously elected by voters who place a low priority on transparency and accountability of their government. As the link below tells us: "Mr Abbott, whose attack-dog politics created the perfect chaotic conditions for government stealth to flourish, now presents himself as Mr Stability." "If he can keep the government process operating silently he knows he will retain support from the stealthy." "He needs to keep politics off the front pages and the TV news which is where 3 in 4 Australians get their main political information." "He needs new Speaker Bronwyn (I'm not biased and am an expert on Standing Orders) Bishop, to keep a lid on Question Time to avoid disturbing the peace." And allowing the PM and his team to continue not answering any questions and being creative with their rehearsed simplistic rhetoric. The following link is worth a read: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 18 November 2013 7:02:22 PM
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with all due respect but your posts of late are becoming irrelevant rants in defines of the indefensible. Morally indefensible that is. Posted by individual, Monday, 18 November 2013 7:51:36 PM
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Individual, that is the pot calling the kettle black, if ever I heard it!
At least Foxy addresses the issues rather than your MO of personally attacking other posters. A well written article Lyn, and one that addresses many pertinent points about Abbott. "...he at times comes across as a kind of Maxwell Smart. His slogan driven rhetoric verges on buffoonery and his secrecy, like a cone of (ministerial) silence becomes a feeble attempt at failed concealment...These are important failings in the leader of our country who is meant to tread the world stage. A lot of damage can be done by insensitive diplomacy or clumsy rhetoric." Exactly! Words that immediately come to mind when discussing Abbott would include rhetoric, buffoonery, feeble, concealment, insensitive and clumsy. Maxwell Smart-like would certainly fit the bill. : ) Personally, I look forward to finding out how the corrupt and violent Government of Sri Lanka will use the 2 used warships Abbott gave them, complete with guns etc, to 'stop' the 'illegal' asylum seekers from leaving Sri Lanka to travel to Australia. I have a fair idea how they will do it, and I thought Australia was supposed to be against violence against innocent people? Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 18 November 2013 8:50:06 PM
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Lyn's observations about Australia being under new mismanagement are unfortunately likely to be valid - because the structural problems that afflicted ALP governments over the past 6 years do not seem likely to receive any attention or remedies - see "The Need for 'Running Repairs to the Ship of State' " at Posted by CPDS, Monday, 18 November 2013 8:55:12 PM
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It's delicious irony that Abbott has given 2 warships to the Sri Lankan government, considering the bulk of asylum seekers arriving by boat over the last 5 years are Sri Lankans.
Wouldn't it be a more efficient use of resources to just convert the warships into floating hostels to house Sri Lankan asylum seekers? Posted by Killarney, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 12:23:44 AM
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Wow, 2000 word mega sour grapes.
First point, "first people's". What happened to your Socialist mantra "everybody is equal"? Looks like aborigines are more than equal. Then you have the nerve to whine about "citizenship" which implies equality for all. Next comes the rant about Abbott cutting 25% off the CSIRO budget. With hundred's of boats turning up on Australia's shores (which you support) containing on average 100 illegal immigrants, each boat costing Aussie taxpayers about $20 million dollars, go figure out where our money is going, why we are 300 billion in dept, and why we can't fund science anymore. Your human induced climate change belief is in real trouble. Perhaps you could criticise people like "Climate Change Commissioner Tim Flannery who's ridiculous statements about climate change have brought your cause into disrepute? You could also direct your ire at the Climategate "scientists" who got caught fiddling the figures instead of the climate sceptics who quite reasonably used this incident to become even more sceptical. Your crack about stupid "old men" just lost you the support of every old man who may have agreed with you. You sure know how to upset everybody Lyn. And then you wonder why people turn away from your causes. Lyn then goes completely off the planet, whining about mining upon which Australia's prosperity is dependent. It is the curious need to spend money like there is no tomorrow, while at the same time despising the means of creating wealth, which is the most baffling aspect of the trendy lefty mindset. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 3:42:03 AM
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I wonder if all the pro Abbott people will be so pleased with our democratic paradise in 3 years, when it comes up for renewal?
While I admit that the choice between "the devil and the deep sea" is a drawback, the alternative of a labour government would not have done so much harm as being abbottised. The way we are headed with the quality of politicians, even the Palmer party will look attractive soon. Good luck to you all. I am opting out of the system and will probably be leaving world one day. My main aim is to be here when the SRHTF and be able to say "I told you so". Posted by Robert LePage, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 9:42:14 AM
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RLP you will definitely be leaving the world one day, just like the rest of us.
TA is smarter than Gillard or Rudd by an absolute mile! The left tactic of saying TA is not smart is meaningless as you have no credibility. I agree we have an upcomming reckoning when western governments will have to pay debts they have run up and we will probably have a Depression. I remember my parents advice and will probably be saying the same to my Grandson in ten years. Do not blame me I never voted labour! Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 10:01:57 AM
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Not only in forums like this, but in letters to newspapers (especially regional ones), it seems to be the case that whereas left leaning contributors tend to advance points to support their views(not always, but mostly),right wing respondents tend to resort immediately to personal attck mode, relying heavily on sarcasm and name calling; again, not always but mostly.
Does anyone know if this thesis has ever been studied? If any degree hunter chose to look into it, it might also be usful to look at the relationship between political bias and preference for conventional and non-conventional language forms such as your/you're. Posted by GlenC, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 2:22:30 PM
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Yes, no and yes. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 3:11:15 PM
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As was said of the return of the Bourbon Monarchy, so it can be said of the Australian Labour Party.
“They have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing.” A brief history of the ALP since 1939 is (with few exceptions) one to make any right thinking person cringe. Hal Colebatch has recently documented the disgraceful behaviour of the trade union arm of the ALP during the last war. Never once did Curtain publically admonish the union bosses. Immediately after the war the history is murky in the extreme. A party infiltrated with communists, communist sympathisers and Soviet agents right up to and including members of Dr HV Evatt’s office. The end of that period was the Petrov Affair and the DLP schism. Evatt lost the 1954 election and the role of all parties in the in The Petrov defection was examined by a Royal Commission set up by the subsequent Menzies Government. In the Whitlam years the shady dealings of then senior ministers in the Khemlani affair is of note, even although in the end their machinations came to naught. The Rudd-Gillard farce of recent history is too well known to require elaboration here. However, I am compelled to say that however much one may disagree or agree with Keating his erudition and honesty is transparent. Nor can one doubt the integrity of Hawke. With the exception of the Hawke-Keating administration I find little to admire in the ALP and much that can only be called skulduggery. “Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose.” Posted by anti-green, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 3:12:45 PM
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GlenC: Yes you are spot on. The more vehement that they are the less they are able to debate and produce valid answers.
Even the names they call themselves point to their blinkered outlook. Antigreen springs to mind but there is a plethora of them. It really does not matter because their opinions (if you can call them that) on this forum carry no weight, it is the election/auction that will count. The main problem with them is that they are allowed to vote. It really is time that voters should pass an IQ test to be allowed on the register. Posted by Robert LePage, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 3:41:13 PM
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RLP, IQ tests? Then what? They have to agree with you?
Keep chasing cars and licking windows Bobby. This is a democracy and we all get the vote. You Bozo's only complain when it is not your idiot mates running things. Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 4:08:14 PM
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Robert LePage , please explain for those of us that lack your wonderful gift of high intelligence; what you mean exactly by being “abbottised?”
Could you please provide a translation of your acronym “SRHTF,” provided that it is not an obscenity? Posted by anti-green, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 5:13:04 PM
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Anti-green, I think srhtf is an acronym for "obscenity" really hits the fan. I'm not sure that robertlePage used the term "abbotised" but whoever did probably meant being persuaded to the view that Mr Abbott has some (good) ideas. And I suspect that rlp was implying that for Mr Abbott, srhtf time is going to be much earlier than even seemed likely a week or two ago.
Posted by GlenC, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 9:29:12 PM
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Nothing changes....
runner is here calling people with whom he disagrees "haters". individual is here calling people with whom he disagrees "morons". Poor Mr Abbott is making a fool of himself in new and unusual ways. Mr Morrison has embroiled the military in his secretive game of stop / buy / hide / gift the boats. Never a dull moment if Oz these days. Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 20 November 2013 12:47:48 AM
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I think you are doing everything you can to ensure labor stays in opposition forever. it is very effective. Well done. Keep it up. Cheers Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 21 November 2013 7:04:05 PM
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Obviously some people place a low priority on
transparency and accountability of government. They prefer simplistic rehearsed rhetoric and slogans to genuine policies. Ah well. At least this can't be blamed on the carbon tax, or perhaps it can? Government by stealth is what we've got currently and all stealthies support it. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 November 2013 10:03:45 PM
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You say "Get real, you lost the election.". I beg to differ. Labour lost the election due to their internal machinations and the Libs won it by default. Now I wonder how long it will be before the Libs start to see that Abbott is the last person they need to continue on in government now they have it and there is a move to replace Abbott with a more realistic leader? Posted by Robert LePage, Friday, 22 November 2013 8:19:40 AM
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RLP the loser always has an excuse. Just look at what the labour party did. You can dream all you like about Abbot but he is not a publicity hound like Rudd or a schemer like Gillard, he gets things done. There is no need and most people do not want a barrage about politics (You and I are different in that respect) so the dearth of politicians doings is a welcome relief for most. Show a bit of generosity to TA and at least let him have a year.
Lynn of course has a problem with "Old men" whatever that means? I suppose anyone older than her of the opposite gender. I will not forget her gratuitous, sexist and ageist comment and every time her head pops up here I will obligingly remind her of her obvious predjudice. Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 22 November 2013 8:47:08 AM
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"You can dream all you like about Abbot but he is not a publicity hound like Rudd or a schemer like Gillard, he gets things done."
Boy does he get things done. By the time he is finished ( and I hope that is very soon) he will have dismantled all the tax for the rich and the poor will be living on handouts, if they can get them. He is obviously set on turning the clock back..... to about 1900. Mind you if we find ourselves at war with Indonesia it will help the economy. Wars always do that. As for giving rabbett time, I would like to give him life but in an Indonesian jail. The way we are going with this mob we will finish up with a government of billionaires, all having bought their seats. Imagine Gina as minister of mines? Posted by Robert LePage, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 2:47:08 PM
I also find your comments offensive about "Old men".So you have a problem with age and with gender?
I think You should be reported to the Equal Opportunity mob!