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The Forum > Article Comments > The myth of the mandate > Comments

The myth of the mandate : Comments

By Ian Robinson, published 7/11/2013

In the first place only 45% voted for the Coalition, which could be interpreted as 55% not wanting their policies.

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We have lost count of the corrupt and criminal Labor MPs, from pedophilia to multi million dollar corruption.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 8 November 2013 4:38:24 PM
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You forgot prostituting under age girls in Wollongong, Shadow Minister. And this from the party which claims that it has a monopoly on integrity and who's supporters never fail to tell the working class how immoral we are.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 9 November 2013 5:53:00 AM
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[Deleted for abuse.] I have not lauded "righties". I have only pointed out that the mandate is a myth whichever party claims it, unlike you who are blatantly partisan for the Labor party, laughably claiming to be concerned over the integrity of financial management by the Liberal party while advocating the biggest governmental fraud in the history of the world. It's you putting up straw men. You contradict yourself in everything you complain against the Liberal party.

At what stage, short of actually shooting people, do you renounce the violence in enforcing the policies you advocate?

Without private property or the state, how is the decision to be rightly made how to produce anything?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 9 November 2013 8:11:53 AM
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It seems we were misled by the LNP that had a deal with the Indonesians to take back asylum seekers.

"Mr Suyanto rammed home his country's refusal to take the asylum seekers in a text message to the ABC late on Friday. ''The Indonesian government NEVER AGREED to such wishes or policies by Australia. We have expressed this point of view since the Rudd government and there are no changes in our policy in relation to asylum seekers who want to go to Australia in the current Tony Abbott Government.'"

It's a shame when you have to rely on reports directly from foreign governments because your own government suppresses information to make themselves look good...don't you agree?

Also, can anyone here point to another country whose leader consistently flees from the media? That is, he physically "runs away".

How embarrassing...



So you're saying that I misread your inclination when you serially criticise "lefties".....It's a natural assumption that you are partisan to the right.

BTW, it's prohibited on this forum to accuse fellow posters of lying.

Retraction please.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 9 November 2013 8:25:56 AM
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Stop trying to squirm out of it.

At what stage, short of actually shooting people, do you renounce the violence in enforcing the policies you advocate?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 9 November 2013 2:11:02 PM
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Again you make the mistake of assuming that a single swallow makes a summer. The navy has already returned the occupants of 2 boats, and there was certainly a tacit understanding on which the Indonesians have backtracked. The Indonesians sent a boat that left, and could have easily picked up the illegals. As the boat simply had no power, and if the Australian boat had refused to take the illegals on board, it would have forced the Indonesians to do so.

I certainly don't think that this is the end of it.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 9 November 2013 2:44:54 PM
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