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Progressive christianity's role in the new Australian political environment : Comments
By Bob Douglas, published 6/11/2013Social activism by Christians has a long and proud history. Australia needs such activism now.
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Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 8:02:34 AM
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jesus dont give booze to drunks..[KNOW THIS FOR CERTAIN}
but the issue is much clearer..on the mount.. [but those knowing/the dangers of fixated creed] i..know its tempting to..add..feed the hungry but no food shortage..nor any other shortage there is only..a shortage of the pay..for the needed service thats why i saw the solution..of revv 22;2 created gods money system..but no one cares or gives a damm its called wikiseed/wikigeld its real-money..[once some church says it is its based on..the seed..from the tree of life..seed you can eat or you can distill..into..fuel even..make clothing from[in fact the true fruits of hemp-seed=35,000 thats even..more than the 12 mentioned in revelations..the design..on the mount..revealed..the tree..and lest we forget genesis 1;28/29 i..give you every SEED/bearing plant but creed has made you all deaf dumb..and blind thats what will hurt all of mankind..if things dont change fast it just needs you to set up the bank and our christian bank..will go..out..and feed the world but to awake satans lies run deep Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 8:03:39 AM
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this video..sums it up
in..under 3 minutes 'you shall..hear of wars..and rumors off wars' what the peace bringer? banking crimes..the money changers Posted by one under god, Saturday, 9 November 2013 4:40:08 PM
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Jon J writes:
"I wonder how those 'theologians' who have been assimilated by Prof Borg reconcile the idea of progress with the firm conviction that Rules for Everything were laid down by a magic carpenter and his fairy dad nearly 2000 years ago ... Either you eat your own dog food or you don't, Bob. If you don't, you're just an atheist in disguise. ..." Jon J has in mind a use of the Christian tradition that requires belief in selected parts of the Bible, as interpreted by centuries of dogmatic overlay. Such a belief was pressed on me by my family and by the religious communities of my early years. I have long since come to reject the often contradictory claims that were thus pressed on me. One can find in the Bible a coherent belief system only on an interpretative overlay in which St Paul and John of Patmos trump all that went before. In particular, St Paul trumps Ecclesiastes, Amos and St James, and even a large part of the claimed sayings of Jesus. I reject the supremacy of St Paul, and I reject all such dogmatic uses of Christian literature. But I remain in a strong sense a product of a tradition in which the Bible and Christian writers have a large place. The often incoherent answers are no longer credible, for me as for Bob. The questions do however remain, and their importance is undiminished. Am I a member of the Christian tradition? Yes! Am I an atheist? I do not believe in any of the Gods that are on offer. Does that make me an atheist? Why should the "Bible-believing" evangelicals determine how the Christian tradition is to be used? Posted by John Md, Sunday, 10 November 2013 7:39:44 AM
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doctor/john/quote..<<..Am I a member of the Christian tradition?>>
the statements you but i was the root..of all your later beliefs/disbeliefs much like the agnistic jew.. are of the christain tradition* longer of its faiths[yet till subject to its miss-creation's] buiti see you replyyour own questions <<..Yes! Am I an atheist?>> only you can..know what you are but know..[you are more than a lable] <<..I do not believe in any/of the Gods that are on offer.>> as runner would rightly point are god [its not..what we think..god to be..but that god gave us a live like we want to be] <<..does that make you an atheist>> only you can decide what is true for you id say each of the options..include its antithesus [ie thiest/gnostic]..both relious terms..[not god terms/qualities] your specific title..would need include the god qualities you reject atheos=no gods at all alog0-ic=rejects the concept of logus[god logic] if you reject god giving and sustaining all living..please present proof of how you are doing this[or how science says its doing it] thing is natural/nature/nurture..are all god or self selection thus not science selection <<..Why should the "Bible-believing" evangelicals determine how the Christian tradition is to be used?>> the squeaky wheel demands the lucra by any means they can.. [evil..has more do its vile Posted by one under god, Sunday, 10 November 2013 8:38:38 AM
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A response to 'under one god'.
I do wish you would make some minimal effort to proofread your comments. The mis-typings and random insertions of extra letters makes them almost unintelligible. There is a well-engineered 'preview' facility. Why not use it? Posted by John Md, Sunday, 10 November 2013 8:54:31 AM
lets make this a case in point
just our lives/loves/ the real..miracle
why accept the delusion..of christ giving drunks booze
or of 5 fish..or 7..or a few loaves..of breaD CAN FEED 5000
these two examples..of miracles..
can only minds of the ignorant
you will of course be aware..that back in..those times..mealtime lasted near 4 hours..and that a special ritual..[doctrine off clean-hands..[via the rite of hand washing..[in 7 jars]..stages..reflecting the accent into heaven.. was deemed vital..
its clear jesus apostles..knew not of the ritual/creed[as revealed by the eating of the shewbread[with..un-cleanhands..revealed]..regardless
FOR THE TRUE eat with..unclean hands was unthinkable
[so sitting them opposite each other..on a dusty hill..hours walking time away from these ESSENTIAL[for thhe rite][ie handwash jars..ENSURES FEW IF ANY..would eat..anything.[but in the spirit of the occasion..will offer..any food/they themselves couldst not eat]
the real teaching was..that people ARE SO FIXATED..
by the rote/ritual..they..miss the messiah..for the dead trees[imagery]
anyhow withour mind full of imagery..
lets go back and see..the wedding at cana
seven basins of progressivly cleaner water..but
regardless..the end wash still filthy..still essentially toil-et water
would you seve..even..the best wine
from a toilet?
neither did the servants..!
on jesus saying..its not my time..[in fact i couldnt care less..if you gave your masters guests..that there toilet water..?
the servants did what any servant..[unwilling for his mater to lose face would do..and gave the weeding guests the masters best plonk.
having drunk already the bought booze..there were drunks
just like today..too many are drunk..on fear hate anger hurt [all them fears you noted
but you fear mindlessly
[without regarding gods living loving infinitude's]