The Forum > Article Comments > Progressive christianity's role in the new Australian political environment > Comments
Progressive christianity's role in the new Australian political environment : Comments
By Bob Douglas, published 6/11/2013Social activism by Christians has a long and proud history. Australia needs such activism now.
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There is an erie 60s flavour to this piece. Long ago, in the 60s, it was thought that the solution to the trouble the Church found itself in re congregational size would be solved by liberal Protestantism such as out lined here. Alas, turning the church into a cause promoter did nothing to revive Christianity because it was moralistic and boring. Since the 60s theologians have breathed new life into the Church by taking the old doctrines seriously if not literally. The writer needs to catch up with the some decent theology.
Posted by Sells, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 9:10:52 AM
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What a refreshing change from the tawdry stale old nonsense that Sells promotes, and from that of the right-wing power-and-control-seeking (no-fun) fundamentalists of the Australian Christian Lobby.
The author of these two essays was fully up to date with all of the work of the scholars who attended this conference - including John Shelby Spong. Their work into the fabricated origins and institutional political purposes of the "New" Testament. He was also fully familiar at a profound depth level with the ins and outs of every aspect of Christian dogma and belief. Indeed the first essay is a summary of the findings of these scholars and of the authors profound insights too. The Up? book was the first edition of what became the book introduced here: Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 9:58:04 AM
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I agree that Jesus was a “radical social reformer and a wise prophet”, but the Christian left often displays the same ideological blinkers as the Christian right in presuming that Jesus would endorse their particular political agendas.
Of course, if you already believe that population growth is unsustainable, we’re heading for imminent famine, AGW is destroying the planet, and capitalism comprises an endless unsustainable pursuit of consumption, then Christianity can easily be brought to bear in critiquing these issues. But there is nothing in Christianity itself which leads to these conclusions - or indeed which contradicts them, if you happen to start from a different ideological stance. I also think Bob slides too readily between the liberal theology of John Robertson et al, and the leftist political agenda he espouses. Of course, there are links. Biblical literalists and evangelicals tend to be more socially conservative and prioritise issues such as family values (equally without warrant, in my view), while theological liberals are more likely to ask what a Christian response to modern understandings of issues like science, sexuality and the environment might be. I have great respect for theologians like Borg, Spong and Robertson who have tried to grapple with a credible Christianity for modern times. But I see a huge difference between these and the likes of Sallie McFague, who simply tailor their faith to suit and reinforce their ideological prejudices. I suspect Bob is closer to the latter approach. Posted by Rhian, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 1:18:18 PM
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I wonder how those 'theologians' who have been assimilated by Prof Borg reconcile the idea of progress with the firm conviction that Rules for Everything were laid down by a magic carpenter and his fairy dad nearly 2000 years ago, and that deviating from them by any jot or tittle will bring down a far worse punishment than mere social achievements can possibly compensate for.
Either you eat your own dog food or you don't, Bob. If you don't, you're just an atheist in disguise. The reason Christianity is in decline across the west is largely because sensible intelligent people like yourself are realising it's not compatible with civilised, intelligent, effective behaviour. Posted by Jon J, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 2:25:35 PM
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After 5000 years or so the best the god deniers can come up with is the unscientific idiotic notion that we are here by chance. And to think that they call themselves 'progressives'. In denying the very obvious (ie their Creator) they show how closed minded and foolish their thinking is. No doubt the 'Christianity'that Prof Bob Douglas epouses is dying like every other idiotic man made theory. The gospel message of salvation and hope is still very much alive in this country and throughout the world. Despite the likes of High prisest like Dawkins chucking tantrums and the pseudo science religion many are still coming to faith in the living God. Anyone thinking God has left the throne is ignorant to history, ignorant to prophecy and ignorant to the risen Christ.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 5:05:57 PM
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"The Christian church in Australia is in serious trouble. Church attendance is declining across the Western world. Church leaders have been ignoring sexual abuse by their clergy for decades....The idea of a personal God "out there in the stratosphere" pulling our puppet strings and taking a particular interest in our individual transgressions, now seems nonsensical to many of us who were brought up in the tradition of the church."
Exactly! Well said Bob. You have written a fine article that explains how I feel in many areas of this Christianity debacle. Runner, Christianity may well have been around for 5000 years, but many other religions, and beliefs in other Gods , have been around for a lot longer than that. So shouldn't we put more credence in the 'stories ' about Buddha, Allah or Mohamed then? I have no problems with the comfort that believing in these gods brings to their followers, but I do have a problem with involving any religion or god with politics, in our increasingly secular society. Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 8:39:29 PM