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Climate effects will knock on : Comments
By Kellie Tranter, published 1/10/2013Australia should be paying close attention to the estimated trajectory of likely warming and its impact on both Australia and our Asian neighbours.
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Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 1 October 2013 12:43:39 PM
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Chris Lewis, I have to agree with SPQR.. The figures you quote on insurance losses from climate events are almost certainly wrong. I see you got them form some sort of activist site, but I couldn't see where they got them from. Trends from damage cause by weather events, cyclones and the like, have been trending up but that's because there's a lot more coastal development and its more valuable.. events in any one year, such as a big storm hitting a major city, causes those figures to vary quite a bit.. Your activist friends have probably simply assumed that all storm damage was due to climate.. but I don't recall any major event in 2012..
Posted by Curmudgeon, Tuesday, 1 October 2013 1:06:54 PM
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Hi Robert LePage
I think you make a valuable contribution in identifying burning of climate change denialists to be an exciting and promising renewable energy source. Such renewable burnings may not only provide unforgettable moral reminders to burnees, but crowd amusement to Climate Change believers. Our post industrial society should return to its low carbon ecological roots, giving all members of the biosphere, including rats and roaches, the same human rights we enjoy. Some essential reading . As Kellie points out the right of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning to a sex change operation to achieve his-her transgender inner goddess is similarly essential. Chelsea Manning's new engendered niche would, in no small way, improve his-her popularity among the inmates of Fort Leavenworth Military Prison who are denied female company. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 1 October 2013 2:17:22 PM
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Curmudgeon, the link below might refresh your memory. So might the following extract:
"Over the past several months, extreme weather and climate events in the form of heat waves, droughts, fires, and flooding have seemed to become the norm rather than the exception. In the past half-year alone, millions of people have been affected across the globe – from Europe suffering from the worst cold snap in a quarter century; to extreme flooding in Australia, Brazil, China, and the Philippines; to drought in the Sahel. Records have been broken monthly in the continental United States, with the warmest spring and 12-month period experienced this year and severe fires and drought affecting large swaths of the country. So how bad has it really been? Below we have put together a timeline of extreme climate and weather events in 2012. We have by no means attempted to be comprehensive in listing events, but have aimed to include some of the most significant occurrences this year. - See more at: Posted by David G, Tuesday, 1 October 2013 2:24:29 PM
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Chris Lewis's info [sic] about Insurance losses is indeed scare-mongering and the usual fiddling with facts which informs AGW. What we are seeing is insurance companies using the scam of AGW to increase their profits through bigger premiums and the like: In fact deaths from weather are decreasing: Extreme weather events are decreasing, according to the 20thC Reanalysis Project: It just staggers me that hysterics like the author of this article and her acolytes can continue to spread unfounded alarmism at huge expense to the economies of the world and prevent accurate reliable weather and climate forecasting from occurring. Posted by cohenite, Tuesday, 1 October 2013 2:48:21 PM
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point was merely to say that there will be a cost, and more insurance claims are being made.
I think global warming (and other forms of environmental degradation) from human activity is real, but I am not losing sleep over it. Environmental degradation is an inevitable part of economic development from a strategy of growth, growth and growth. What would you deniers have us believe? That everything is great, mate. plunder the earth and reap the rewards. Keep burning what is in the ground, put into the air, and then expect the balance of nature not to change. Get real, sooner or later there will be consequences. That is my bet; I hope I am wrong. Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 1 October 2013 3:05:58 PM
<<In fact, the U.S. government paid more than three times as much as private insurers paid for climate-related disasters in 2012...
How did they get this "fact"?
They arbitrarily branded a whole range of floods, hurricanes, fires etc "climate-related" (by which they meant the result of AGW) then added up the remedial costs and packaged it as "what the U.S. government" paid for climate disaster.