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God and art : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 12/9/2013But do abstract works represent the soul, or is that mere pretension? What does Kandinsky mean by 'soul'?
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Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 September 2013 7:30:51 PM
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peter..<<..The elements..of the Mass
are at once bread..and wine..>> the booze related damage? why turn water,..[1stmiracle?] [did/not jesus himself say.. ITS..NOT YET..MY TIME*[in-fact..he would have said i couldnt careless..if you fed thy*..masters guests..that filthy-toilet those hand-wash/jars..its himand you that willloose face how gooood the master.. that not feed his own guests how much..lower..the servants go if the drunks drunk..all the wine.. they came to the wrong guy..its just not my time besides at that time..jesus was to/be john <<..and..the body and blood of Christ.>> ohdear..thats what satanists doi too? by..their deeds..we see paulene creed has perverted <<..The central/event of the death..and resurrection of Christ.>> yes..what we saw jesus do..[ie return from death] we all can do..[see the officer/wanderer pdf's] its the reserction..ol'boy the time..dead meant.. waiting till..some future..JUDgement..'day' jesus refuted..that alive as we speak in our fathers house <<The death, historical point>.. judgment refuted..rejoice we ALL*must be born..again death/point..<<in time..>> nothe next life is free of time one long eternalday death/point..<<is the real and the the ideal.>> its assured by christ..HIMSELF..see that ye see me do ie will do day waiting we 'die'..instanntly reborn..some into..the light others into.. various shades of grey..according to how ashamed we are <<..These are not separate events; the resurrection the truth..>> ABSOLUTLY...except we ALLwill even..ur pets..ideas..ego resurrection..revealing all.. <<..of hidden in the crucifixion...>> death resection <<..One cannot exist/without the other.>> ahhhmenn Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 September 2013 7:49:40 PM
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peter..<<..In a time..dominated by..the insistence of
the real..>>.. [resection]..<<..above the ideal,..>> [judgment dfay..when-ever you lot].. it isnt <<..fostered by ..he success..of natural science,>> see 30 years..among the dead pdf <<..the danger to us is blindness.>> absolutly <<..We countenance \..the invisible and the world..becomes a world of surfaces,..>> appearances never dull/boring..yet..endless superficial;ity..<< wanting of ideas as an abstract..or photo-realist painting.>> or pictures of electro-plasm..aura's or the prety/perty pictures of science to...fill in the evolving evolutionary gap/facts.. between science evolutionary/THEORY..and science/falsifiable fact <..This is how..we can give credence to a scientism..that reduces the world to causation.>> imagery how goes the imagery? like corpses statues..the ARISEN...christ eternal tied to his pauline..creed/double cross <<..It is significant..that biblical literalism has large in our time.>> but god FORBADE ALLIMAGRY and any/all..ADULTERATION..of his words! <<...This movement..[pauline creed] essentially a result of a..realist approach to Scripture,..i.e. that all of the events described..therein actually happened.>> ir READ..the true WITNESS the true/gospil's..of witnessed by his works <<..biblical the product of our modern hold the visible..and the invisible together.>>.. no/commment <<>>There is a contradiction ..that runs though much of late/modern thought...Our minds are not cameras; as soon as we..*open our eyes>> after removing..the our own eyes not just..offering to remove..the splinter/from..thyne <<>.we see things..and these things are automatically..associated with ideas.>> see natures/nurture light..sustaining life that love via logus/logic see the life revealed in the light..with love under eternal grace/mrercy thats gods idea see the city/slum/division/derision thats mans workings <<..Seeing the visible and the central to our natures.>> see gods nurture even in..nature <<..when we look at..the world we see the handiwork..of God.>> now..look with..thy minds eye.. see the..inner/workings of men remind peter' the rhyme..of the rosy to..the primate..of the rosery Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 September 2013 8:33:08 PM
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What a load of utter rubbish this article is.
There are many, many wonderful artists and art that has nothing to do with invisible beings or fairy tale gods. One undergod..........sigh...... sometimes, words just escape me when I try to understand posts like these. Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 12 September 2013 11:54:53 PM
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i been trying to figure things out too..suze
my latest research next..the question..i hope to put to source=atheist/commentary <<..Mark/gospel..was an environment where Roman rule..was a constant presence...There are many clear signs that Mark..*has gone to great absolve Romans of the responsibility..for Jesus’ death>> <<..even to the point of..painting Pontius a weak, indecisive leader..rather than the brutal tyrant..that everyone knew him to be.>> my point.. in quoting to point out that it waz first say matthew.. 28;27.. quote.. <<..[now..i have told you]>> but also notice..the later edit.. by same 28;10.. ..<<..JESUS said;,,edit <<..go tell my brothers*..>> GO* [the debate was re disciples/preaching] now lets examin..the OTHER word.. replacing mathews word..christ SAID..brothers ie..the word..[disciple] first/used in 28;12.. [IS..something..HE COULDNT..bear witness to was FIRAST used at 28; the..elders.. who met up..with priests..[even fake/up things.. to poison the well.. and introduce creed/diciples etc via saul/paul/letters creating..the pauline creed [the word..*THEY used..was disciples..] NOT the word..jesus used.."brothers*..[28;10] ok? or correct.. where..i went wrong? Paul's theology..was based on his personal experience ..* the light of contemporary Greek thought. The theory of redemption..was the child of his brain, a belief..entirely the disciples of Jesus. saul..poisons..the well please recall.. he had just DESTROYED..the davidian/levitic? CREED.. of RESECTION judgment day by simply..coming back from death by this..he destroyed..two creeds and freed many..awaiting limbo turning brothers into...disciples..hung jesus..on a cross.. in his own church..drank chists blood..feasted off \..christs flesh or as you put it real/ideal a true artifice its basic karmic balance allow freewill/choice because saul.. [paul]..[christs..mortal-enemy] on..with the job* creating creed*..ideal by creating disciples*.. WHERE clearly..christ.. only brothers* not diciples its no bother/brother we need to clear..things up..soon Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 September 2013 8:24:08 PM
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we find..the*FIRST
*rebuild..christs..divided church [re-unite BY RECOGNIZING..all other..called to christ all xtian..creed/sects..we must re-unite christs torn divided heart appointing..all Abrahamic sects priest/teachers/ as respected equals..and their messengers/prophets..all as saintly elders..each..retaining their own creed./.yet as equal brother put the true servants..into churches and the true saints..on churches..not gargoyles Paul's theory..involved the deification..[imagery/creed]..of Jesus. The Pauline the history of the Pauline Church saw a change of scenes..principles..and principals. In place of brothers paul..made the disciples, who had sat at the feet of Jesus, a new figure, who had not known Jesus, had come to the forefront... The intellectuals..were under the influence of Aristotle... Because of Paul's compromise..with Roman beliefs and legend, Pauline followers grew in number..and grew in strength. To the soldier prince..the different creeds within the Jew and Hebrew were very confusing. In AD 325,..a meeting of all denominations of Paulineism was called at Nicea (Isnik)...Fearful massacre of Hebrews,..who did not believe in Paulineism, was held, where it was ordered..*that all original Hebrew script..*should be destroyed,..and in the year 325 A D, this took place at the Nicene Council. Paul,..also known as Saul,..a zealous Pharisee. Paul was at active opponent..of the Christian movement. He took care of..the cloaks of those who stoned Stephen..(Acts 7:58, 22:20). On his way to persecute Christian believers,..he was a blinding light,..and a voice that REPORTEDLY..said, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?" Paul asked, "who are You Lord?" The reply came, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. In addition,..his zeal to persecute the early Christians was re-channeled into preaching the Gospel. Paul made three missionary journeys around Asia Minor, Macedonia and Achaia. He is the author of thirteen New Testament letters - Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. He might have wrote Hebrews. With the exception of Romans, all of Paul's letters were written to churches or individuals whom he knew personally. The focus of Paul's writings is Jesus,.. through whom SO..PAUL SAYS..God has effected..redemption refuted at more in the morning Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 September 2013 8:27:54 PM
must be in..context..of the creeds..of their times
take the feeding..on/the mount
following the canna wedding/before the shew bread..
ie..the hanwash jars..
[you cant eat with..*unclean-hands]
so they were much/like a toilet
[could you serve thy..maders guests..
even..the very best of wine..FROM A TOILET?
[neither did his servants..[but the disciple..*needed to see a.."miracle"
his diciples..didnt know this LAW*..
so..WHEN..christ fed..the 4000/5000..twice..
[all*..they wished] eat [lol..note the clever seating,, see/report..on..who would eat..
with..all..their judges
sitting opposite them
[recall..his diciples..eating shew bread
/with unclean hands..[and chist replied..its NOT..what a man puts IN..but what blasphemy..but that whichissues forth fromit..
falls out..via our smallest/member
the disciples..were too busy notice
the teaching by christ..of the DANGER of creed
yet plenty..put
they saved..[its about how EVEN..the living christ..couldnt/break CREED*
mirracles creed/greed and such..<<..This meant
that Scripture..could not wander off..into a fantasy world
that was disconnected..from the real>>
unless they were tricked..
by..him who HOUNDED..the living christ..unto death..[paul/saul]
<<..and the real..could not be celebrated
at the expense..of the is the our time with scientific or economic rationalism.>>
big words
big talk..lets talk about works/perks
science reveals gods glory
science cant even make a cell-membrain
life comes ONLY..fromlife..[the best science could suckout the dna..from a LIVING bacteria..toCL:AIM/faulsly..they 'creayted//that only god could create
<<..The New Testament..follows this ethos
most the incarnation...>>
<<..For in ..the incarnation
the Word..(idea) becomes flesh>> works..SILLY
FLESH..IS NOT..THE<<(real thing).>>
its nothingbut the seen..that hides the unseen
<<.The council of Chalcedon..insisted
that Christ..had two natures,..>>as do we ALL*
<<..the divine/and the human...
(ideal and real).>>
the on the wall*
lets talk