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Human rights have no foundation : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 12/7/2013While justice is embedded in a community and upheld by a community for the good of all, rights are manufactured, often in the United Nations, and float down from on high.
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Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 15 July 2013 8:54:56 PM
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Dear Cherful,
Your observations are excellent! Our free will can only do that much - at a time. A heavy ship cannot reverse its direction in a second; one cannot become an Olympic champion in a day; or a professor; or an international virtuoso concert soloist; or a prima-ballerina. It requires repetitive efforts and training, ongoing dedication, day in and day out, it doesn't come easy to break lifetime habits. The first step is to recognise that one is acting as a slave to an inanimate object, i.e. one's genes. Next, you ask yourself whether and why this is necessary. Next you contemplate yourself, satisfying yourself who and what you are so it is crystal-clear that you are NOT your body and genes. Next you consciously choose to quit and be free from your genes, next is a long and difficult journey to follow up your choice. You can expect the genes to fight back every inch of the way. They will do so especially through your family (who have much of the same genes in common). Remember that they too deserve to be free, that if you fail to serve and love your family's genes it doesn't mean that you do not love THEM. One of best resources to help you in this journey is good company - the company of others who also seek freedom from biological slavery, who can encourage and support each other in times of crisis. Originally this was the role of churches, but most are no longer into it nowadays, siding instead with society's greedy desire to expand. Monasteries are also an option, but are hard to come by today, or too steep a leap for most of us. A gentle but steady approach is usually better. Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 1:00:43 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
finally some people have accepted the reality that god is a man-made myth and now you come along and float the concept that humans are at war with their genes which must be overcome to find, well, I'm not exactly sure what one would find but denying one's genetic inheritance seems a rather strange form of human behavior even stranger than most human behaviour. I went out and walked amongst my cows and I floated the idea to them that they abandon their genes. They looked at me blankly and went on feeding their calves (no calf-minding centres for them) and chewing their cuds. A couple of them looked at me as if I was mad! I wondered how long it would take the average crocodile or shark to repent of their genetically-created instincts and become warm and cuddly meditators. Parks could be filled with people walking their crocs! Yuyutsu, humans don't need more fantasies. We already have too many! Posted by David G, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 11:25:15 AM
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Dear David,
That humankind spends most of its time slaving away for their genes is not a fantasy, but an obvious fact, as clearly noted by CHERFUL. Yehudah Halevy wrote in his poem, : << Time-servers are the cowering slaves of slaves, Alone on earth, who serves the Lord is free. >> I agree with you that "denying one's genetic inheritance seems a rather strange form of human behavior even stranger than most human behaviour." - but I was not discussing human behaviour. We have plenty of evidence and know very well how humans tend to behave, and so about crocodiles, sharks and cows, but I was discussing OUR behaviour, YOUR behaviour and MINE, not that of the human/cow/crocodile that we temporarily assume ourselves to be. Slavishly serving one's genes is indeed a common human behaviour - but it's not a rational one! In Exodus 21:2-6, the bible describes the situation of a slave who is not willing to be freed: [ If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing... And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the doorpost; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him for ever. ] I do not recommend slavery to anyone and anything, including to the state, including to clergy and religious institutions, and including to our body and its tyrannical genes. Slavery to God is the only form of freedom because God is not a separate entity, because we ARE God, thus it is the only way to be free and serve ourselves. Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 5:24:07 PM
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Yuyutsu, you claim that: 'We Are God.' Wow! What a sweeping claim! That must shake Sells, who does not deign to join in this debate, to his very foundations!
We are merely jumped up apes who have enormous egos and a perverse, rather sordid, pointless intelligence. We are still just a small step removed from our ancestor who lived in trees. Gods we are not. Clods we are. Of course, you and I hope for better things from humans, you know, things like altruism, nobility, wisdom, caring, etc, but the truth is that you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear, can you? Cheers. Posted by David G, Wednesday, 17 July 2013 9:22:36 AM
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Without modern medicine, antibiotics,penicillin,vaccines etc. you and I are so unimportant in the scheme of things on this planet we'd probably be dead by now. Before penicillin, a mere scratch on our arm could become infected give us blood poisoning and kill us with no way to stop it. Go to the old cemeterys and look at the headstones of generations just over 100years ago. A huge percentage of people didn't make it to 30years old, a lot dying in childhood it didn't matter how smart or beautiful or rich you were, you weren't special, you died young right along with the rest. As far as life on this planet goes, you and I are certainly not Gods in status we are very expendable. Just put yourself in the domain of some of the major predators, without all your fancy weapons and see how long you would last. They'd understand your vulnerability in a heartbeat with their superior senses and you and I wouldn't last very long. A little insect like the mosquito kills mankind in the millions with malaria and other mosquito borne diseases and snakes are the second top killer of man. No we are not Gods nor protected by Gods. Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 17 July 2013 8:14:00 PM
And yet, that is exactly what humans do, look for a mate or sexual partner. Reproduce, guard their children and provide for them for as long as they can.
Earn money to buy territory, a house and land to nest in and provide sanctuary for their Babies and children. Obey their survival instincts to support the tribe or community around them in times of war or disaster because we can’t survive without a supporting
Community or tribe around us. We are programmed by nature(biology,DNA) to do these things
and whilst we do have choice the above things that I mentioned consume much of a human beings time on this earth. WE dance to the tune of nature like any other species on the planet. We have will, yes, but our intelligence and will is
a tool that we basically mostly use to obtain(our desires)the things I listed above. The things our biology is programmed to want.
Therefore biology is constantly telling us what it is we desire and is driving us. We do have some will in blocking those desires, but judging by the way sex dominates societies everywhere, the non-stop producing of babies and territorial wars that have waged non-stop across history, a big percentage of the time it is our intellect that serves our biology in getting what we desire in life.
You overestimate your free will in the face of biological programming like most humans.