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The Forum > Article Comments > Tony Abbott goes back to court in June > Comments

Tony Abbott goes back to court in June : Comments

By Alan Austin, published 13/5/2013

David Ettridge is now suing Abbott for an apology and more than $1.5 million in damages, alleging his campaign was unlawful.

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Dear Shadow Minister,

Why are you getting personal.

I'm merely quoting from the information available
and what Mr Abbott has himself admitted. Check again
the given links, especially the 7.30 Report.
Of course if you choose to believe something different
that's something over which I have no control. However
that does not change the facts. And as a librarian,
I simply supply the facts - I do not interpret them
for you. You may not like them but as they say -
stiff cheddar.

However, cheer up - I'm sure that with all of his influences
Mr Abbott will manage to find himself the best lawyers
who'll undoubtedly work pro-bono defending him in June.
Perhaps Christopher Pyne could start up another slush fund
for Mr Abbott's defence - who knows. His mentor Mr Howard
might even be willing to contribute to the fund out of all
the perks he's currently receiving as a former PM from the

"It's as plain as the nose on your face
If you lie you'll end in disgrace
Unless you've got clout
Then of course there's no doubt
That you'll end up winning the race."
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 16 May 2013 11:16:51 AM
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Rhrosty one can safely predict that Mr Abbott will walk away, from his day in court, with both his bank balance and political career largely unharmed!

I fear you are correct. Justice has been a purchasable commodity since legal leeches took control of both IN-justice & politics. The RAbbott having some kind of legal qualifications, would undoubtedly have contacts in high places. For that matter, so would most politicians but its probably the case that friends belong the Mad Monk are more influential than the others. That said, karma has a way of catching wrong-doers out when they least expect it.

The most despicable thing about the treatment of Pauline Hanson was that the issues she raised were conveniently swept under the carpet instead of being debated. This matter is simply another in the litany of cases where major party bloodsucking parasites have trampled roughshod over accountability. Personally I believe someone (or something) else was really pulling the strings .. probably the United Nations, because they tend to come up with plenty of off the planet nonsense (Agenda 21 being an obvious example).
Posted by praxidice, Thursday, 16 May 2013 11:29:45 AM
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"It's as plain as the nose on your face
If you lie you'll end in disgrace
Unless you've got clout
Then of course there's no doubt
That you'll end up winning the race."

I like it :) :) :)
Posted by praxidice, Thursday, 16 May 2013 11:34:57 AM
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You are merely misquoting from the information available, which is lying. The original blog already selectively quotes Abbott, you however, add the word to it which changes the context.

"It's as plain as the nose on your face
If you lie you'll end in disgrace"
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 16 May 2013 12:07:26 PM
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The problem here is Tinkerbell and the rest of the pixie queens don't understand that Ettridge is not bringing criminal charges against Abbott; they are an attempt to bring civil proceedings, presumably for damages.

He should be sueing the QLD government which jailed him, but first he will have to prove he is innocent and the civil convictions are a big barrier.

Not once in this whole rambling mess has dear Alan or any of the flock considered that ON, Ettridge and Hanson were found guilty in the civil courts.

That's not Abbott's fault.

I bet Ettridge doesn't get off the ground or has a big costs award made against him.

Like or dislike what Abbott did, which apparently is raise some money, it wasn't illegal.

Gillard on the other hand is yet to be tested.
Posted by cohenite, Thursday, 16 May 2013 1:10:23 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

You're not serious?

Read the 7.30 Report about who's changing words
and context and then try to justify it with a
straight face.

Although, that shouldn't surprise me that you'd
attempt it. Your leader is so good at doing
precisely that.

I guess there's no accounting for taste. But surely
the Liberal Party could do with a higher calibre of
leader. Someone a bit more competent.
Who has a clue. Although looking at their front bench -
I guess the choice is rather limited.
And don't get me wrong I'm not too thrilled with the
other side of politics either. Like most voters right
now - the political cupboard is bare.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 16 May 2013 1:37:46 PM
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