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The Forum > Article Comments > Who are the 'Deniers' now? > Comments

Who are the 'Deniers' now? : Comments

By Anthony Cox, published 22/4/2013

What should we call global warming activists who claim that global warming is accelerating, despite the evidence?

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To add to salient comments by Rhosty, Taswegian and Geoff.

NASA states:

"In spite of a couple of cooling influences – the sun's low activity, and La Niña – the planet continues to warm. 2010 turned out to be tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record, and 2000-2009 the hottest decade on record".

NASA also has information on:

- Recent La Nina conditions, which have a cooling influence that counteracts C02 for short periods
-Increased SO2 from Chinese and Indian power stations also has a cooling effect.
- Ocean heat content continuing to rise steadily and 90% of global heating goes into the oceans.

Anthony I notice you didn't mention any of these facts. We'd all like your assertions about cooling to be true but most of us would trust NASA's analysis more than yours so we believe the unfortunate truth.

Unless perhaps you could impress us by mounting a better Mars mission than NASA has done.......
Posted by Roses1, Monday, 22 April 2013 1:12:18 PM
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Guys - it says a great deal for global warming activists that all they can point to what is claimed to be a record hot summer.. now go and look at the Bureau of Met releases on this hot summer. Note how that the release says that temperatures exceeded the last record in the 1930s but doesn't say by how much. This is very likely because the margin is tiny (disagree? then what is the margin?), and my understanding is that's in part because they have better instrument coverage now than they did back in the 1930s.

Leaving aside that quibble, is that all you can point to after 80 years of global warming? As for the business about the polar ice melting, sorry but its all either highly contentious or with the caveat since they started satellite observations (back in the 1970s). The ice at both poles has been known to vary in historical times.

Pound this into your heads. It certainly is a warm decade but the problem with the AGW theory is that its meant to be getting warmer and it isn't. So why not? Sure you can point to various suggestions that really the heat is going into the oceans or additional aerosols from industrial activity are masking the temperature increases but they are basically suggestions.. a patch for the theory that failed to forecast what happened. Will that patch work? Can we now say anything sensible about what temperatures may be like to 20 or 30 years time??
Posted by Curmudgeon, Monday, 22 April 2013 1:33:15 PM
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Prof Flannery forecast the reservoirs in Queensland would never fill up again. Then there were massive floods. His reply was that he was entitled to say this to get us into line?
Now his forecasts are of the "last week was" that's AGW. What a joke!
By the way this nonsense is paying the two professors enough money for their waterfront properties, any other justification needed.
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 22 April 2013 2:34:43 PM
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To have something labeled as true - tell a politician that they will be able to use it as an excuse to raise billions of dollars in taxes - they will find a way to get the scientific proof.

Posted by Philip S, Monday, 22 April 2013 3:32:43 PM
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Scientists are interested in argument, that is listening to those who do not agree with their theses. Hmm.

We 'ordinary' people do not have enough climate science to form strong opinions. My guess (only) is that it is all even more complex than imagined. For instance, considering the Earth's core to the upper atmosphere, convection and heat transference would be hard to calculate.Carbon storage in soils and oceans is a new study. Behaviour of our sun is adolescent perhaps.

Even if we don't heat up most people think it's time to start going easy on fossil fuels. But this will take some time, we are addicted to high energy, and, there are an awful lot of us.

Polar ice melting, methane release, changed ocean currents,(ice age?) hurricanes and so on; frankly, this would lead to some painful readjustment but it won't be the end of us
Posted by d'Helm, Monday, 22 April 2013 4:09:15 PM
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Dear Anthony
Please get a science degree, preferably one with some environmental subjects, before you waste any more of your life on this topic.
Posted by curious M, Monday, 22 April 2013 4:17:37 PM
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