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The Forum > Article Comments > A century of civil liberties > Comments

A century of civil liberties : Comments

By Daemon Singer, published 6/3/2013

It's only when we sit and contemplate what life was like before 9/11, that we realise the damage done by those planes.

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Speaking of assaults on our freedoms, let's up-date those 1800 jihadist/terrorist attacks since 2001. In the last couple of weeks, the religion of peace has carried out terrorist attacks (that's what they are, and terrorising is what their intention is):

* Kabul

* Islamabad

* northern Nigeria

* Baghdad

* God knows where in Syria,

and possibly in other places that have got lost in the noise.

Imagine if Opus Dei, or some crackpot U.S. evangelical mob, carried out atrocities like these, and at these rates: quite justifiably, we would be appalled, and even more so if useful idiots tried to defend them.

Terrorism is appalling. Let's not try to excuse it by manufacturing some government plot to limit freedoms. Speaking of which, Conroy's 'reforms' seem to be doomed, thank goodness.

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 20 March 2013 12:04:09 PM
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Just to up-date some of the atrocities committed in the name of the 'religion of peace', over the past week or so:

* execution of a French hostage in West Africa;

* bombing of a bus station in Kano, northern Nigeria;

* car-bombings and suicide bombings in Shi'ite areas of Iraq;

* release/liberation of an Australian kidnapped in 2011 in the southern Philippines by Abu Sayyaf.

There have probably been others, but we get so inured to them, don't we ?

Lucky it's a religion of peace :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 23 March 2013 4:52:23 PM
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