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Racist population fears killed by facts : Comments
By Malcolm King, published 25/1/2013Migration is not destroying the Australian way of life.
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Posted by Rhian, Friday, 25 January 2013 6:28:02 PM
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It is sobering to realise that in a short 224years since first settlement, we already have-22,620.600 people.
Yes to emphasize-- that is 22million, 620thousand and six hundred people in a little over 200years. At that rate it won’t take too many centuries to have a massive unsustainable population. Water and electricity and the cost of those are already a major problem. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 25 January 2013 7:18:31 PM
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22 million isn’t very many people – there are municipalities in China with more people than Australia. Japan has about 6 times our population but 5% of our land area. Even allowing that much of Australia is desert, we have more arable land than Germany, France, the UK and Italy combined – and they have combined populations of more than 260 million. Saying that “it won’t take too many centuries to have a massive unsustainable population” is rather like telling a starving man that, if he eats more calories than he uses each day, he will eventually become dangerously obese. Posted by Rhian, Friday, 25 January 2013 8:32:53 PM
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It is a difficult task to comprehend and process how the various facets of society, combine and produce the social design we experience today . The present design appears to work , as we are borrowing billions of dollars each year and in addition selling major agricultural, government and private assets to overseas interests, which further disguises the the economic mess we are in. To this background we have population boosters from the property development industry which includes the banks, who base their business model on making profits from land speculation. To make this land speculation work, billions of dollars of taxpayers and borrowed money, is poured into endless real estate infrastructure projects . However, at the same time our universities and schools are falling on world rankings because of funding shortfalls . In addition our manufacturing base has collapsed due to lack of private and public funding into research and development . The destruction of our best farmland on the edge of cities and the demise of wild habitat both here and overseas where a major proportion of our food is imported from, should be accompanied by a sense of shame. That habitat loss is due to housing and increased food production, due to population growth. The appropriate educational moral response, is to encourage families to have around 2 children , at around thirty years of age and to have balanced migration. That is , if 80,000 people leave each year, then bring in 80,000 people. This is an internationally transportable design and all our foreign aid should be used to help the rest of the world and especially our near neighbours , to stabilise their populations. From ABS data, our birthrate is double our deathrate and the extra 1.2 million people every 3 yrs in Australia, is just unsupportable on all fronts. Denmark with just 5 million people , export all over the world, as they are doing the exact opposite to Australia’s real estate driven mindset. Regards, Ralph Posted by Ralph Bennett, Friday, 25 January 2013 10:30:52 PM
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Cheap Third World labour has driven down wages in the Taxi, Hospitality, Agricultural and Construction industries, here's but one example: Chinese and Indians will often work for as little as $40-50 cash a day, no Australian can live on that, but it gets worse, Chinese will deliberately undercut locals to try and drive them out of business,even if it means taking a short term loss, this is how they operate everywhere, it's what caused the anti Chinese riots in Honiara and Port Moresby I recently quoted a large plastering job, my figure came in at around $15,000, a Chinese plasterer gave a price of $5,000, which is just ridiculous. The owner of the property went with the lower quote even though I told him repeatedly he was heading for trouble, that it wasn't a realistic price. Sure enough they stuffed up the job so badly that he sacked them after two days and rang me to see if I'd finish the job and fix the mess they'd made, which would have meant stripping a lot of the sheets off because they'd unclipped all the electrical cables and left them hanging out side the sheets, why I don't know...I told him to go jump in the lake. Chinese have access to vastly cheaper building products which they import themselves and won't sell to Australians, I saw the quote in the above case, he'd allowed something like $500 for materials, when I was called back his board and stopping compounds were still on site and they were a Chinese brand I'd never seen before. If he's paying $10 for his compounds and I'm paying $30 how can I compete? How can my supplier compete? Rhian this is the reality of immigration, not the airy fairy fantasy world you live in. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 25 January 2013 10:37:34 PM
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Ethnocentrism, which the anti Racist defines as "Racism" is a group survival strategy, opposing ethnocentrism in a particular group is to set oneself in opposition to their survival. Anti Racists are opposed to the survival of the ethnic groups they target for their "Racism", be they White Australians, Israeli Jews, Germans, Japanese and so on.
Anti Racists are bad people, genocidal minded maniacs equally as bad, though far more numerous than "Racists". I'd like to ask the author to name one publicly self avowed "racist" in our society, someone who people look up to, who is invited to speak to school and community groups or whose expertise in his field is consulted by lobbyists and special interest groups. I'll save him the job, there are none, "Anti Racists" on the other hand are legion in this society and they dominate all levels of our schools, community groups, political parties and public institutions and they are routinely consulted by government and NGO's. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 25 January 2013 11:12:43 PM
There are lots of arguments to in favour of Australia having a larger and diverse population; Malcolm has only covered some of them. They include:
- We cannot find enough skilled and unskilled workers to do the jobs that are needed (yes there are unemployed, but they don’t seem willing to move where the work is).
- We have one of the lowest population densities on earth.
- A diverse society is more interesting, stimulating and rewarding to live in than a monoculture
- Migrants bring skills and knowledge which we may not have
- In Australia, population growth is positively correlated with economic growth (States and regions with the fastest population growth have the fastest per capita economic growth)
- A larger population allows us to benefit from economies of scale in sharing infrastructure costs and gives critical mass for services that need large population bases to be viable, like high-quality orchestras and expensive state-of-the-art medical equipment
While Malcolm’s arguments about housing are a bit abstruse, the data he uses support a simpler conclusion – if the number of people per household is fairly stable, then the rate of growth of the housing stock must have kept pace with the rate of growth in population, so the oft-heard complaint that migration causes housing stress doesn’t seem to be true in the long run (though I’ll admit there can be pockets of pressure, such as the Pilbara at present)