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Conscription was an abuse : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 22/1/2013

The Judicial Inquiry should look at the ethics, effect, equity and justice of conscription. It was an abuse of power and of people.

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Bruce Haigh, with respect, you contend that the '64 Conscription introduction was an 'illegal' act by the Menzies' government - but, do you mean technically (being contrary to the Aus Constitution, or to some prior Act of parliament, or notionally contrary to the much earlier plebiscites in a similar regard - but which were conducted in quite different circumstances)? Or, morally?

I take it that Aus must have declared war on North Vietnam (or at least against its incursion into the South) before committing troops to that engagement - or am I wrong in this regard? Or does our parliament not 'declare war' on anyone anymore, but only agrees to a troop deployment to an area of conflict of concern to our national security interests?

The Aus government of the day must surely have considered our engagement in the Vietnam theatre to be justified (in the National interest), and accordingly approved the deployment of our Regular troops to that theatre (just as it must have approved our engagements in Korea and Malaya, and in Sabah - although this latter was described as a Columbo Plan exercise, coinciding with the Indonesian Confrontation)?

Having approved our 'engagement' in South Vietnam, and finding our capacity failing to meet ours, or our Allies' expectations, regarding our reasonable commitments to that escalating conflict, was it unreasonable, in the circumstances, to introduce Conscription as a potentially 'fair and equitable' way to bridge the gap? Or, do you take exception to there not being a call for volunteers, or perhaps a national plebiscite, before acting?

Is it the fact or the means, to which you take such exception?

We provide assistance to near neighbours in distress - PNG, East Timor, etc - and support our traditional Allies when called upon (in our national interest), but it is almost certain that a call for volunteers would have been pitifully short of the mark in the Vietnam era - era of flower-power, Woodstock, peace, love and drugs, remember? So, what options, other than Conscription?
Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 24 January 2013 3:43:35 PM
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Saltpetra, of course you wouldn't have got volunteers under those conditions and pay; you'd have to be a masochist or mentally ill.
Posted by Rattler, Thursday, 24 January 2013 3:58:16 PM
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Hi there SALTPETRE...

In answer to one of your questions; was there ever a declaration of war ever made against North Vietnam ? I'm not positively sure, but I think not !

My reason being, about nine or ten weeks after my repatriation from SV, and mainly at the behest of my dear old Grandfather (he was, 30th Bn.,lst AIF, in WWl) I attended the Burwood (Sydney) RSL for the purpose of joining. About five or so minutes later, I was sent on my way with the clear understanding, the RSL accepted only 'RETURNED' serviceman. And Vietnam was only a 'police action' not a war ? Apparently, for it to be decleared a 'war', our government must first, make that declaration. Well good on 'em ! Since then, I've always harboured a great deal of antipathy toward the RSL, and everthing it (allegedly) stood for.

G'day Allen...

Mate, I'll have to 'roll over' on that one I guess. You really DID have a maggot for a CO ! As you're aware, there're limitations of what expressions may be uttered herein Allen ?

Post your National Service days, you've obviously made good by the sound of it ? Landed on your feet so to speak ? I can only hope so.

Look, I've kept your number. Since my 'closest' friend died six and a bit years ago, I've never sought to confide on the 'specifics of SV' with anyone else. Spent some time (sessions) at the 'Vietnam Veterans Counselling Service', didn't do me much good. My friend Dave ALWAYS did, we'd talk, b.....t together, laugh heaps....................?

Remarkably, he survived FSB 'Coral', then FSB 'Balmoral'! Endured and survived many more contacts then I had breakfast's. And I joined the job a couple of years before him, we served together (off and on) over the years. The VC and NVA couldn't touch him. But a Brain Tumor did. He's dead, I'm still alive, now an old man without the best and closest mate/friend/buddy a bloke could've had. Thus I no longer encourage any friendships now Allen.
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 24 January 2013 4:58:36 PM
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