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The Forum > Article Comments > Israel on the horns of a dilemma > Comments

Israel on the horns of a dilemma : Comments

By Julie Bishop, published 22/11/2012

Israel is more than aware that it is not only engaged in a military conflict but also in a battle for global opinion.

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Julie I find it uncomfortable to read such a biased pro-Israeli article, you really need to look to the facts on why this most recent rise of tensions has occurred.

The real reasons for the current fighting results from an 8th of November Israeli invasion of Gaza, following a two-week lull in tensions, the result, a 13 year old boy playing soccer was killed by an Israeli soldier.

Violence then escalated for the next few days resulted in the injury of eight Israelis, including at least four soldiers, the deaths of five Palestinian civilians, and the wounding of dozens more in Gaza.

On November 12, efforts to diffuse tensions, led by the Palestinian factions led to a truce that held for just two days, that was until Israel broke it by assassinating Hamas military leader Ahmed Jabari.

The rockets out of Gaza that followed these various Israeli provocations have been misrepresented.

As to the "The stress of a constant threat to their lives places an enormous burden on the shoulders of community leaders who have responsibility for the safety of residents.” Talk about complete hypocrisy.

Fact: 26 Israeli’s have died from rocket attack since 2004; I won't even begin to calculate the number of deaths of Palestinians since 2004.

As Noam Chomsky has correctly pointed out: Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely populated refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques and slum areas to attack a population that has no air force, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanised armour, no command in control and no army and calls it a war. It is not war it is murder.

The Israeli Government, do not have a right to carry out indiscriminate bombing and killing of Palestinian civilians, nor under International law, does any government have a legal right to do so. Israel has an obligation to abide by international law and uphold the rights of occupied Palestinian people, and since they refuse to do so, Australia has a legal responsibility to take action and see Israel is not allowed to act with impunity.
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 22 November 2012 11:06:03 AM
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This article is a good reason why it would be dangerous for the Coalition to become the government if the Member for Curtin accurately reflects coalition policy. Only marginally more dangerous that the current government.

The article is not only blatantly one sided, as Geoff of Perth points out, it is also profoundly ignorant. It completely escapes me how one can write an article about the current conflict and completely ignore the past 64 years of history since Israel came into being.

There is a long documented history of Israel ignoring world opinion (as expressed in UN General Assembly resolutions; of ignoring the World Court; of carrying out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to permit yet more illegal Israeli "settlements"; of the illegal blockade of Gaza; of targeted assassinations etc etc etc.

As Geoff also points out, the confrontation is hardly even. Gaza has no military and no equipment beyond a few rockets that have killed only a handful of Israelis. Ms Bishop is anxious to stress Palestinian rockets and especially their alleged Iranian source. Why no condemnation of the massive firepower provided to Israel by the Americans? Without American arms, money and political support (most recently yet another Security Council veto on Tuesday) the Israelis would be forced to negotiate seriously.

As it is, they continue with impunity, safe in the knowledge that they have the unquestioning support of people like Ms Bishop and her would-be government. She affords Israel the right of "self-defence". Why do the Palestinians, terrorised for the past 64 years, have no comparable right?
Posted by James O'Neill, Thursday, 22 November 2012 11:31:03 AM
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This is one of those rare occasions, where one can agree with almost everything you say Julie!
One of the interesting outcomes, is the peacemaking role of the Egyptian, Turkish and Lebanese Sunni, Muslim brotherhood, who are equally or even more threatened, by a increasingly warlike, sabre rattling, evil empire, Iran!?
This could be one of those monumental moments in history, where we can see both sides, with absolutely everything to gain and nothing to lose, by finally sitting down, nutting out and adopting the roadmap/two state solution and agreed borders!
I personally, would put the Leaders in a room, and not let them out again, until all the pertinent issues were resolved!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 22 November 2012 11:57:32 AM
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In response to the top two commentators in this article, one can argue back and forth about who "started" it...! And it goes back much further than 64 years!

As Australians, we are blessed with being part of the New World, where we don't have any age-old feuds to settle or sworn enemies on our border who constantly rattle their sabres (except for the Victorians of course!) Plus, I have no doubt that both sides have their political "spin-doctors" getting their side of the story released to the world's media. Are we really getting the full story? Will we ever get the full story?

For me, the key question to you on this issue is this: Are Hamas & other Palestinian militants being supported/supplied by Iran?

The answer to this question speaks for itself...
Posted by Darryl of Perth, Thursday, 22 November 2012 12:08:07 PM
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As a footnote, one can add.
All the rocket firing and armed resistance in Gaza, are "civilians", hiding behind/amongst real unarmed non combatant civilians/women and children.
A teenager, armed with an semi-automatic, high calibre rifle, rocket launcher, and or a pistol; and mindless/endless brainwashed hate; is arguably, much more dangerous, than a professionally trained discriminating soldier, who'se actions are invariably moderated by sanctioned rules of engagement!
And indeed, the endlessly enquiring lenses of the need to know media, and or, an emerging social media!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 22 November 2012 12:16:38 PM
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@ Daryl of Perth. Isn't it an equally valid question to ask: are the militants of Likud and their ilk being armed and financed by the Americans?
Posted by James O'Neill, Thursday, 22 November 2012 12:17:32 PM
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