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Palestine: integrating Jordan's two banks could reap big rewards : Comments
By David Singer, published 31/10/2012Unifying the two banks of the Jordan could end the Arab-Israeli conflict.
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Based on the current polical view of the current Government in Israel - I do not believe the West Bank is regarded as a burden by the majority of Israelis.
Israel will not be ceding its claims to all of the West Bank in any negotiations. This has been made abundantly clear in the two offers made by Israel in 2000/2001 and 2008 by Governments of different political persuasion to the current government.
Negotiations are a must to settle the allocation of sovereignty in the West Bank between Jews and Arabs. The incompetent Palestinian Authority has thrown away the opportunities afforded to it over the last 19 years.
It is now Jordan's turn to see if it can do better.
#To david f
Another large step forward by you - no state between Israel and Jordan for the recently created post-1950 Palestinian people.
A secular democratic state is a great concept in theory - but totally irrelevant when talking about the right in international law of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in former Palestine also known as Eretz Yisrael - the biblical and ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.
Also a no show whilst both the PLO and Hamas want to kick the Jews out of their existing homes. Until Jew-hating is dead your plan hasn't a chance of getting up. In the meantime do you want the killing to continue or do you seriously want to see it ended.?
I see no other way forward at the present time other than direct negotiations between Israel and Jordan.
Perhaps your efforts to create secular democratic states might be better addressed to the 57 Islamic states around the world. Have you ever expressed your thoughts on the issue by writing to the thousands of Islamic web sites flourishing within each of these countries spewing out their Jew hatred daily?