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The Forum > Article Comments > Those who've cared the longest should have a strong say > Comments

Those who've cared the longest should have a strong say : Comments

By Leah Talbot, published 12/9/2012

Historically, there have been limited processes for recognising and obtaining consent from the Indigenous Traditional Owners in developing World Heritage nominations.

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lol more than you realise..indigenous,..means sans culture
like a 'native tree/animal,,ie no culture/no the key insult

were not indiginous..we ab-origonal..the first people
the people elders..of the monb that sent the young on\es alone into the holy land/maybe*

it is well recorded the dutch abducted a tribe doing cerimony..on van die mens island/after george warumpies mob thrashed the invader's around a bit

anyhow continue quote

""They also did that to each other."" systematic have the euro's fought killed invaded..EACH OTHER..well into last century..not to mention colonisation./slavery..alive to this day

we dont do war..
any proof you can supply..of your declarations..arnt founded on best opinion or bias?

those not proud of histry..hide it..[go figure

worse i found many indig,..
actually got their oppressors last name ..many their genes

you must think child taking is in uk ww2
kids/patrents lied to as kids..declared abandond..were farmed out to canada ] get the blighters working..and keep their parents working

so much we see in police killing miners in south afrika..happend here gtoo..heck you heard just today of the paki workhouse..

90 dead workers..locked kin
so they cant go to takes that master slave mindset

""One thing is for sure, they did not live in Nirvana""

nor do we

""Their record in caring..if they had one""

lol..hgow insulting..
you infering..if they had any ability to care?
its sad..but many things 'aussie' come from our first life may notice many..called 'walkers'..who patrolled their keep it safe..

we are caretakers..have to take care
or the lanmd soon evicts us

""has not been evident to over 30 years. Perhaps I've lived among different indigenous people to those who cared the longest.""

yes it seems you may have
i got a lot from books..then spent ten years ammoung the outcasts
Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 September 2012 9:04:47 PM
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how the invader cares for the invaded

it was refined in europia,..perfected in israel
life time regugee camps..never to held captive in your brothers prisdon camp..behind huge

in europia..they used to kill the its kill men slowly..sterilise the not fit to breed by irradiating the indig mob

yep strael again

but back to european war-fair?..
kill hgusband/force the change her name..
now a spoil of war,,for the killer..of her husband..

if only people knew how methodical it joseph banks was trained in his new foundland..they dun it there too

and lest we forget aids was caried by live polio virus..
tested now afrika..its still genocide..101

its just the darkies' didnt die fast enough..for the white hat many invaders die..from the other local diseases..displacement never overtook genocide

via ..the invader/dis-ease..

but soon with aids..who know another terror nullious..or empty land..seems those here to reap the eath..

despoiling that they cant steal outright
Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 September 2012 9:40:09 PM
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I'm sorry I have severe difficulty with your writing. I think the gist of it is that you don't agree with my assertion.
Why not just say so. I always believed the word Aboriginal was an english word derived from Latin. And yes, those whom I referred to as indigenous did get a raw deal, at least I thought I'd made that quite clear, unless of course the acknowledgment is not sufficient for you & your need to pontificate on.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 15 September 2012 11:50:59 AM
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im sorry individual please see i reacted THE WORDS
not you the person..

without them words..that anger of the words
would still be burning inside me

im not sure,if..its good letting it out..
but holding it in has made my body one big ball of pain..

any pain my words give
is nothing to my inner pains
of people judging others..when its a fact..if you had the same gifts or too would be egsactly..the same

fruit dont fall far from the tree
colonisation is fithly business..AS BAD OR WORSE..than in?..en-slavement

the ones who REALLY CARE
should have a predominant say

legth isnt anything
long isnt strong..but biami wants him who puts his best or better use..not abuse

in trible society..if you cant keep it clean will be loved by other..than you of love of abuse

you used genericly
never specificly

i know we all care..but somehow some carers make things better
and other care..makes things worse.

ask my brother treaty* dennis walker
who once said

men make treaty
/love life logic certainty/

colonisers make laws
/find steal hide/
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 19 September 2012 9:23:38 AM
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