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Bullying American business over gay marriage views : Comments

By Babette Francis, published 13/8/2012

Same-sex marriage campaigns challenge Christian philanthropy and activism.

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You had me right up until the final paragraph. I believe in gay marriage but I also believe that people and businesses should be allowed to spend their money where they see fit. After all, just because I don't believe that a particular group or activity is in line with my personal beliefs doesn't mean that they aren't in line with yours. But by trotting out that old chestnut of "because they can't naturally have children it isn't a real marriage" you completely destroyed your own argument. My father and step-mother married about ten years ago, while both in their 60s. They are unable to have children naturally. Does that mean they shouldn't have been allowed to marry? I have a friend whose daughter will never be able to conceive or carry children. Should she never be allowed to marry? You also bring up that children have a right to be brought up by both parents. So what about those families when one parent, mostly the father, walks away either before or after the child is born? What are we going to do about them? Shall we force parents to stay together "for the sake of the children"?
Posted by Carz, Monday, 13 August 2012 7:48:06 AM
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Give me a call when Christ-stain groups stop their bulling tatics.
Posted by Kenny, Monday, 13 August 2012 9:20:24 AM
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Only half-animals, half-humans could engage in endless discussion about this tiny group of folk whose instincts have let them down.

Not for them just having a loving relationship and keeping a low profile. No, they have to turn it into an extravaganza, get in the news every night, try to change the marriage rules that suit 90% of society, create children that have no choice about whether they want same-sex or opposite sex parents, etc.

And the thing that get me annoyed the most is the claim that most Australians support their ambitions. Rubbish. If this went to a referendum the Australian people would clearly show what they really thought of the same-sex marriage push.

Please gays and lesbians, just get on with your relationships quietly and maturely and stop bullying the rest of mainstream society.

Posted by David G, Monday, 13 August 2012 10:37:41 AM
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Boo-hoo! - the poor persecuted USA Christians?
But who are, and always have been the real bullies on a very consistent basis in the USA where many States have laws which actively prevent atheists from holding public offices.

The right-wing "catholic" cardinals and bishops in the USA are easily the biggest and most effective bullies on the block - in every city, town and village.

And of course an atheists could never ever be elected as the President in the USA.

Speaking of applied bullying in America, why not Google Discrimination Against Atheists in America.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 13 August 2012 11:27:03 AM
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Andy Nowicki and Richard Spencer discuss "Chick Fil A Madness", the relevant discussion starts at about the 12 minute mark of the podcast.

They make some interesting points, notably about the way silly White people effectively imagine the "injustices" and inequalities of the past, it is hilarious when you think about it in that light, how a White heterosexual person who has never been exposed to "Racism" or restrictions on their sexual habits can only rely upon their imagination to be able to hold fast to these egalitarian viewpoints.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 13 August 2012 11:39:51 AM
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I fully support the right of Chick-fil-A to operate their business on any basis that they choose, just as I support the right of people who disagree with them to withhold their custom.

It is also reasonable for "activists" to publish the background, and to label the company "anti-gay" - which it most clearly is. The fact that this activity has caused custom at Chick-fil-A to increase does not validate or invalidate the campaign, simply underlines the fact that there are people who agree with them as well as people who disagree.

But the article does blur the lines a little:

"The activists objective is not merely to win support for same-sex marriage but to marginalise Christian philanthropy"

"Christian philanthropy"? How did that get a guernsey? The suggestion that running a fast food outlet is somehow philanthropic is risible. McDonalds has a wealth of charity functions that it conducts without feeling the need to ram it down your throat. Sorry, some careless imagery there...

The rest of the piece is pure anti-gay propaganda, all of which is based on the premise that homosexuality is somehow to be i) swept under the carpet ii) hidden away from children and iii) labelled as evil. Not at all healthy, I'm afraid, however much the Christian lobby would think otherwise.

But hey, if an outlet wants to give a discount based on the presentation of a church bulletin, an anti-gay pamphlet, a membership card to the KKK or whatever, they should be permitted to do so. It's a business decision. And of course, using the Chick-fil-A example, any or all of these offers is likely to increase business, dramatically.

I would humbly suggest, though, that Chick-fil-A doesn't consider opening any overseas subsidiaries. They might not find such a tolerant audience.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 13 August 2012 11:57:25 AM
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