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The Forum > Article Comments > Rights, religion and entitlements to law > Comments

Rights, religion and entitlements to law : Comments

By Jocelynne Scutt, published 23/7/2012

Governments need to ensure no religious standards are allowed to replace secular marriage law.

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We admit refugees escaping oppression in their own country. Often they bring their families, who endure the same hardships and fears to get here.

On arrival here, the men are free, however, for most women and girls the oppression they endured previously remains the same. Unlike their menfolk,they are not free in any sense of the word.

There is something very wrong with this picture.
Posted by Danielle, Tuesday, 24 July 2012 11:09:18 AM
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'But there's plenty of abortion-clinic bombing Christians who fit that bill and I don't see it as a reason to tar all Christians with the same brush because most Christians - like most Muslims - aren't crazy. Dangerous lunatics are thankfully rare.'

Thats funny I know of no murder clinics being bombed in Australia and yet Tony says their are 'plenty'. Stick to the secular dogmas to confirm your predjudices Tony.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 24 July 2012 12:55:21 PM
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>>Thats funny I know of no murder clinics being bombed in Australia<<

That's funny I never mentioned Australia in my comment about abortion clinics but runner says I did. Maybe he thinks it will make him look intelligent if he falsely attributes an incorrect statement to me then points out that it is incorrect. Or maybe he just didn't - possibly couldn't - read my post properly. They do have classes in adult literacy these days runner. I think you should attend some: you might come across as less of an idiot if you brush up on your reading skills.


Posted by Tony Lavis, Tuesday, 24 July 2012 2:05:45 PM
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'I think you should attend some: you might come across as less of an idiot if you brush up on your reading skills.'

Must hurt when even an 'ídiot' can see through your deceit Tony.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 24 July 2012 3:51:42 PM
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"...Better still, women should abandon the institution altogether and stand on their own two feet."

But most heterosexual people still get together to raise a family as a partnership. The modern age in the West has skewed arrangements to a degree, but I believe that's still the prime motivation for getting together. Or do you think women, having achieved a degree of autonomy are now poised to take on the load of reproduction and years of nurture unencumbered by a male counterpart. It does seem the modern practice of tossing the tots into daycare lends itself to "women standing on their own feet" by earning a crust.....but how can a women with small children be blamed for relying on her partner for support if she and her partner choose to bypass the option of childcare?
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 24 July 2012 5:59:25 PM
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All those men who call Dr Scutt Ms are boorish clowns with worthless opinions,
gentlemen, cheap shots at women pong.

The conundrum of rights, religion and entitlements to law is the outcome of an imbalance of male power,
not men, Islam, Jews or Jesus.

The solution is governance by agreement between women’s and men’s legislatures.
Posted by whistler, Tuesday, 24 July 2012 10:16:29 PM
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