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Empire, orphans, and honourable Aussies : Comments
By Chek Ling, published 22/6/2012More Chinese Australians need to tell the story of the Chinese in Australia, away from the froth and bubble of multiculturalism.
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Posted by diver dan, Friday, 22 June 2012 10:14:38 AM
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I appreciated this thoughtful article. It is hard for an anglo Australian like myself, seeing my country the way my education and media sources "want" me to see it, to notice the ignored streams of history which you highlight. You do a good job of inviting consideration of how our national self story could be impacting on our relationship with China.
It continues to puzzle me what it is about historical reality that scares so many decision makers. We know Australia was systematically racist until at least the middle of last century. It's obvious that we continue to have these racist streams flowing in some parts of our society and that an unwillingness to own up to these realities seems to pervade large parts of an otherwise reasonable society. Many Australians (Myself included.)consider the Japanese government's continuing refusal to admit or apologise for the Japanese treatment of Australian citizens, soldier and civilians, in WW2 as evidence that the underlying attitudes that supported those actions continue to have some life in Japanese society or government. It's only logical to apply that same interpretation to those things Australians continue to be unwilling to admit or apologise for in regard to our historically certain treatment of Chinese citizens. We clearly have more work to do before we have applied our aspiration of a "Fair Go" thoroughly to how we tell the story of our engagement and treatment of China and Chinese people, to ourselves and to the world. Peace, Mikel Azure. Posted by MikelAzure, Friday, 22 June 2012 10:23:42 AM
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Check Ling
"If we want to be accepted as an honourable member in the Sinosphere of the 21st century, it might be a good start to have more Chinese Australians tell the unexpurgated story of the Chinese in Australia, away from the froth and bubble of multiculturalism and purged of the remains of the White Australia dream." I wonder if the author could expand on what he/she means by "purged of the remains of the White Australia dream"? Sounds racist Posted by Aristocrat, Friday, 22 June 2012 2:58:38 PM
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<Apart from Penny Wong, few Chinese are seen in our public life. What does the Chinese government think of that? And if their emissaries should visit our National Museum or examine our history curriculum, they might conclude that the Chinese are at best presented as useful minions, albeit with warm intentions.>
How many Europeans,Australians or others are seen in Chinese public life. I don't think I have ever seen one.? Also, there was a well known Malaysian leader who called Paul Keating "recalcitrant", who was irritated by Australian politicains claiming Australia was part of Asia. He said Australia would never be part of Asia until it's population was 65% Asian. In other words don't call us friends white boy because you don't have Asian blood running in your veins. If that's not a racist statement I don't know what is. But I think that Malaysian leader understood the reality better than the writer of this article or all the other politically correct do gooders. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 22 June 2012 7:47:34 PM
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I always find it interesting how those ethnic minority activists who complain the loudest about white Australian "racism" tend to be virulent racists themselves.
The author of this anti-white, Anglophobic mess of an article seems to want Chinese culture promoted more heavily in Australia at the expense of Australia's British and European heritage, which the author dismisses as the "remains of the White Australia dream." In truth, the Chinese contribution to the development of Australia has been, with all due respect, minuscule in the grand scheme of things. New-age "multicultural" education may have distorted our history, but the reality is that modern Australia was built by Europeans, namely the British. It was those early British settlers and their descendants who toiled to transform this harsh continent into one of the world's most successful societies, while other, nearer nations, such as the Chinese, ignored Australia as useless, barren land of no importance. The British also brought with them the recipe for creating a successful civil society. The political freedoms and economic prosperity we enjoy in Australia today can all be attributed to our British heritage. This is a cultural legacy Australia should be celebrating and promoting, not "purging" in order to placate minority groups. My question to Chek Ling: why did you even bother migrating to Australia in the first place if you dislike the white, Anglo-Australian people and culture so much? This seems to be a frequent trend: non-Western immigrants are offered a chance at a much better life in Australia but then, upon settling here, turn around and denigrate the host population that originally invited them in. Sounds somewhat ungrateful to me. Posted by drab, Friday, 22 June 2012 10:38:12 PM
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Our Chinese populuation of some 800,000 need become more vocal on the subject of the USA and Europe beginning to demonise China/Russia because they have refused to bend to Western Imperialism.Both Paul Keating and Malcolm Fraser have recently accused the USA of trying to contain China.Does not China have the right like the West to seek energy/resources in Africa and the Middle East?
The real reason why China is being demonised is that of it's steadfast independance particularily in the banking industry.The West is controlled by private Central and Commercial Banks that express all our increases in productivity + inflation as debt.This why the Western Economies are consumed by debt. The Chinese Govt Banks produce 80% new money for growth thus decreasing the tax burden and stopping the flow of money to OS banks. This is one of the reasons China can have such high growth rates. Japan enetered WW2 because the USA limited it trade and access to energy.Japan with little access to energy was left with no choice but to fight for survival.Japan too had an independant banking system. When the USA invaded Libya,30,000 Chinese oil workers were forced to leave.China is also in Sudan and Uganda. With the lie of terrorism fading,the USA has turned it's attention to Asia.If China relents and sells off her Govt banks to the private Western ones,there will be no wars.The Oligarchs in the West will have achieved their fascist New World Order. Nathan Mayer Rothschild." Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws." Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 23 June 2012 12:49:21 PM
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Arjay--Here is some background on the tensions happening between China and The US at the moment. I just copied and pasted them off Google:-
<China has territorial disputes with practically everyone in the region about the South China Sea, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan, and defence experts believe that the next conflict in the region will probably relate to one or other of these issues. This has particular repercussions on Washington’s stated aim of defending Taiwan should China ever try to invade the self-ruled island.> If you paid attention to news reports instead of filtering out anything that doesn’t gel with Your hatred of America you would have heard this on a recent news report like I did. As to your blaming the US for the Japanese mass slaughter in Asia because of trade sanctions. When were the sanctions imposed before or after Japan had marched in to Manchuria? they may have been imposed to try and stop Japans assault on China. Regardless, there were no American hands holding the bayonets and tanks and guns as they slaughtered 15million Chinese in the 1937-1939years leading up to world war 2. That's like me running a bayonet through my nieghbours and saying someone else made me do it. Try to see the facts through your haze of foggy hate for the Americans. Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 23 June 2012 7:39:51 PM
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CHERFUL,it is the Banking Military Industrial Complex,ie BMIC that controls the West and they are based in Europe and the UK.I don't hate Americans.They have been deceived for the last 112 yrs by a financial system that steals by counterfeiting our currencies.
We warned the USA that the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbour,but they let it happen because the US people did not want to go to war in Europe.Both World Wars were contrived by this BMIC and this coming next one by the same people. Just look at the track record of the USA since WW2.They've been in more wars and political interference than any other country on the planet.Study who owns the US Federal Reserve.This private group of banks create from nothing all the money for the US economy to function.They have absolute power! Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 23 June 2012 8:55:26 PM
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A comment about "Terror Nullius."
Upon the arrival of the transplanted genocidal pom, this country had people who had lived successfully here for more than 50,000 years and perhaps quite a bit longer. According to the law of the genocidal pom at that time, they were required to either make a treaty or declare war. Given that they coveted the wealth of this place, a treaty was out of the question, and perhaps based on the n.american experience, so was an official declaration of war. The solution of the genocidal pom instead, was to classify the *Original Australians* as animals, and then to rape, pillage, slaughter, enslave and otherwise dehumanise. Indeed, the eugenics of the genocidal poms and their race science was a significant precursor to the rise of the catholic Nazis. Today, whilst "Terror Nullius" has been overturned to some extent, the law of the time has not been kept and thus a treaty has not been made, as the ill begotten spawn of the transplanted genocidal pom stills coverts the wealth of this country and does not want to give it back to those to whom it rightfully belongs. Thus, Australia is a rogue state, and given what some individuals did to the "Original Australians," one can but conclude that if they in turn were forced to suffer and die at the hands of the superior Japanese fighters, then they most certainly well deserved it and as a whole this country is lucky to have gotten off as lightly as it did. Posted by DreamOn, Sunday, 24 June 2012 12:56:41 AM
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DreamOn, Sunday, 24 June 2012 12:56:41 AM " ...people who had lived successfully here for more than 50,000 years and perhaps quite a bit longer."
So what products do we see from this cultural growth for ?0,000 years ? Or was it perhaps one year re-lived ?0,000 times ? Despite governments attempts to hide, ongoing problems within zoo communities scattered around Australia are visible results of where refused is adapting to a changing world. Main beneficiaries the zoo keepers, not exhibition residents. Visible - despite governments attempts to hide, results from long term zoo cultural protection; Ongoing flight by educated, thinking community members, away from zoo cultural protection zones, to where they may adapt, may take advantage, may strive to enjoy, those opportunities available within wider Australian community. Each day more chose to live with comfort on welfare in wider community, than remain under dentured slave roles within "Traditional Homelands" communities where required is ongoing public self-identification with continuing the past within zoo cultural protection zone communities. Little social improvement has been achieved, even this achieved despite zoo-keeper efforts to maintain imaginary pasts, rather than advances achieved from them. Western society advanced directly as result of increased freedoms, increased rights, increased responsibilities. The middle east, Africa, China - despite totalitarian tendencies, are clearly following the same pathway the west has traveled. Rallies to undo changes are regurgitated rhetoric remnants from decades of dead communist philosophies; Uttered so as to maintain zoo residents with reduced legal rights, reduced accountability, reduced improvements in their exhibition lifestyles. Posted by polpak, Sunday, 24 June 2012 2:29:55 PM
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Arjay---<.Both World Wars were contrived by this BMIC and this coming next one by the same people.
Just look at the track record of the USA since WW2.They've been in more wars and political interference than any other country on the planet.Study who owns the US Federal Reserve.This private group of banks create from nothing all the money for the US economy to function.They have absolute power!> I did some reading on the BMIC as you suggested, not in real depth as I don’t have time this evening But enough to read the part about them causing the Great Depression and the Global Financial Crisis. Considering that the Great Depression went on to bankrupt Germany and eventually Caused Germany to start WW2 they would seem to have much to answer for. I was always against the total deregulation of the banks. It doesn’t make sense to put the whole wealth of a nation or even the world in the hands of private bankers without enough government oversight. It was revealed after 9/11 that the Bin Laden family owned at least a couple of banks in the United States, which may be why America attacked Iraq and not Saudi Arabia. Meaning that there are probably big money deals between the American money men and Saudi Arabia money men. I think there are two reasons why America has been involved in so many conflicts. One is certainly About the trade and money. The other is the the failed trial of a World Government in the form of The United Nations. In the end it is only the American military that has the clout to actually Go in to warring nations and stop the killing that the United Nations has outlawed . So in effect They became the main military policeman of the world. I don’t doubt the involvement of the shady money men(global companies etc) as you say in some of the conflicts we’ve had though. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 24 June 2012 6:22:44 PM
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CHERFUL,If you want to educate yourself see Also see President Eisenhower farewell address in 1961 warning about the military industrial complex.
Also note ,President Kennedy had printed new money in the name of Congress with the intent of replacing the US Federal Reserve as the creator of money,just before he was assassinated.JFK was not the first President to be assassinated because of monetary power struggles. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 24 June 2012 9:43:45 PM
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Over the centuries, China has produced many pioneers, and I would venture that one will find a reasonably successful Chinese community in almost every corner of the globe. These pioneers would have been seeking a better life for themselves, and a chance to send money home to support their immediate and extended families. Not all dreams would be realized, then or now, but many have succeeded and brought family or bride to a new and better life. Some will have failed, but then this has always been a part of pioneering history - sometimes because of fear or prejudice, sometimes from competition for a livelihood.
These pioneers have contributed culture and new ideas, as well as commerce, to their adopted lands, thereby enhancing, and often being instrumental in development. Also, as with so many pioneers, their contribution is often not properly or fully recognised or acknowledged. Undeniably there have been some sad episodes in Oz' history, but I feel today we have a flourishing, tolerant (for the most part) and diversified multicultural community, not least including a vibrant and successful Chinese Australian component. I would venture that quite a few million residents of China today wouldn't mind changing places - just an observation. Oz has not always treated its immigrants or its indigenous well, but then Mao managed to cause quite a few million of his countrymen to starve to death, and even to resort to cannibalism to survive a little longer. Our greatest failing today is our failure with our remote indigenous communities. I venture that no immigrant of recent times, Chinese or otherwise, will be experiencing anything like the hardship being faced by those communities, and conversely will be being afforded every opportunity to succeed - and I'm sure many more would be hoping for similar opportunities, if only they could get here. So, bury the hatchet, and see Oz as it is today, good and bad, and feel sorry for the millions elsewhere who are so much worse off. Posted by Saltpetre, Sunday, 24 June 2012 11:16:56 PM
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"Thus, Australia is a rogue state, and given what some individuals did to the "Original Australians," one can but conclude that if they in turn were forced to suffer and die at the hands of the superior Japanese fighters, then they most certainly well deserved it and as a whole this country is lucky to have gotten off as lightly as it did." Just beneath the veneer of lefty righteousness is a vengeance unparalleled. If the Japanese did win there probably wouldn't be any 'original Australians' left. On the converse, there have been many successful 'original Australians' under Anglo-Saxon rule. Posted by Aristocrat, Monday, 25 June 2012 8:48:51 PM
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If the British were really genocidal maniacs, as the deranged DreamOn claims, we would not be experiencing today a "renaissance" of sorts in Aboriginal culture as there would be no Aborigines left. Given their ridiculously massive technological and military superiority, the early British settlers could have conceivably wiped out the Aborigines if that really was their intention.
The unhinged DreamOn claims that the British settlement of Australia ruined "successful" Aboriginal society. While the arrival of the British certainly disrupted Aboriginal society, it is highly debatable how "successful" their society really was. Despite the modern tendency to romanticize the pre-1788 Aboriginal way of life, the truth is that life for the average Aborigine was short, harsh and brutal. "Noble savage" myths have largely blinded us to the infanticide, rape, paedophilia, terrible violence, perpetual tribal warfare, and disease that permeated the Aborigines' Stone Age-like existence. The hate-filled, anti-white DreamOn demands that the "ill begotten spawn of the transplanted genocidal pom" give Australia back to those to "whom it rightfully belongs." Let's assume for argument's sake that this preposterous demand were actually feasible: then what? Is DreamOn really arguing that Australia should be purged of all European influences and set aside as some sort of vast anthropological zoo for Aboriginal people only? Is s/he really proposing winding back the clock to the Stone Age? Such an action would certainly set an interesting precedent as it would mean that every other country on earth not currently populated by its earliest population from tens of thousands of years ago would also need to undergo a purging process. Not a single country, people or culture on the face of the planet would be left intact. [continued below] Posted by drab, Tuesday, 26 June 2012 2:52:02 AM
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This is what it all boils down to: the asinine "give it back" crowd are unable to grasp that the colonisation of Australia was inevitable. The "dream time" was never going to last in perpetuity; sooner or later the modern world was going to collide with the Aborigines' primitive way of life.
Let's look at it this way: if the British had not of settled Australia, another European power, such as France or Spain, would have. And if it hadn't of been for European settlement, then it is likely that an Asian power would have eventually claimed Australia for itself. How would the Aborigines have fared under Asian rule? Would the Japanese or Chinese, for instance, have treated them better and more humanely than the British did? I find it highly unlikely, especially when one takes into account the historical brutality shown by both the Japanese and Chinese towards subjugated peoples under their rule. Posted by drab, Tuesday, 26 June 2012 2:55:31 AM
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Posted by Aristocrat
" ... If the Japanese did win there probably wouldn't be any 'original Australians' left. On the converse, there have been many successful 'original Australians' under Anglo-Saxon rule. ... " I doubt that. Upon initial landing the Japanese seemed rather keen on procuring some of the females, and perhaps had they had their way, they would have put down the hostiles and enslaved the rest to "productive tasks" as was their general practice. .. Posted by drab, Tuesday, 26 June 2012 2:52:02 AM " .. " Given that the nature of the attrocities committed was so heinous, I believe that it is reasonable to suggest that as a whole Australia cannot really do enough to repay the debt. I think that the best solution is in addition to turning the Australian guvna general into the Head of State and getting that thing out of the corner of our flag, whereas we have constituionally defined jurisdictions for commonwealth and state law respectively, we should add to that by returning partial sovereignty to the BlakFellas by providing them with their own jurisdiction of law and limited autonomy. .. What some of the frothing at the mouth commentators need to understand is that largely, the BlakFellas do not want your culture, do not serve your country and do not serve your nefarious Head of State - and why would they want to? Thus, to continue to force assimilation upon them is to attempt to finalise the genocidal policies of the past, and certainly in parts of Australia, the genocide was effective to the last Tasmanian being put in a glass box display for muggles to gawk at, and that's just the tip of the ice berg. Today, we have the ongoing racially discriminating practice of the intervention. Now, my view on this is quite simple, and not based in being anti-white as some clowns would suggest, but rather, if you are going to micro manage one group of neglectful and abusive parents etc, then you must do it to all Posted by DreamOn, Friday, 29 June 2012 3:08:12 PM
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Thereafter, in terms of warfare, perhaps some amongst the internationals would have chosen to arm the BlakFellas. Now, had they been provided steeds and long sniper rifles, then things may have turned out rather differently.
.. Hey?! .. They would have been the days, in the n.american woods sniping transplanted genocidal poms with weapons with a greater and more accurate range than the pathetic pommy muskets. HaHaHa. .. And don't some of you just want to go about stating how wonderful n.america is? Well, one of the best things they did was doing away with the crown, and in turn they grew up to be a more self reliant and creative people who can produce far more than digging wholes in the ground and arming up totalitarian regimes. Posted by DreamOn, Friday, 29 June 2012 3:17:55 PM
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"I doubt that. Upon initial landing the Japanese seemed rather keen on procuring some of the females, and perhaps had they had their way, they would have put down the hostiles and enslaved the rest to "productive tasks" as was their general practice."
Even if this were true, Aboriginals wouldn't have been able to flourish at all under "enslaved ... productive tasks". Yet they have under Anglo-Saxon rule. Your entire argument is flawed. Posted by Aristocrat, Friday, 29 June 2012 9:30:00 PM
...At the moment, we simply do business with the Chinese. Whereas, America remains as it always has and should be, a firm ally of Australia. I see no need at all to consider “defence agreements” between Australia and America, as any business of the Chinese. In fact, a closer reality is Chinese interference in the Asia Pacific, and how Australia and America respond to it! (So who “IS” the problem)?