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The Forum > Article Comments > In defence of marriage not pursuit of homosexuals > Comments

In defence of marriage not pursuit of homosexuals : Comments

By Lachlan Dunjey, published 17/5/2012

Doctors for the Family can be pro-marriage without being anti-gay.

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Now, now, Houllebecq…

As you consistently prove you don't come to this issue with a rigid stance – I shall be pleased to simultaneously regard you as both a spring rooster and a mother to your children. 'Whatcha cock!'

Any chance of getting official recognition for being the neonatal mother?

You know very well we are in total admiration of your deviation, Poirot – I'm not referring to your septum…
Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 18 May 2012 9:18:21 AM
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Those men were some of the best friends I've ever known. They were gorgeous in spirit, in demeanour and in looks. I met them while working at a big old-fashioned department store. I don't know exactly why, but that period of my life is one that shines above all the rest. It was uncomplicated and I was surrounded by friends and colleagues who watched out for me and were kind - straight and gay.

I've not experienced anything remotely like it since
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 18 May 2012 9:29:14 AM
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Houellbecq, Same sex relationships are only registered and known by Centrelink, when same sex couples are receiving any Centrelink payments.
This means that only a small number of committed and loving same sex couples, go to the Dole to register their being.
Posted by Kipp, Friday, 18 May 2012 12:37:28 PM
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I think that if the not so learned doctors are wanton members of the *A.ustralian $M.oneyGrubbers$ A.ssociation* that they should declare that.

And again, what I mean by that as said on numerous prior occasions, is that they are of the sort that refuse to bulk bill and or otherwise turn people away and refuse to provide treatment in the absence of an individuals ability to pay their outrageous fees.

Further, if they are wanton members of the church of the rock spider or similar then they should also declare that.


I am reminded about an investigative journalist report on some of these religious fruitcakes visa vi the so called school chaplain program. In public, they lie and deny and express the guvment line. But in private, they espouse the virtues of having a closed market of children to preach their dribble. Of course, in the aftermath, they continued to lie and deny this.


I believe that when you get to the bottom of the mentality of these people, what we find are individuals who are convinced that their own believes are fact, and convinced of the rightness of professing and imposing this on everyone else at every opportunity. It is a common problem worldwide whether considering fundamentalist Muslims or their so called christian right counter parts.


The reality of course, is by an abuse of the democratic process, they seek to impose their own theocratic values.


In my view their obvious flagrant disregard for those Christians and others who do practice a religion which offers the sacrament of marriage without discriminating in terms of sexual preference goes to support the view in my opinion that they are truly bigoted little homophobes. And clearly, by their distinct lack of ability for quality, reasoned and rationale debate, non too bright either.
Posted by DreamOn, Friday, 18 May 2012 2:12:56 PM
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I have always assumed that a lifetime commitment
to each other was what marriage was all about.
I didn't realise it was about one's sexual orientation.
And that only certain people of a certain sexual
orientation were supposed to be "married." To me that's
simply not logical.

I understand that some people desperately want to get
married. There is an innate part in all of us that needs
ritual and ceremony. I am happy that I did, and I don't
think anyone should miss out on what is essentially a
beautiful day. But through my experience, I have come
to understand that the day after the wedding is just the
next day. It's a new day, and then the next day is just the
next day after that.

And if that sounds like an excuse not to work at the
relationship, it isn't. If anything, it makes us work
harder. I wake up evry day with the intention to be
loving and happy and the best I can be.

I wish all consenting adults - the very best possible
happiness. And if being maried is what they seek -
and they love each other - who am I to deny them that right -
when it's been granted to me. What makes me so special -
simply because I happen to be of the right sexual
orientation - and fit into the right category - that
someone decided what marriage should be. That's too narrow
for today's world and needs to be changed - as according to
the latest polls - more Australians support same-sex
marriage - than don't. Again, I stress - we should allow
a conscience vote in Parliament (or a Referendum).

I have the feeling that sooner or later - this issue will
be resolved. It won't be a question of "If" but "when."
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 18 May 2012 2:26:37 PM
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'That's too narrow
for today's world and needs to be changed - as according to
the latest polls - more Australians support same-sex
marriage - than don't. Again, I stress - we should allow
a conscience vote in Parliament (or a Referendum).'

So Lexi you agee that the PM should of had a conscience vote or a Referendum on the carbon tax after lying to the public. Or is it only on issues you believe a referundum suites your cause. For that matter lets have a referundum on whether we should open Nauru.
Posted by runner, Friday, 18 May 2012 4:06:11 PM
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