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Defining racism : Comments

By Anthony Dillon, published 9/3/2012

Is a law racist just because it affects one race more than others, or must there be other elements?

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Racism is the assertion that one race is superior to another in some way.

This is a perfectly valid assertion to make, and the invention and demonization of the word is another huge backward step for society, achieved by the left.

The word did not exist before th 1970s

Not only is it “racist” to assert the truth, but one can only be guilty of racism if one is white.

American blacks call each other "n*g*er" all the time, but if a white uses the word, it is "racist".

Because of the ridiculous “anti–racist” legislation inflicted on us, by the activism of the left, it is possible to be prosecuted, if you are white, and you tell the truth about a non-white person or group. If you are not white, you may tell the truth, or lies about a group with impunity.

Describing Darren Clark as the fastest white man over 400 metres implies that he is slower than the blacks. This is not “racist” even if it hurts his feelings.

If there were any black swimmers, and one was designated the fastest black man over 50 metres, he could be offended by the implication of this expression that whites were superior, and he could take Court action.

Some words are taboo, where they are deemed offensive, and “racist” should be one of them.. It is a deeply offensive word, with no valid basis.
Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 9 March 2012 10:31:26 AM
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True Leo, Anti Racism is just a code word for anti White.
Even the statement "I have no interest whatsoever in Aboriginals" can be seen as "Racist".
"Racism" is the only non dialectical concept in the Communist lexicon, calling someone a "Racist" is putting them beyond the pale, someone who is either, too stupid, too evil or too crazy to converse with.
Here's an interesting discussion between two people who know more about the issues of Aboriginal disadvantage than I do:
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 9 March 2012 1:19:34 PM
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Anthony Dillon : "Further, the view promoted by some activists that people who identify as Aboriginal Australians are culturally different, spiritually different, and have a distinctly different view of the world to non-Aboriginal Australians, and hence require different rules from the mainstream to live by, needs to be questioned. This solution is simplistic, but I believe it is a good start. "

Hypocritical racist.

Almost all of the racist problems experienced in the community directly result from previous and ongoing government racism.

The Commonwealth claims to be addressing through its "NT Intervention" policies are the direct result of earlier Commonwealth racism.

The Commonwealth with leases it organized itself still refuses to issue leases to resident tenants in most of these communities.

Commonwealth in it's Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 exempted the landowning corporate Land Trusts from being required to issue leases to its tenants.

Result from this Commonwealth wishful thinking are our corrupted communities, where residents/tenants do not have basic rights.

Where you do not have the right to work, to live, to have visitors, do not have the right to protect property you purchase in what the Commonwealth purports are our homes.

When we go to court to seek protection otherwise available the court says without a lease you do not have the right to exclude others from entering your home and trashing your property.

With the right to exclude you can prove they were on your property unlawfully at the time the damage was done so can seek compensation....
Posted by polpak, Friday, 9 March 2012 3:00:55 PM
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Those against racism are the racists.
Posted by individual, Friday, 9 March 2012 4:04:24 PM
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Might be heading into a battle zone I don't need at the moment but I think the previous posts have over simplified the issue.

Real racism does exists and it's hurt real people often enough to not dimiss. It does not mean that any time someone from a larger or nominally "more" successful racial group suggests that cultural practices of some other group may be hurting members of that group that the person making the comment is racist nor does it mean that members of the smaller or "less" successful group are incapable of racism.

I largely agree with what I've taken from the points that the author has made that over emphasising racism and trying to explain everything bad for some groups in terms of racism is counter productive, that the talk can become self fulfilling.

I'm guessing some will be wanting a battle of race, a chance to sling some barbs at others but I also think that the author has made some good points worthy of discussion.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 9 March 2012 4:29:54 PM
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Close to the mark, RObert. The author has hopefully initiated a vital discussion that too many are happy to avoid.

Hi Polpak,

I can't understand why you accuse the author of being a "hypocritical racist". His implication that people are broadly similar rather than fundamentally different seems perfectly proper to me, and long overdue. Too many people - Black and white - have traded on the myth that Indigenous people are inherently and irremediably different: many Blacks have made a good living actually from the racist expectations of whites; and many whites are developing lifelong careers providing services to Indigenous people which they could just as easily do for themselves.

The rest of what you write may be accurate, as Aboriginal councils, Land Councils and other organisations are helping to perpetuating racism by keeping people in remote communities ignorant of their rights, under the guise of 'culture', and keeping people there in a state of Apartheid and segregation, illiterate and powerless.

Individual, I think many forms of racism are alive and well out there, especially the racism of low expectations - what you might call the racism of the Left: no nasty name-calling, no blatantly racist gestures or language, but never any praise for successes, only demands for a softer safety-net for people who want to stay on lifelong welfare.

Now, THAT's racism - that under-estimation of people's capabilities, with the implicit threat that Indigenous people should not try to get above a certain level, the level of society which is reserved for whites.


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 9 March 2012 5:00:08 PM
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