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The Forum > Article Comments > Death by Drone: The ghost and the machine > Comments

Death by Drone: The ghost and the machine : Comments

By Kathy Kelly, published 6/3/2012

Victims of the drone talk about being on the other end of the Whitehouse's computer screen.

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Dear Jayb,

And it seems to me that you condone the killing of innocents and terror from the skies to fulfill you agenda. That is the terrorist mindset and you have portrayed it beautifully with your post.

Why should I think you are any better than those supporting London bombers?

See that was easy, and pretty damn lazy.

There are few things on OLO that tic me off more than the type of attacking drivel your first post delivered.

Pull your head in.
Posted by csteele, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 3:17:57 PM
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csteele it seems that bleeding hearts, radicals, ratbags, & greenies hate being confronted with the truth. It is so hard to argue against isn't it?

Others don't like drivel either, particularly the type you produce. Try pulling your own head in.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 4:10:57 PM
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csteel: And it seems to me that you condone the killing of innocents and terror from the skies to fulfill you agenda.

Dear FOTT (Friends of the Terrorists) Kathy, M Fahy & csteel. I support the idea of freedom from terror by any means possible. It is easy to hold the Coalition Countries to account to the World Court, but how do you hold a terrorist Organization accountable to the World Court. These terrorist people are all civilians. They don't belong to any particular country. They don't belong to any recognized Armed Services of any Country. So you can't hold a particular country to account. Are they as innocent as you make out. They hide behind the fact that they are civilian, so when they get killed. Oops, another innocent civilian. I think not. Not to mention that the women & children haul the supplies for these people as well so they are involved whether we like it or not.

csteel, I take it that you too support Terrorists & their efforts to convert the Western World to Islam by any means possible (terror.) Does that make you a terrorist too? I wonder.... You don't seem to support the holding accountable of Terrorist Organizations. If you do please explain in your next post how you would go about holding the terrorists accountable to the World Court. I am, & I'm sure many others would be interested, in your solution. Oh, What's that I hear, "Not my job". Hmmm...Another empty vessel making a din.
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 5:10:57 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Let us see what we have here.

I am defending a lady who from my reading has the guts to work directly with the Afghani people, who has a strong commitment for non violent solutions, is a defender of the innocent, and is prepared to put her name to her articles. A brave and dedicated person.

You are striking a blow for a person who from behind a pseudonym has quite spitefully and unreasonably accused this lady of “praising the Islamic suicide bombers controllers” and of “being in favour of what the Islamic Terrorists do”.

The first part of his comment was perhaps excusable, the second was pure venom. From memory the last time I had a conversation with Jayb he was quaking in his boots about Burqua clad women. What I think has threatened and scared him this time was Ms Kelly putting names and faces to the innocent victims of the drones. It is far easier to hate those you don't know or recognise as people, and that applies to both sides. Notice in his last post how many times the six letters forming 'terror' are used.

So do we leave it there or is it to be a defender's defender vs a coward's coward?

Either way I'm far happier having it slung my way instead of hers so am quite prepared to get on with it.
Posted by csteele, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 6:13:02 PM
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There is of course an easy solution to all this. If the Taliban,
AlQueda etc, put on uniforms, don't hide in peoples houses etc
or other dirty tactics they have used, then clearly civilians would
be safe. As civilians in this part of the world are giving them
refuge, they will be the unintended victims of war.

American tactics have evolved as a response to Taliban/AlQueda
dirty tactics. The law of unintended consequences strikes once
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 7:01:28 PM
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csteel, Wardan Province is a known Teliban stronghold. They are supported by 75% of the local people or else they will be stoned, beheaded, shot, burned alive or otherwise killed by the Teliban. This woman is a obviously Teliban supporter & you are supporting her. Therefore I can only assume you must support the Teliban, therefore possibly a terrorist or a supporter of terrorists & their methods of killing innocent civilians.

You have failed to answer any of the questions I posed to you & your fellow travellers.

Let me reiterate;
Do you consider these terrorists are just innocent civilians?
Would you hold a terrorist or their Organization accountable in The Wold Court?
How you would go about holding the terrorists accountable to the World Court?
Do you support the Wests conversion to Islam by any means possible?
What would be your solution to end the problem?

csteel: There are few things on OLO that tic me off more than the type of attacking drivel your first post delivered.

Is that because you can't handle the truth?

csteel: Jayb he was quaking in his boots about Burqua clad women.

I think, not. I see it's against the Law now. They are now required to lift the veil to identify themselves.

csteel: Ms Kelly putting names and faces to the innocent victims of the drones.

I notice there are 3500 names & faces on a shrine where the WTO stood. Is Ms Kelly sorry for what happened there?

I don't hate anybody, csteel, I didn't even hate the 2.5 people I've killed. It was their job to kill me It was my job to kill them at the time. That's the way it is. I'm even sure that the 2.5 didn't hate me either. We were both trying to stay alive, that's all. I tried to hate someone once, but I failed because I did love her once.

Please answer the above questions in a short frank manner. Yes & No would be good.
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 7:48:20 PM
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