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The Forum > Article Comments > Is the Ellis Defence moral? > Comments

Is the Ellis Defence moral? : Comments

By Glen Coulton, published 6/2/2012

Suing the Catholic Church isn’t easy, ask George Pell.

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"Is the Ellis defence moral?". The Ellis Defence is immoral, unethical, unrighteous. It is a disgrace to those who work faithfully, compassionately and well, representing a faith they believe to be built on virtue. It is a shabby, unworthy ploy of those who developed it, including that Prince of the Church, Cardinal Pell. It is a sleazy attempt to save a few hundred thousand dollars of those permanently immovable assets of stone, brick, mortar, gold, silver and art which will never be sold to save lives or souls. It is the biblical millstone which should be hung about a few sinful necks. It is, indeed, another reason why so many of us live entirely without guilt after our decision to walk away from the 'Holy Roman and Catholic Church'.
Posted by carol83, Monday, 6 February 2012 1:00:12 PM
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It is a sad indictment on what the Church has become, that a blatant manipulation of corporate law allows it to worm its way out of its responsibilities to the community it professes to serve.

Its closest relative is surely the actions of mafiosi, ever careful to put a legitimate front to all their businesses, while operating a massive network of criminal activities. And all the while protesting that "there's no such organization as the Mafia".

If that is an unfair analogy, I'd like to know on what basis it fails.

One also has to grudgingly admire the watertight, all-pervading cynicism with which they conduct their defence.

It would make an excellent screenplay, along "Underbelly" lines.

"Your Venerableness, some of our priests have been naughty again."

"What do you mean "our" priests? How can we be responsible for the actions of a few, sad people who purport to work under our banner? Isn't that why we set up these untouchable Trusts?"

"Ah yes, your Cardinality, of course. Plausible deniability. It works every time for the CIA..."
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 6 February 2012 1:09:51 PM
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Very sad to see the Catholic church slide to such moral degradation. Does the scouts get sued when their master abuse kids or the State Government when their teachers fiddle with kids or the Tennis association get sued when one of the coaches? What about pianno players and scientist? Hopefully the Catholic church will vet their recruiting process a lot closer now although unfortunatley the human rights advocates would call that discrimination. Unfortunatley with the porn industry making millions child abuse will continue to sky rocket. No doubt they won't be sued and be the first to demand churches are sued.
Posted by runner, Monday, 6 February 2012 1:50:23 PM
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NSW continues to be the centre of Theatre of the Religious Absurd(ity.) "The Ellis Defence" is a beaut. Should be put on every website and on TV.

What about the contract the people of southern Queensland and northern NSW that are flooded long after contracts made in the pre-flood years have been broken time and time again? How do the priests in churches there keep asking the good catholics or anyone else to pray to God to protect their homes and farms? Whatever ye shall ask in my name I will do was a contracted obligation was it not?
They once prayed for water to break their drought and God gave them more than they wanted. He must be cynical and malicious god, I reckon.

Posted by socratease, Monday, 6 February 2012 4:49:28 PM
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'They once prayed for water to break their drought and God gave them more than they wanted. He must be cynical and malicious god, I reckon.'

No just I would say He laughed making a mockery of those who said it was not likely to rain again just like those who said it would not snow again in Europe. Somehow I think He must have a sense of humour listening to the silly reasoning of humans.
Posted by runner, Monday, 6 February 2012 5:00:48 PM
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The Ellis Defence" as stupid as it is is not the worst.
Reflect on other such "contracts" that are just as absurd but are far worse and with far reaching consequences.
The Old Testament tells us about a Three thousand + year old contract that God made with the Jews. He would make them the Chosen People if they loved him and did what he commanded. He would give them all the land that is today called Palestine. It was a reward called the Promised Land. Look at the heart ache and genocidal practices that it has led to.
Then there are those whose contract is to ceate the Third Caliphate ....and you could go on and on at these "defences" for bloody-minded brutal people. When and where will it stop?
Too many suffer because of such delusions.

Posted by socratease, Monday, 6 February 2012 5:52:45 PM
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