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The Forum > Article Comments > Palestine - flag flies, UNESCO cries, legality dies > Comments

Palestine - flag flies, UNESCO cries, legality dies : Comments

By David Singer, published 9/1/2012

UNESCO's decision to admit Palestine as a member has consequences for UNESCO.

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Singer is an apologist and propagandist for the Israeli Propaganda Dept with was set up to go on forums like this and post lies.
Even seen him say anything about the land theft, water theft, murder and the rest by the settlers most of whom seem to be from the US,the bible has a lot to answer,but Mr Singer never sees that,bet your praying Ron Paul don't win the Republican nomination in the US eh Dave.
David would rather have a serial liar,and dogy crook like Gingrich,a man like most if not all politicians in the US and here who when the Israeli lobby speaks and says jump they say how high
Posted by John Ryan, Monday, 9 January 2012 1:59:06 PM
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This is tedious, some 'balance' on Online opinion is long overdue, some Palestinian propaganda please!

I wonder why Singer et al bother to run their pro-Zionist line, after all Israel has the US on side, America is much more reliable than God.
Posted by mac, Monday, 9 January 2012 2:57:36 PM
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If the USA does something smart and tortures a few terrorists to get vital information, or executes a few terr leaders with Predator strikes, the psuedo-intellectuals on OLO jump around in self righteous apoplexy, screaming that the USA is breaking the rules.

Stand by for a deafening silence from Arjay and Julianutter when UNESCO breaks its own rules. From Arjay and Julianutter's perspective, it is OK to break the rules as long as you are helping Palestine
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 9 January 2012 3:47:41 PM
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David Singer

Jews and Arabs have intermingled for millennia without trouble and, in the last couple of centuries, enter the ‘superpowers’, one after another, State entities spring out and the two peoples find themselves regimented, armed and at each one’s throat.

No one and certainly no association of States like the defunct ‘League of Nation’ reborn as ‘The United Nation’ or its agency ‘UNESCO’, can do anything to stop this war between the Jews and the Arabs, only the people themselves can say “it’s enough” and throw away all weapons.

States, which essentially are bureaucratic structures manipulated by Politicians, cannot possibly come to a decision of the simplicity that an honest person makes when he/she says NO; I do not wish to fight anyone, knowing the permanent scorn, ridicule and misery reserved for his/her decision.

And the great Australia had no few war objectors (they were called conscience objectors) to the American invasion of Vietnam; to me, the only respectable human beings.

It is just that conscience and humanity that no Politician can possibly muster.
Posted by skeptic, Monday, 9 January 2012 3:52:01 PM
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Mr Singer has no doubt the ability to stimulate heated reactions to his statements, often with extreme polarization. He serves no benefit towards any peaceful consensus and contributes nothing of a constructive nature to further the objective of reconciliation in this disturbed region. By continually propagating the concept of non-existence of the Palestinian identity, he is complicit in condemning the whole region to perpetual conflict. Just as 7 miliion Israelis are not going to disappear, nor are the 4 million Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank. This problem has never been two-dimensional, and all in black and white, with “goodies” and “baddies” on separate sides. Those who see this as such suffer from an immature understanding of the Middle East. Those that attack Mr Singer with an equally anti-Israeli vehemence are also complicit in detracting attention from far worse abuses of human rights and the perpetuation of mass killings in other countries of the Middle East. Significantly, today’s article in OLO, “Sudan’s Criminal Regime Continues Genocidal Violence” (David Robinson) attracted no comments whatsoever, whereas Mr Singer’s article has already produced numerous ones.
Posted by Bempec, Monday, 9 January 2012 4:11:17 PM
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UNESCO doesn't just'perport(s)(sic) to " Further Universal respect for Justice, the rule of law and human rights"

it actually

'contribute(s) to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter

Lego you mysognist racisst,

Wnen the US undermines itself in undertaking actions totally against all it proports to stand for (or breaking it's own rules)... well of course we'll object ... which is much more than is tolerated by Israeli supporters and in Israel.

Lego the mysognist racist

Tell me, what are UNESCO's rules?

In your abject intolerance we'll see you've jumped into a self-made abyss of ignorance ... as usual.

Sit down and be quiet ... it's best for you.


there is a fundamental difference. Israel proports to be like westerners ... the Sudanese don't. When they claim to hold the same values as me but continue their disgraceful behaviours then I'll object just as vehemently.

I simply condmen all who perpretrate violence and slaughter equally. Israel takes it further and claims it is western behaviour to be condoned because it is western values that support such.

That's why I vehemently reject Singers propaganda. If others do this, and they don't, then I'd be just as veherment in my condemnation. Wouldn't you?
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 9 January 2012 4:41:00 PM
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