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The politics of suicide prevention : Comments

By David Webb, published 21/12/2011

We often find that mental health services are often deliberately avoided by the very people they are supposed to help.

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Interesting points. I'm not sure where the author is taking this, but if he is saying:

1. Forced medical treatment for mental illness is profoundly wrong, and

2. Suicide is a personal choice (being a crisis of the self) for which only those making the choice are responsible,

then I believe he's spot on.
Posted by DavidL, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 10:14:03 AM
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why do people think to take the 'easy way out'
cause their life feels like they are in hell allready
things cant get much worse

well i think thery are the best judge
if you killed people and have issues with that
well to hell with it

or gred or guilt or being found out doing bad stuff
yep the eassy way out

then there is the mursderr
looking like suicide

or a docter persribingh the wrong dosage
or wtrong fact causeing the depresion

like prozac...has killed 10,000 plus people

the latest meds...are worse
but hety govt pays a subsidy..dont conduct routeen autopsies..
so its death by suicide..or smoking..or anything but fix the real problem

thing is its worse[harder] fix our karma
when were in spirit..[dead to this world]..than fix it now

every event has a cost
suicides are too self obsessed
their spirit remains tied to their dead flesh
till the last of their ego washes away as the decayed flesh melts away

its our life
what you going to stop us
by persicuting us with new laws

or make it too easy to kill..our selves
in ignorance]..well your page has finally come up

i should read the adgenda for today
and see if it needs be made more clearly
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 11:25:11 AM
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no david
i think..he is saying.../quote..""The UN Convention..on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities..(CRPD)was the UN General Assembly in 2006..and ratified by Australia it in 2008.

It represents a huge..milestone
and an outstanding..achievement..of the disability rights/movement

At the heart of the a shift away from the paternalistic.."father knows best"..medical model of disability

to a social model..based on human rights..and social inclusion,
which is precisely...*what is mental health...[

oh and in..}""suicide prevention.""""

lol i been fukkk ed by the system
im waiting for it to collapse

want do with...ANY system
it persicuted whole life

go away
im not..going anywhere

""A core feature..of the CRPD
is a move away..from substituted decision-making,""...LOL

""such as involuntary..psychiatric treatment,""

put em..on the street[homeless]
or in jail...or suberbia

""to a model based..on supported decision-making."""

you..go to work
now we need you

we will tell you..what to do
teach to think

how to become
a good loyalist..[worker]

"" individual to have access
to whatever supports..[overr paid supporting adencies]..they need
to ensure...*their rights and..*their well-being.""

just;sign..on the dotted line
a unilateral/con-tract

''There is currently debate..whether the CRPD actually prohibits substituted decision-making entirely...but,at the very least,
it requires that those who wish to maintain it
are....LOL....*obliged to present...very compelling reasons...!...

in order to justify it...!

...Status quo assumptions
can no longer govern...our mental health laws""'


look i suggest..phycoligists..get real jobs
we get by..with a little help from our friends and
other addictions...

its not an affliction..its a mind set my mind
sets up the adenda

tell us..what to do
or drug us..into submission

the meak..will inherit their 6 foot of earth
we live..we die...get over it.

.but do you live as slave..only thinking your free..
by telling support a dead/state system

or go to jail
or loose your pension
or we cancel..your licence
de/regester..your car
call-in your debt

go away
[not you..personally]
but the state...our master..!
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 11:47:12 AM
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I really don't know where this article was going either.

On the one hand, he is saying that suicide is not caused by depression and the current mental health strategy of managing depression with antidepressants doesn't work. If someone was feeling very happy in themselves, I doubt they would want to commit suicide!

On the other hand he reckons we should have a holistic approach to suicide prevention. I was of the impression that we already do take this approach. We currently offer counselling and medication if needed.

It is a well known fact that anti-depressants have saved many lives, but that they don't work for everyone. Or maybe some health practitioners have their patients on an inappropriate medication?

I also believe that no Government will provide this 'holistic', non-medication, non-inpatient treatment for suicidal people because of the huge cost factors involved.

I am of the opinion that non-medicated suicidal people are far more likely to end their lives than those on appropriate medication.
I agree that medication alone is not enough, and that counselling must also be included.

Keeping all suicidal patients out of a hospital is not practical, and the lawsuits from upset relatives following the inevitable suicide of their loved ones would be horrendous.

Even in a hospital, if a person really wants to commit suicide, they will...
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 12:01:08 PM
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I work up Aboriginal People in the police
cells trying to prevent people from committing
suicide so I am not sure I really understand
the logic in this article. Many people need the support
that the medical profession offers and other organisations
Posted by debcar, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 1:04:23 PM
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Forced medical treatment for mental illness is profoundly wrong,
I recall several mental health "professionals" when I worked in a hospital. My experience/assertion was that these "experts" & bureaucrats cause more grief & trauma than any other group in society.
I actually confronted one of these Doctors & ended up reporting him because I actually saw him as a danger to people. Never heard anything about him again. Hopefully he committed suicide.
Many suicides aren't due to "illness", many people have so much integrity that they rather opt out than live with this lack of integrity. People don't kill themselves because of themselves, they do it because of the way the rest of us treat them. It's the stayers who are sick, not the victims.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 1:53:41 PM
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