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The Forum > Article Comments > Is Israel preparing an assault against Iran? > Comments

Is Israel preparing an assault against Iran? : Comments

By Neve Gordon, published 22/11/2011

The IAEA report on Iran's alleged nuclear programme was surrounded by a media frenzy in Israel supporting an attack.

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"I don't know or care about the Americans...."

"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. From 1976 - 2004, Israel was the largest annual recipient of U.S, foreign assistance, having been supplanted by Iraq. Since 1985, the United States has provided nearly 3 $billion in grants annually to Israel....Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance...."
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 7:21:46 PM
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If Israel attacks Iran,prepare for WW3.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 8:14:52 PM
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James, what utter nonsense about Iran's threat to "wipe Israel off the map". The threat has been made on more than one occasion and by different Iranian government figures. There is no mistranslation. There is no misunderstanding as to the reality of these threats. The Jews, of all people, have the historical experience of what happens when a powerful leader threatens their extinction.
Posted by Bempec, Thursday, 24 November 2011 5:32:12 AM
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So what, Poirot?

The topic is Israel, not America. Iran hates Israel because it was best friends with the Shah - they see red when they hear that name and couldn't care less how those close ties came about.

If you are saying that one of the sources of income for Israel is American support, well another is growing bananas.

But since you mentioned those Americans, note that they don't do it because they like Israel - they just want to subsidize their own defense industry: Israel is not allowed to do anything else with those 3-billions except purchase arms from American companies (usually of a dodgy quality). The Americans also use their money to control Israel and prevent it from doing things they don't like, such as selling arms to China. There was also a stage when they used it against the Israeli settlements, deducting the cost of building settlements from their grant. I wonder why they stopped!

America does not care about Israel. Whatever they do is to forward their own interests and America is controlled by fundamentalist Christians who just need to use the Israelis as cannon-fodder in order to fulfill the prophecies in the book of Revelation and bring Jesus back to earth.

Israel develops most of its weapons on her own, so it is not even clear whether on the balance it in fact benefits from the American grants. Israel would probably be better off having closer military ties with France instead, as it did in its first decades - and was more successful in its wars then.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 24 November 2011 9:10:25 AM
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"America does not care about Israel..."

Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

America and Israel are conjoined twins when it comes to the U.S. exercising power of veto over resolutions concerning Israel by the UN Security Council.

Much of Israel's high-tech industry (which accounts for around 60 percent of her exports) is in security technology, much of which has evolved in response to "the war on terror" and has been developed in cooperation with the U.S.

That's what, Yuyutsu.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 24 November 2011 9:35:09 AM
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Why is it that critics of Iran are so fond of quoting what I understand to be a mistranslation (usually from Israeli sources) of what Iranian leaders are alleged to have said (see Juan Cole's many comments on this point) but completely ignore the lunatic and verified ravings of Israeli ministers about ethnically purging the Palestinians from what they see as their God-given right to the land of the Palestinians? Lieberman is but one example and he is their foreign minister. The territorial ambitions of the Zionists do not stop with the theft of Palestinian land as political and religious Israeli leaders have claimed parts of Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon at various times in pursuit of the goal of a 'greater Israel'.
The Israelis and the Americans constitute the greatest threat to peace in the Middle East and it is way past time that we focused on what those two nations actually do rather than catering to their claims about what Iran might do.
Although there is no evidence the Iranians have or are developing nuclear weapons if I was in their position that is what I would in fact do. It is the only way to prevent their being attacked by the Israelis and/or Americans whom, you may have noticed, only attack those unable to properly defend themselves.
Posted by James O'Neill, Thursday, 24 November 2011 9:51:06 AM
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