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The Forum > Article Comments > Lest we forget: how do we justify Afghanistan? > Comments

Lest we forget: how do we justify Afghanistan? : Comments

By Scott MacInnes, published 2/11/2011

Can we justify our participation in the Afghanistan war based on just war principles?

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Has this guy ever served in Afghanistan and seen both sides of the case? What is his record on morality?
Posted by Philo, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 7:04:30 AM
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The time has past where we could cast aside any concerns as to what's going on in another country. We are a global society now & have to adjust our thinking accordingly. Where our powers to be are going wrong is that they're not serious enough in stamping out evil because evil creates wealth. And, wealth is what everyone desires. Get used to status quo for some time yet.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 7:29:59 AM
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Pakistan seems to be where the infiltrators are coming from. A clean is on the books.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 8:50:14 AM
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We cannot justify the presence of our young citizens any longer.

Until we can identify the "Enemy Within" , a moral issue , we need to ditch the murderous place faster than possible !
Posted by Garum Masala, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 8:52:19 AM
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Put simply, Scott MacInness, war is unavoidable.

Do not torture yourself like I have done since such statement was dished to me in my early years; just note that, when we care to look within and outside us, we cannot but see wars.

Peace itself is a condition of war, a ‘truce between wars’.

It is only when we accept the unavoidability of these phenomena that we can start to look at their virtues and vices.

At then!
Posted by skeptic, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 10:11:26 AM
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Bravo! Asking the war machine to justify it's actions is not only ethically correct, but is also necessary from an economic view. War is too expensive in lives and resources to enter into for frivolous reasons!
"Lest we forget" was such a sad irony when Howard mouthed the words after using "WMDs" and "regime change" as justifications for invading Iraq...against international law. 911 was not the excuse (or Saudi Arabia would have been the target), nor were the stated sound-bites in the media. Hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths demand better than: "well we *thought* they were there!". Clearly the crims are still getting away with it.
As for "life is war, war is hell"... slightly defeatist, not to mention nihilist I'd say!
Posted by Ozandy, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 10:33:44 AM
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