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Making Australia positive again : Comments

By Andrew MacLeod, published 25/10/2011

Australian politicians are involved in a struggle to prove that they are the least worst option - that's unAustralian.

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I don't think your up to speed regarding "Democracy" and "Integrity" our PM has no Integrity and as a consequence probably 60% plus of our people have absolutely no respect for her.

Please outline how true Democracy can work under these circumstances .
Posted by Garum Masala, Tuesday, 25 October 2011 9:08:30 AM
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Any true democratic situation is open and clear. What Abbott has created is total negativity to the extent many have forgotten what is truth and what is an accepted change of mind.This debate is a non-issue in that Julia Gillard wanted legislation reforms not just for now,but so whoever is in Governt. can do their roll as per the law. T A sees this as victory for Labor, not our nation and that is so very sick of him and selfish.

Australia is positive;not negative.Let our empolyment rate do what it is and that is gather pace;however some States are set to crash the main order just to permit power to go to the other side of The House.

So the balance for positive as it is now;is to be displaced by the 'negative'? If so why and be Oh so most careful that a change is not always what it is dressed up in. Like the fox who tore the sheep up from drinking fro the same stream...even though the sheep was down-flow from the fox...IT WAS HE...who stired the water to become muddy and very cloudy...THE FOX is Tony be warned and think on it. We are not stupid Mr Abbott.
Posted by LETMEIN, Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:21:39 AM
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The solution to this prolem is easy. All the trendy lefties who want these boat people here can billet them out until they can financially stand on their own two feet.

However, if a law like this was passed then the left would cease supporting the boat people because then they would have to take responsibility for their rhetoric. Once it's their money and time they have to spend and not someone else's their minds will change.
Posted by Aristocrat, Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:24:38 AM
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Abbotts repugnant attitude is not in Australia's interest. He would rather bring the country in to disarray than say something positive. Why is he criticizing China, what is in it for him. The members of the opposition may as well not be there, they don't get a say. All he does is spread propaganda, and hatred and not necessarily confined to AU.
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:40:59 AM
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The process of making Australia positive again must start from the Australian community that sets the standards under which political parties operate. If enough people in each electorate demand innovation and positive policy and social, economic and environmental outcomes then the Australian Government, the Opposition and the Greens will have not choice but to respond creatively and positively.

For the last 20 years, the Australian Macedonian community has been demanding from the Australian PM, the Foreign Minister and the Australian Parliament action that will improve Australia's international reputation and influence through innovation of its outdated and unsustainable policies on the Republic of Macedonia and its right to self-identification. The good news is that both the Australian Government and the Opposition have started responding to the calls for change that are transmitted to them through our elected representatives and quality media like On Line Opinion.

We the Australian people, will not accept the lowering of Australia's positioning, global influence, democracy and living standards. If any country on this planet has prospects for a bright future then surely it is Australia with its rich and diverse social, cultural, economic and environmental treasures
Posted by Macedonian advocacy, Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:30:25 AM
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Andrew MacLeod, the most negative, Spinganda ever.

Have you forgotten how high the vote for alternatives like the & has been in past elections. won her rusted on, safest ALP seat in Australia's history, as a disendorsed Liberal candidate by a huge margin.

i have some advice for GAYLP members before the next election. if you want some hope of avoiding the most embarrassing defeat in modern electoral history & you are from the loony left factions, resign, join Bob Brown's really RED communist party now & you might have some hope of lessening the electoral armagedon coming your way, if you are from the right, resign join 's or the before it is too late. if had tried this he might still be in parliament.

Garum Masala, you are too kind every online poll i have ever seen has the figure at 80% or more.

LETMEIN, another dreamer with "reality issues", all of your arguments fit Juliar perfectly, Fabian "wolf in sheeps clothing".

Aristocrat, could not have said it better myself.

BTW one of the islamic terrorist ASIO caught had been here for 19 years & 14 children on welfare. Wonder if Penny Wrong would have liked billeting him?

579, another perfect description of the entire RED/green, getup, GAYLP/alp, Socialist Alliance Spinganda factory.

Macedonian advocacy, 60% to 80% of the Australian population sincerely wish all racial & ethnic groups the very best of British luck in THEIR own sovreign nation. i would be first in line to urge our government to do all it can to help Macedonia's people improve it from within.

However Multiculturalism & mass immigration were invented by closet communazi, fifth collumn saboteurs at the height of the cold war to destroy 1st world capitalist nations by creating poverty at both ends.

migration & job exporting has been keeping Aboriginal people out of work since the 1970's as well as "poor white trash", which is how the ruling left wing elites look down at their own people, labour, " the worker's friend, NOT".
Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 25 October 2011 1:41:04 PM
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