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The Sun God of Australia's carbon tax : Comments
By Tim Curtin, published 13/9/2011The carbon tax won't do anything to change CO2 emissions, but it will damage the economy.
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Your logic is we insure houses on the one in a zillion chances that they burn down, but we will not insure ourselves against Climate Change by implementing a tax, brilliant argument, where can you go from there, killer logic.
Explain to me how a Carbon Tax on the first world who right now only manufacture 23% of the globes products is going to stop China and India’s expansive growth and consumption of energy, how will it make a measureable difference? It won’t. So why do we have first world lefty governments fleecing their constituents of cash and sending it to the U.N. to then send to some African despot who happens to have Carbon sink forests, he makes money the SX makes money (the banks and brokers), but the environment has nil gain. How does that stop pollution? It doesn’t, it simply sends money from the middle to the top and with no result.
Have you considered why the original green movement focused on the polluter and fifty years later the modern green movement focuses on the consumer, it is because the “MONEY” infiltrated the Green movement and moved the focus to user pay rather than polluter clean up, it was a planned outcome and free thinkers such as yourself are marching to the polluters tune not the environments.