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The Sun God of Australia's carbon tax : Comments

By Tim Curtin, published 13/9/2011

The carbon tax won't do anything to change CO2 emissions, but it will damage the economy.

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Hi Peter,
Interesting response.
I can see that you're really comitted to your beliefs.
Just a couple of teeeeny, weeeeny points.
You accuse me of appealing to absent authority, and then proceed to tell me about a guy who knows a guy...
Elegantly inconsistent, I must give you that.
And then you go ahead and make some extraordinary, highly generalised, and impossible to prove assertions about all climate scientists.
Big call, wouldn'tchasay?
Anyway, as I said in my first post, the great thing about my side of the debate, is that I can afford to smile and be patient and watch as the argument and history come to me.
So, Occam and I wish you well.
PS There's no need to shout; (capitals). I get your points. I don't agree with them but I do get them.
Posted by Anthonyve, Thursday, 15 September 2011 10:10:35 PM
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Loved your reply.
Oh dear, all these incompetent scientists.
Must be a nerve wracking experience for you to go to a hospital. And do you fly? Whole bunch of science right there. Or is it only climate scientists who are "all incompetent"?
I really admire how you've been able to see through their nefarious behaviour.
Quite eye opening really.
Anyway, time will tell.
Posted by Anthonyve, Thursday, 15 September 2011 10:20:01 PM
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The point which both sides of the AGW debate seem to have missed, is that the bill(s) currently before the Federal Parliament will have precisely no effect on reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that Australia produces. Firstly, the wrong people are being targeted and secondly, the population is increasing at too fast a rate as well. Brown coal will continue to be out cheapest source of power into the next century. We will need all of that to offset the times when the wind don't blow and the sun don't shine.

Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 15 September 2011 10:21:12 PM
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That's a false dilemma you raised back there - there are other possibilities than 'big con job' and 'bang on the money'. I'm of the view that global warming is real, but that its causes are more complex than a mere over-abundance of anthropogenic greenhouse gases and that curtailing their emission will therefore be of limited effect in controlling the climate. Other geo-engineering solutions may be warranted if controlling the climate is the goal - but I'm not entirely convinced that climate change is the herald of the end times that some folk would have us believe it is.
Posted by The Acolyte Rizla, Friday, 16 September 2011 1:21:28 AM
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Climate change is a natural process. There is no scientific paper that presents compelling scientific evidence to suggest otherwise. It is fanciful to think that governments or any other agencies can materially influence climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The Australian Government is being undemocratic to legislate a carbon tax for which it has no election mandate -- particularly a carbon tax that has poison pills planted in it, that will make it very expensive to reverse. For further details see today's Australian Henry Ergas article "Labor Plants Poison Pills in Carbon Tax" at
Posted by Raycom, Friday, 16 September 2011 10:42:07 AM
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Anthonyve:>> that the Carbon Tax will have no impact on emmissions, it seems that all its opponents conveniently forget the tremendous psychological and political effect its introduction will have.
Not here in Australia, but around the world.
When our Carabon Tax policy was first announced, it was all over the US poltical blogs and website.
Oh yes, it will matter, alright.<<

Anthony you are not addressing the local Greens Party meeting, many on this forum do not buy the sort of fact less speculative statements you are making. Let’s just take the above dribble and dissect it.

Re the psychological effect you refer to it has started, look at our domestic economy, people too freaked out to spend, plebs saving rate has quadrupled in the past year, NINETEEN new taxes to date all from the WORKING FAMILIES friends Rudd and Gillard, and as soon as Gillard said “there WILL be a Carbon tax under the government I lead” everything stopped in the domestic economy and it’s not even been legislated yet. Re the psychological effect on the average Yank or European, do you know how many of them out of a hundred could identify where Australia was on the globe, I do, under 20%, you delude yourself.

Re the U.S. political blogs and web sites catching FIRE as the news of our new tax hit them, almost immediately after we told the world that we would introduce a new tax the Obama administration said NO CARBON TAX FOR THE USA. If you think the American government (either side) who went to war so they can buy petrol at 70 cents a liter would introduce a tax on their people and send BILLIONS to the U.N to do with as they see fit, your dreamin, you don’t have a clue.
Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 17 September 2011 11:26:21 AM
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