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The Sun God of Australia's carbon tax : Comments
By Tim Curtin, published 13/9/2011The carbon tax won't do anything to change CO2 emissions, but it will damage the economy.
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Certainly not on the gravy train. Actually a self funded early retiree, ex-international corporate executive and ex-military.
Actually I read widely and I seek out opposing views. I've read arguments on both sides and have thought about this issue, (Global Warming) at length and am convinced that it's a fact.
What motivates me to act are my granddaughters, (5 & 7). I will do everything I can to ensure that they do not inherit a world in worse shape than the one I've enjoyed a long life in.
If I were to set aside my own analysis, weak as it might be, here's the choice I would be confronted with.
Either Global Warming is real, or there is a massive conspiracy involving virtually every scientific body in the world, virtually all the climate scientists.
And then I read as I did in yesterday's The Age of new research published by highly reputable German scientists showing that the disappearance of Arctic sea ice is accelerating and within three decades, three decades, there will be no Arctic sea ice; and that they are convinced that this is directly as a result of human activity.
Now, put yourself in my position. That such a conspiracy involving tens of thousands of respected scientists is in place or global warming is real. Occam's Razer really does apply, wouldn't you at least grant me that much.
So, in suymmary, I am simply and genuinely convinced, by the weight of evidence for, and the weight of respected scientist for, and by the sheer unlikelhood of the conspiracy that would have to exist for the alternative to be right.
I do hope that helps to explain my position.