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The Forum > Article Comments > Convoy of no confidence in the federal government > Comments

Convoy of no confidence in the federal government : Comments

By Ruth Bonnett, published 4/8/2011

Is this the start of Australia's own (billy) tea movement? The street protest moves mainstream and mobile.

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This is a great initiative arising from the desperate circumstances in which Australia finds itself, held hostage by a megalomaniac who is PM by the simple expedient of bribing a couple of turncoat Independents to betray their electorates.

We have a government formed on lies and on people acting contrary to the mandate of their electorates. Juliar Gilliar was elected on a mandate of “no carbon tax”.

Disgraceful as the actions of this cohort are, there is no law which makes their scurrilous behaviour criminal.

A law abiding community can only demonstrate its disapproval in a lawful manner, and this convoy is a most appropriate way to involve the whole of Australia, in showing its displeasure.

This woman has lied, cheated, and ignored the will of the people, up to now, with impunity.

This event will acknowledge the disgust that we feel for her, and give us the opportunity to feel the mutual support of all those millions in the community who want her gone, along with her scurrilous plans to ruin our economy, and to fund the greatest parasite the world has ever known, the United Nations.
Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 4 August 2011 6:00:44 PM
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LOL. Where do I start? ...aahhh just go with the flow....

This is nothing more than emotive spam dressed up as Banjo Patriotism.

Why not finish your convoy in Ballarat, borrow the Eureka flag from the Fine Art Gallery and man up at the stockade using Bakery Hill as the rallying point?

Never know. You might go down in history as:

- The liberators of Australian democracy who against overwhelming odds defeated 14,000 latte sipping greeny elite voters with a last stand blast of
diesel exhaust.


- The convoy that fizzled out along pub stops, visits to distant relatives and the unbearable lament of whingeing.


- The first homegrown terrorist organisation to be 'extraordinarily rendered' to Malaysia.

For whispering softly, Howard referred to the 200,000+ people in Hyde Park who opposed attacking a country we were bribing to buy our wheat as a mob. But yer gunna call yerselves a convoy. Well 10-4 good buddy ...breaker breaker.... just watch out for those bears in the air.....

The much maligned Murdoch press in Australia is dead right in describing the American Tea Party movement as right wing nutter fruitcakes.

There are enough loopy causes in the Australia I love without attempting to import anymore.

But hey ..thanks for a good laugh:-)
Posted by Neutral, Thursday, 4 August 2011 7:23:48 PM
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"The convoy that fizzled out along pub stops, visits to distant relatives and the unbearable lament of whingeing."

Love it, Neutral.

I'll be interested to see how much - if any - airtime this convoy gets in the media. I'll also be interested to see how its success is measured, and how well-supported it actually is. If 1,000 people arrive in Canberra, will it indicate a groundswell of support? 2,000? 10,000? It will be very hard indeed for the members of the convoy to demonstrate that they are anything other than another minority.
Posted by Otokonoko, Thursday, 4 August 2011 8:35:48 PM
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Surely this is Pauline rising.
Posted by GlenC, Friday, 5 August 2011 12:19:37 AM
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The top five issues which the government should act on (according to recent research by David Chalke) are the economy and public healthcare (both at 41 per cent), education (30), violent crime and unemployment (both 28). Current government focus on a carbon tax and media scrutiny does not come close to addressing these concerns.
The discontent expressed by many ordinary Australians comes from a weak Labor party which is dependent on the support of people with largely divergent views.

Politics is indeed a battle of ideas and not an exchange of online insults between a few cute nicknames. I have been critical of our Prime Minister for engaging in name calling directed towards peaceful protestors, so gentle readers will no doubt be unperturbed if I don’t engage with the ad hominem attacks launched by others unknown.

This convoy is a peaceful and legitimate campaign against a government that is simply unable to heed the concerns of everyday people.

Without freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press, we live in a DIMO: a democracy in name only.

MPs who listen to their electorates are at the core of a healthy democratic government: where each voter has an equal say.

This convoy is not linked to any single political party.
Posted by Ruth Bonnett, Friday, 5 August 2011 5:48:57 AM
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"Surely this is Pauline rising.
Posted by GlenC"

And even THAT didn't happen.
Australia is easily the biggest upholder of non-responsiveness to policy that we supposedly hate or want in the world.

We can hardly even bring ourselves to vote out a party until at least 10 years have passed and they were going so extremely badly that they were advocating work choices (though to be fair, Labor had been massively advocating refugees for the sake of opposition point-scoring (evidenced by them now not doing it), and that was turning most voters off).
Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 5 August 2011 9:08:19 AM
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