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Norway and terrorism: white male rage : Comments
By Keith Suter, published 28/7/2011Worrying about infrequent and unlikely acts of Islamic terrorism has dulled us to the danger we nurse within.
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Posted by rexw, Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:47:59 AM
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Breivik had other characteristics that need to be noted. He was not just anti-Muslim, he was also a fanatical pro-Zionist, a common characteristic among Christian fundamentalists.
Breivik has told the Oslo Police that one of his intentions was to wipe out the future leadership of the Norwegian Labor Party. What had the governing Labor Party recently voted to do? (1) Boycott Israel because they were sick of Israel's behaviour on the Palestinian quesiton. (2) Vote for Palestinian statehood at the UN General Assembly in September. (3) Withdraw its military contribution from the attacks on Libya. All three policies are violently opposed by Israel. It is clear that Breivik did not act alone. The Norwegian investigation will reveal just who his accomplices were. They are likely to find the same culprits involved in the 1973 state terror perpetrated in Lillehammer. Posted by James O'Neill, Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:51:57 AM
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It doesn't follow that generalising about skin colour and gender is necessarily sufficient or helpful.
Instead of adding an unmanageable, untrackable number (around 45% of Australia's population - white males) to the security agenda it might be better to concentrate on: - politically extreme fringes, left, right, anarchists, sects, organised crime cells (whatever) that importantly profess violence or end of civilisation as a certainty or as a solution - lone individuals who have expressed violence as a solution (by words, actions, internet connections...) - more specifically those who have found ways to legally (including gun clubs) or illegally own high powered pistols or rifles (particularly semi-auto or automatic) or other violent paraphernalia like "Rambo" knives. - those who buy fertilisers for no apparent reason. - those who break into militaty armouries or gunshops or who are in the network of recipients of "appropriate" stolen weapons. Those who fulfill one, some or all of the above criteria. All this looks at more immediate risks and is more useful than doubling the size of security agencies to monitor more than 10,000,000 white males in Australia - not to mention visitors/tourists. Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 28 July 2011 11:19:52 AM
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Plantagenet, those are all admirable things to do .. to do something, but none of those would have revealed someone like Martin Bryant to the world.
Bryant is said to have expressed, as he started his rampage, "not many Japs here today", now that is overlooked in the media these days, but Bryant was as xenophobic as this guy was/is. Years ago a German tourist came here and started traveling around outback NT, shooting people - he didn't declare that intent on his customs forms, who knew? My point is, there are nutters, always will be, you can try to find them before they crack .. but, you can't remove the environment that pushes them to crack, that's life. I hear people making much of this Norwegian guy's childhood, lots of people survive dreadful childhoods without becoming mass murderers. A neighbor of mine is a Vietnam Vet, has never got over a failed business venture, he and his wife both drink heavily, keeps to himself and always appears to be angry with the world .. you have no idea how relieved we all were when he sold his gun collection in a government buy back. (Probably has one or two buried .. just in case, he collected pistols.) There are more people in the world, the percentage of nutters is probably the same, but the number of nutters is up .. we just have to adapt and deal with it, not turn into a nanny state trying to foresee every eventuality and try to second guess every person's motives for every action - where does that end up?. The Americans deal with this by arming everyone .. maybe they are right? (I wouldn't arm some of the political activists I see on fora in Australia) We adapt, we stay alert, but not alarmed (thank you, MOS).. bad stuff will never stop happening, accept it and move on. Posted by rpg, Thursday, 28 July 2011 12:02:11 PM
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Insanity seems the common thread to me not race.
Australia has had at least one similar murderer in a shopping center. I do not know of any answers, but rather think we should not overlook the author could have reviewed Murders committed in the names of many Gods by many nationality's. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 July 2011 12:25:54 PM
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Through the 19th and 20th century, most acts of violence in the western world that were 'political' were left-wing. From the luddites (lefty-greenie lets all live in caves and be happy) to the various acts of union strikes and sabotage against the war effort, to the Baader-Meinhof gang...
What we see no is the reversal of that. We see the left in power and the 'conservatives' powerless and suppressed. Today's worst problems are caused by the 'progressive' policies of the left... child abuse is caused by children living in struggling households without BOTH natural parents... a result of left-feminist changes in divorce and family life. Economic calamities by governments overspending on social services. The booming prison population is partly caused by creating new crimes dictated by the feminist-left. Holocaust-like bushfires caused by greenies preventing hazard-reduction burns. Aboriginal disadvantage by overgenerous welfare which destroys any motivation to work and bribes women to have many more children than they can reasonably look after. Poverty and famine in Africa is caused by unbelievably high population increases outstripping the available farmland... caused by some sort of anti-racist belief that giving free contraception is somehow evil. The left have the power and they use their power as any power group does... they suppress and ridicule dissent. As Ghandi said... "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" The left are conservative now and the right are radicals. The left/green/feminists/human-rights are now the conservatives (because they are in power) and the conservative/pro-family/child-protecting/economy-saving are now the radicals (because they are trying to change the dominant paradigm). The left are still able to ignore the radical right. But the conservative idealists are growing because today's problems are caused by the left Posted by partTimeParent, Thursday, 28 July 2011 12:46:29 PM
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What they are doing is expanding the definition of a terrorist so that it encompasses all of us.Home grown terrorism is the new catch cry,so more liberties will have to be taken from us to appease the elites and their plan for a New World Order.Bob Brown says he is in favour of "Global Goverance".Julia Gillard has already dedicated 10% of our carbon taxes to the UN.
The over riding philosphy via environmentalism is that there are too many people on the planet destroying the environment and only a totalitarian world Govt controlled by large corporate interests is the way. These nutters like Anders Breivik are easly cultivated and pushed into the right agenda. The timing is rather odd.Norway is pulling out of Libya and weaking the NATO Alliance. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 28 July 2011 1:37:35 PM
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I recall Bryant had bought at least one semiauto/or perhaps full auto assault-rifle (an Armalite-"M16"). He also had a rare (at that time) and expensive support equipment - night-vision equipment that even the Tas police didn't have. So probably very unusual in Tas. This responds to two of the criteria set out. I suggest this might be the type of methodology/criteria used by security agencies (ASIO, AFP, State Police, Customs etc) in their security monitoring roles. Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 28 July 2011 1:48:13 PM
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Plantagenet, fair point, he could also just as easily have stolen equipment I guess, didn't he kill a collector as well, and wasn't that the house where he set fire and was eventually caught?
I take your point though, he was planning and had overtly bought weapons and equipment and at least this is information that is recordable. Do law enforcement agencies have software that might tie together assets and purchases of items of interest? Or do they rely on other information, humint/rumint, before going into action. The Norwegian man had a farm so quite openly bought chemicals and stored them and no one thought it was odd at the time. Do we still keep tabs on gun license holders? I wonder if the local police station has knowledge of who holds gun licenses in the local neighborhood, and what they might have on hand .. does anyone ever do check on gin safes? (Owning equipment better than law enforcement agencies or military is, embarrassingly, all too common - since they tend to buy the lowest priced item that meets a minimal specification so as to allow as many competitors as possible into the procurement competition) Posted by rpg, Thursday, 28 July 2011 2:11:48 PM
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Somewhat strangely, Mr Suter seems to portray this tragic event as a symptom of white male anger about the loss of dominance of Western civilisation. It appears he mistakenly takes Breiviks ravings as a coherent political document. Breivik's ideas are a confused conglomeration of quotes and extreme belief systems and hardly amount to anything we haven't heard before. They say nothing about anyone other than Breivik himself so, gross genralisations about this being a symptom of something on a grander scale seem somewhat unfounded. For goodness sakes, Breivik quotes also Jeremy Clarkson and John Stuart Mill!
The Prime Minister of Norway correctly sees the attack as an attack on Democracy, a point which Mr Suter in his anti west, anti white male attack, misses. Posted by Atman, Thursday, 28 July 2011 2:54:24 PM
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My knowledge of this subject is from open sources and handy contacts in the US. Australia (probably) often uses US style methodology and equipment. Looking at open source info like this (TIA) suggests there is connectivity in software and hardware between law enforcement agencies and other agencies (like Tax Departments) with legal sharing of info for legal purposes. Particular cases eg. international terrorists might get the full TIA treatment - in the US from agencies like the NSA and FBI. For agencies to track US citizens would normally require warrants signed by judges. Sharing is not only within countries - hence extraditions happen. I don't know of any sequence of info gathering in the US, but probably depends on many things - what agency, what they're looking for and with what urgency etc. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 28 July 2011 3:14:06 PM
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Exactly Atman,
My post was going to open with "Dear Keith Suter, what, if anything is your article actually about?". Trumpeting nonsense about it being Indians and Asian's "turn" is just bizarre, he gloats over the loss of "White Male dominance" and then says "Here Brown people, it's your turn to behave like White men". Stack,Loughner and McVeigh are all different cases, Loughner isn't even White he's Jewish and what's more totally insane. Martin Bryant was never tried for his crimes, McVeigh remained silent and never gave a statement to the FBI and Stack died and so can't speak anyway. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 28 July 2011 3:20:34 PM
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There is one point of departure though, Atman.
>> It appears he mistakenly takes Breiviks ravings as a coherent political document. Breivik's ideas are a confused conglomeration of quotes and extreme belief systems and hardly amount to anything we haven't heard before.<< Well, two, actually. There are no "ravings" in Breivik's manifesto. It may not be a coherent political document as you or I would understand the term, but he doesn't "rave". But the main difference to the stuff we have "heard before", is that on pages 822 to 848 he describes the basis for what he calls "operations", including Section 3.22 "Using terror as a method for waking up the masses". Then. pages 849 to 944 go into detail on how to plan the "operation", and along the way takes time out to define the targets - Category A, B and C traitors, and Category D individuals. The next section, pages 950 through to 1062 covers proposed attack strategies, including "shock attacks", sabotage operations and "detonating radiological bombs in Western European Capitals". From page 1069 to page 1115, he discusses communication and logistics. That's close to three hundred pages of sober, calculating detail, on how he intended to go about his business, and how he felt others should follow his example. That he was in control of, and understood his actions at every stage is beyond any doubt, and defines him as totally sane. Notwithstanding, I think the idea that Breivik's actions can be categorized as "white male rage" is complete drivel. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 28 July 2011 3:47:06 PM
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Mr Suter is a long term member of the Club of Rome. The COR is a group of wealthy and influential elite who push an agenda which portrays all social(like the Norway incident),political, ecological and economic crises as the inevitable consequence of a decadent western civilisation. They push the idea that the world is in crisis, on the tipping point. They plan to offer the only (in their terms) solution. A single government to rule the globe through removal of national sovreignty to the UN where they currently hold significant influence. They would be able to the control economic, social and financial future of all nations under the banner of a world community through control of international finance. You will see these themes regularly coming from their members. Al Gore is also a member. Posted by Atman, Thursday, 28 July 2011 4:06:24 PM
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Last year Keith Suter attended the Prof Neils Harritt lecture on nano thermite in which he and 8 other international scientists have presented proof in a peer reviewed study that explosives were used to bring down all three 911 towers.
You will hear Keith Suter review this lecture with Brian Wilshire on 2GB.Suter did not know like many others of the existance of WTC7.I don't think he is part of the elite Club of Rome otherwise he would have not done this interview with Brian Wilshire. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 28 July 2011 7:24:36 PM
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Finding fault with white males seems popular at present, possibly as a result of feminist corruption of our society.
The author fails to remember what has happened over time in areas such as Africa and Asia. Recent examples include Darfur, Sri Lanka, East Timor etc. Posted by vanna, Thursday, 28 July 2011 7:43:39 PM
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"Mencius Moldbug" has written a great article on Breivik,it's about the most sensible piece that's come out of the "Authentic Right" over the last few days. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 28 July 2011 9:28:22 PM
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"The over riding philosphy via environmentalism is that there are too many people on the planet destroying the environment and only a totalitarian world Govt controlled by large corporate interests is the way."
Who says that is the overriding philosophy? It is more about respecting and valuing environments for our own long term health and wellbeing. I doubt very much that there is a world conspiracy of environmentalists desirous of totalitarian world government, particularly one controlled by corporate interests. The Greens have certainly never fostered this idea other than a notion of greater accountability via an agreed global governance. That is Global Governance NOT Global Government. Environmentalists have for years been decrying control by corporate interests especially in relation to degradation of landscapes in developing countries where there is often corruption due to a lack of governance. You talk about global governance as though it is a bad thing to push an agenda for greater accountability, and ultimately reduce the pillaging of environments merely to suit the interests of some large corporations. You can foster global governance in many ways that do not include 'world domination' and a one-world government. One way is for developed nations to refuse to deal with corrupt regimes thus preventing the fostering of corruption and totalitarianism. Foreign policy has for too long been too self-interested rather than 'fair' and while governments act in the interests of their people, there is an equally valid argument that it is in our best interest if there is a more equitable landscape that does not foster hatred and dissent. Posted by pelican, Thursday, 28 July 2011 11:13:36 PM
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..Infrequent and unlikely acts of Islamic terrorism? Indeed!
Isnt there an elephant in the room? When are we going to talk about loss of sovereignty? This is the GREATEST Islamic threat. Hasnt anyone understood what unregulated Islamic settlement in European countries poses the greatest loss without a single shot fired by them or any other act of overt aggression. Take the cases of Holland,Belgium, Norway, Denmark or Finland that have small enough populations that can be reached by Muslim majorities within the life time of their present grandchildren. One man one vote and the democratic parliaments will be in the hands of Muslims of those countries. Look at the case of the UK. What is democracy offering the Brits today in vital electorates where they have accumulated majorities. I saw a documentary some of you may have where 6000 libyan refugees were trying to land on the island of Lampedusa, (Italy) that has a population of 5000. The people of the island resolutely refused to let them land. They could see what other Europeans still cannot see. Anders Brevinik of Norway could. What other option do these countries have that is far better. Do we have a right to own and control that which is our own ..our own national destiny and cultural character or do we hand these over meekly in the nicest democratic manner to keep the UN happy. The greatest loss would be the end of their sovereignty and destiny of their lives in their own countries.This is the greatest terror hanging over their heads. socratease Posted by socratease, Friday, 29 July 2011 1:11:06 AM
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Pelican,The Carbon Cops are now a reality with Gillards new legislation of massive fines or even gaol if you do not comply.They will have the power to walk onto business premises and conduct a carbon audit.This is a totalitarian communist manifesto.Who would thought that oppression would come via the environmentals.Democracy and freedom are not negotiable under any circumstances.
Glen Beck last yr set out to debunk the FEMA camps in the USA set up by George Bush.He said he could not debunk them and was going to do a story on them.Within hours Beck did a 180 deg turn and said they did not exist.There are supposed to be over 600 FEMA camps in the USA empty,with barbed and razor wire facing inwards to keep people in.Some even have turnstiles.Are they expecting a major crime outbreask in the USA? I didn't know Wall St had that many criminals. When you add up all the evidence with the Patriot Act,our sedition laws, Obama's Preventative Detention,the 911 false flag events, it does not look good for our future. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 29 July 2011 7:24:02 AM
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I'm sure Keith Suter would be happy to admit being a COR member. BTW I'm stunned at how Gillard is proceeding with her 'Carbon Cop' approach. It really does smack of totalitarian nonsense. Its like Bob Carr's Water Police. Its based on the idea that its the people, not the government who have failed and must be punished. Of course, the opposite is true. Successive Governments have failed to prepare for future energy and water usage. Now its the people who must pay the price. The Carbon Cops idea has overtones of a central planning politburo. How long before the individual and not the Corporation becomes the target? Pericles, Maybe rave is too strong a word, I'll say 'rant' then. Its superficially cool and organised but its a mixtures of various well used themes and I believe there's really nothing new in what Breivik says. Anyone who quotes Jeremy Clarkson to back up his case is hardly a serious political figure. People like Breivik are keen to do what they do with or without a right or left wing political philosphy. Its just easier for them to justify their behaviour when its appears to be part of apparent overall plan. I think this incident will unfortunately be 'milked' by many political and social commentators to support their own causes whatever that may be. Posted by Atman, Friday, 29 July 2011 9:43:32 AM
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Atman Why did Keith Suter go to the Neils Harritt Lecture in July last year? I was on the door taking tickets and money.If he is part of this elitist NWO why give evidence about WTC 7 with Brian Wilshire on 2GB? Is Keith like Ruppert Murdoch having an each way bet?
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 29 July 2011 10:20:20 AM
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Atman "BTW I'm stunned at how Gillard is proceeding with her 'Carbon Cop' approach", this was originally Penny Wong's approach - all along there was a plan to have inspectors go onto business properties to enforce Carbon compliancy. First the "top 1,000", now "top 500", but that revenue will never be enough, do the sums, the departments have to be self funding, how do they do that at the entry level rate, they can't.
BTW - the articles in the legislation allow entry into your home as well as businesses, so when this legislation is extended to accuse you of exceeding your carbon allowance (coming soon), the carbon cops will be able to come in and investigate you, via the smartmeter initially - and they will have the power to remove you from the grid, or fine you. So this first stage of the Carbon Tax is almost friendly, in fact it is being touted you will make money, why? Well once it's all in place, and it can be proved people "wanted" (see Getup!) it, then they can crank it up. A year ago I mentioned the carbon police to some friends, they laughed, a friend emailed me today to ask how did I know, and to question why he doubted what I had said? Posted by Amicus, Friday, 29 July 2011 10:50:34 AM
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Sorry went almost off topic there, but stayed sort of on the line of totalitarianism of the ALPGreenIndie Colation, who brook no dissent and see no problem fiddling with information sources .. the press or yours!
I see now in Australia various media sources are trying to link the lone Norwegian nutter because he read widely and liked some of what he read so much, he linked to it. This now is being touted a an excuse to shut down conservative media. I don't understand what type of world these people want to live in, why they think it is ok to be so intolerant to their fellow countrymen and women. Right now there is a majority of Australians against carbon tax, but that is just seen as a marketing problem, not a policy issue .. incredible. Posted by Amicus, Friday, 29 July 2011 11:12:39 AM
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Amicus- Interesting information. I wondered how long it would take to target Joe Average.
Arjay. Sometimes 'sides' don't matter. Its the ensuing chaos that matters. Because out of chaos great gains can be made. Posted by Atman, Friday, 29 July 2011 12:50:07 PM
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white male rage is a way off the mark analysis.
Try person reaching saturation point with 360° stupidity. I don't believe Suter is qualified to make such statements. If he were qualified then he should have been able to prevent it or at least prevent it from happening here. Posted by individual, Friday, 29 July 2011 1:41:18 PM
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The elephant is in the room is very much alive and everyone is too afraid to admit it so they talk about everything else.
socratease Posted by socratease, Friday, 29 July 2011 8:55:37 PM
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I can see the elephant, Socratease.
It is a fact that you can loose sovereignty of your country at the ballot box as was stated(in different words, same elephant though), by Breivik. There have been a couple of coups and uprisings in the world lately because of the very fact that the sovereignty of these countries was in danger of being lost at the ballot box. Fiji is one I believe,with it's opposing indigenous verus Indian population. Children are not taught this at school when discussing the infallibility of democracy. They are not told that democracy can result in them losing sovereignty of their country. It must be dismissed(shh, don't acknowledge the elephant)as the rantings of a madman Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 30 July 2011 2:30:29 AM
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Are those who do not see the elephant also delusional,or just self- deluding?
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 30 July 2011 2:36:26 AM
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To name the elephant is to be called a racist and other names, in this state, Victoria, you can be hauled to court for such things .. no elephants here they say.
Sometimes we have the strength, sometimes we don't, I hope our new government here will, in time, sort out the 11 years of progressive courts and legal system left to it, including all the "done deals" which may be impossible now to unravel, as well as the stupid laws that restrict free speech. I don't always agree with Andrew Bolt, but he should be allowed to say whatever he wants, and we should not allow anyone to be silenced, because it may "offend".. Posted by rpg, Saturday, 30 July 2011 9:20:59 AM
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We actually do have a right to demand that disruptive voices be silenced. Do Bolt,Alan Jones and Chris Smith have the right to turn Australians against each other? Robert Spencer has no right to speak to Norwegian kids about taking back their country because he's not one of them, he has no loyalty to them. Andrew Bolt has no right to talk to young White people about "the state of things" because he's not one of us, yeah he looks like us but like his colleagues in the media he has no loyalty to us. Bolt & co are as anti progress as the Left, they too have a childish need to lock everything down and destroy anything they don't believe in. The Elephant is that before Multiculturalism there was no "White Australia" there were only Australians, what immigration has done is create a new ethnic group, the White Australian. The test for the Left will be if they allow the White Australian to integrate into Multicultural Australia. Seeing as the destruction of the "Anglo Australians" was their stated objective I'm guessing they won't recognise us, we see their attitudes toward us on this board every day. Shouldn't a multiracial society be under the stewardship of Racialists drawn from all ethnic groups? Why should people who don't believe in race and want to destroy the very notion be allowed to have a voice? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 30 July 2011 10:13:50 AM
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This thread is by far the loopiest I have ever seen.
Now we are implying that someone massacred some people in Norway not because he wanted to alter his own country's domestic future- but to encourage a far-away second-world country like Australia to start making carbon trading deals. Perhaps Martin Bryant REALLY went on a shooting spree because he was secretly trying to put further pressure on Bolivia to Privatize their water? Of course, if you don't believe this, then there is no reason at all for this thread to mention carbon or Australia's environmental policy at all. Posted by King Hazza, Saturday, 30 July 2011 10:59:27 AM
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King Hazza
The author of the article made the very tenuous connection between the Norway killings and white male anger over the loss of dominance of western civilsation. Unsurprisingly, thats where the ideas began to go off in different directions! Breivik is a peculiarly disturbed individual. Media comments beyond that are usually to do with propping up someones pre-existing belief system, paying back old scores to political opponents, or simply just stirring the pot. I'm sure the issue of who is dominant in the world rarely occurs to most white males. Posted by Atman, Saturday, 30 July 2011 1:02:34 PM
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Cherful,you say you cant see any elephant in the room but then you go on to show that you see it clearly when you say that we can lose our sovereimty at the ballot box in time to come.
That is precisely the situation in Israel and countries like Norway,Denmark,Holland and Belgium to name the obvious ones. Behring was one who sees this emergence more than any Labour politician who is prepared to let it happen. The only thing moreI have to sday is...are you happy to surrender your sovereignty? Not only will the nature and character of governance be radically altered but so will the social fabric.The legal system we have will be supplanted by sharia. All this very democratically established with the blessing of all do-gooders and human rights activists and the main culprit behind the facade..the UNO. It is as simple as that. The gnashing of teeth and crying into your cups later on will prove un "democratic" and it is the avowed intent of the UNO to maintain and defend the application of "democracy" anywhere in the world. Posted by socratease, Saturday, 30 July 2011 6:11:22 PM
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Come on Jay, does Juliar and her posse have the right to turn Australians against each other? Look around Australia right now, people hate her and she thinks she can change that by toughing it out? She has taken the side of a mob with 12% of the vote, against the other 88% who did not vote for the Greens.
Does Getup have the right to turn us against each other? They certainly are, as are various climate groups, some people want skeptics branded, or like Jill Singer, gassed and these groups are deliberately trying to turn Australians against each other. I'm waiting for the government's call to dob in a carbon neighbor .. for profit and fun. Nothing would surprise me with this sleazy mob, look at the stuff sliding in now in the fine print of legislation .. who voted for that? Getup is trying to silence Alan Jones, who I have never heard, but is this going to start a litigious war, based on egos with Getup the proxy for the ALP, silencing anyone with threats and court action? people clearly like Alan Jones, maybe in Canberra they don't .. so what, he's been broadcasting for over 20 years and now some bunch of political upstarts decides they will oust him with legal challanges, I hope they know what they are doing .. people don't like this stuff and will take sides. Do we shut everyone up who offends me .. or you? That's crazy talk, who decides what is disruptive language? What is disruptive today is rational tomorrow, or even might have been yesterday. You guys worry me when you talk about silencing dissent or people who speak out about anything .. that's just unAustralian and immoral, and is the way to totalitarianism and nepotism. Go visit some of the ex-communist block in Eastern Europe, ask them how they feel about this sort of behavior .. ask a Czech for instance. Posted by rpg, Saturday, 30 July 2011 10:40:20 PM
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Maybe I didn't construct that post very well. We do have a right to shut them up, Leftists included, their morals are not ours, they have no right to validate much less misuse the feelings of anger and betrayal among the misguided and immature of OUR castes. Breivik is being called a "Right Winger" but only because he appeared to seek assent from that sector, it's akin to the way Al Qaeda sympathisers (who are basically leftists) seek a fatwa from religious authorities before acting. Terrorism only works if the terrorists have the assent of an interested third party, Leftist terror is effective because they have the backing of political parties and the intellectual caste, be it in Jedda or in New York. Look at the way the people Breivik assumed would consent to his actions have behaved? They're shrieking in terror and mewling that "We had nothing to do with this! This isn't our fault!" Breivik is guilty of incredible stupidity in assuming he had the assent of a third party, especially right wingers. But in the end, Breivik, growing up in Communist Norway can't help but behave like a Leftist, it's so ingrained that it's unshakable. What his manifesto really represents is one gigantic Leftist style WHINGE. It's exactly what Leftists like St Mandela and St Che did, whinged about oppression and disenfranchisement until they felt validated by third parties then launched into terrorism and political violence to galvanise the people into joining the revolution. Utoya was based on the Leftist template of revolutionary action validated by Breivik's erroneous presumption of right wing assent. A right winger would have been focused on converting those kids, what is the point of killing the best and brightest young White people? If they're intelligent enough to follow Communism at 15 they'll almost certainly grow up to be social conservatives..for 'tis the way of things. A right winger would have joined the Communist Party and created his own faction within then launched a coup not shot up a group of potential recruits in some sort of grotesque, ANC wannabe massacre. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 31 July 2011 8:25:16 AM
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RPG...revolutions per minute,eh !
People like you have perfected the art of obfuscation as you politicise the danger Norway faces, as does every other country in the same position.. When the elephant it is easy to say it cant be seen, say there is no elephant and everyone will believe you,or at least you hope so. This is a very danderous attitude. Stop playing politics. The fact is demographic. Answer the questions plainly and honestly: Is the presence of Islam growing in Norway? Let's just take one country for now. This can't be true if the numbers of Muslim are decreasing every year. Statistics will prove that this is NOT so. So then the numbers of Muslims are growing. If that can be established from immigration figures then it must be conceded that the influence of Islam must be a growing influence. Once Muslims get citizenship they will be allowed to vote and participate in the normal democratic process. Right? No political templates here ? If the population of Norway has neared ZPG and the average number of children in Muslim families is about six then there has to come a time when Norway loses more and more of its sovereignty. Eventually Norway would have to agree to the establishment of sharia law which is essential to the Islamic way of life and justice. This will be enforceable when a Norwegian parliament votes it into law and constitutionalises it. I have said nothing that has rolled off a Rightist or Leftist template. I have merely put to you a series of logically argued answers to perplexing questions. Please stop being an idiot and calling Norway a communist country. It has a king and royalist and democratic tradition. socratease Posted by socratease, Sunday, 31 July 2011 1:08:25 PM
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socratease, "Please stop being an idiot and calling Norway a communist country. It has a king and royalist and democratic tradition. "
Where did I call Norway a communist country .. ? Are you just extending your own values here and accusing others of what you want, are you delusional and overexcited by the massacre and can't think straight? Apology expected .. you and your kind need to stop making up accusations about people that are completely unfounded and completely fabricated. You wonder why our PM is called Juliar ... what should we call you .. socrabricate? Please stop being an idiot and calling others idiots when you are fabricating. Why do conservatives dislike lefties and accuse them of lying .. gosh, is there any substance? /sarc Posted by rpg, Sunday, 31 July 2011 7:12:52 PM
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I think he's muddling yours and my posts together, we're on about two different subjects, or at least at this point we're in disagreement. Anywho, moving on. Let's have a look at some commentary from the "Day after". This one is interesting, PressTV, the Iranian English language broadcaster is always a good source of info because they allow a range of opinions on their programs, pay attention, this is what real, non PC journalism looks like.(Ignore the title for the minute, that's information added by the uploader) The guy on the Left is your classic Anti Racist, he's bombastic and he's spewing their typical hatred and lies but he's onto something with his comments about the Police and media covering for "Neo Nazis"...though being an Anti Racist it's unlikely that he's smart enough to appreciate the true ramifications of what he's saying. The man in the middle is objective for the most part, but he's got hold of another piece of the puzzle with his comments about the authorities turning a blind eye to some forms of Islamic Extremist activity. The old guy on the right also has a piece of the puzzle, this attack is extremely fishy smelling and has the days have gone by it's only raised more questions, I plan to listen to his radio show and hear all of what he's saying. Enjoy, and ponder on what a "free and open' media really means to your perception of current affairs. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 31 July 2011 8:05:24 PM
The US is the obvious case with a financial environment that thrives on a military culture and which is currently desperate to get its own house in order with a deadline ever closer. It is also a country that would probably see 20% unemployment if there was no military spending for war furnaces. So instability is important to justify such spending to the detriment of education, health, benefits for veterans and on. They fund an underground private Army operating at the behest of the President to do the things needed to justify the maintenance of 780 based worldwide, not counting rendition centres.
The same applies to the 9/11 exercise, a false flag effort if ever there was one. This enabled Bush to alter the Constitution, to remove privileges provided by decent people who structured the US guidelines, now in tatters. Torture is now fashionable and legal, again thanks to those arch-criminals, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfelt, never prosecuted.
We even have one organisation in the US sheeting home the blame in Norway to Freemasons, seriously. However, It muddies the waters and allows the controlled press to go on yet aother red herring rampage well away from the real source of yet another terrorist activity in 2011.
Acting alone. Hardly. But there is probably a better chance to find out his connections, his associations in Norway than there ever was or will be in the US where they have developed skills like no others in lies, false flags and plain graft and corruption from the president down through all the elected ranks of self-serving politicians. Part of the culture now, a characteristic. Look at the 9/11 whitewash. A charade.
Get used to it. It’s now the norm.