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Australia’s colonial hangover: why we can’t seem to accept Julia Gillard : Comments
By Tanel Jan Palgi, published 21/7/2011Gillard should be accepted as a strong leader, regardless of what she said about the carbon tax.
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Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 23 July 2011 1:30:00 PM
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Comparing Gillard to Thatcher is a joke.
Thatcher did exactly what she said she would. She broke the unions and reformed the economy by taking out all the silly labour laws and industry protection, to make it more competitive. The pain of Juliar is doing exactly the opposite. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 23 July 2011 1:30:23 PM
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Even though you don't have a clue - you're entitled to your opinion. As are we all. And that's all they are. Opinions. And depending which side of politics you're on - one's opinions will vary. It doesn't mean that either of us is right or wrong. It simply means those are our opinions - and we can use them (to each his own) come election time. You happen to think that our current PM is a joke. Fair enough. I feel just as strongly about the Opposition leader - Mr Tony Abbott. As to who whill win the next election - we'll have to simply wait and see. Although you and He may not realise it - he LOST the last one - and if his party was not in Coalition with the Nationals - they wouldn't have a chance in (well you know), of being in politics at all. Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 23 July 2011 2:45:10 PM
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Julia's nutter,
Me in denial of weather patterns? Of course not, that is just silly - weather is weather. As you know, climate is weather averaged over decades and has bumps and troughs, remember - no, you obviously don't. @ None of your now revamped claims regarding the effects of global warming is supported by peer reviewed literature. Really? Can you please qualify this strongly asserted opinion of yours? @ Oh and please read the current peer reviewed literature on rising sea levels. Which particular paper are you talking about nutter, there are many? Hang-a-mo, if you're talking about P. J. Watson's "Is There Evidence Yet of Acceleration in Mean Sea Level Rise around Mainland Australia", Journal of Coastal Research, 2011 - yes, I know all about it. Thanks anyway. A pity really. Not so much because 'deniers' like you probably won't be able to understand a statistical article ... but because 'deniers' like you have jumped on one Australian newspaper 'fluff and bluster' piece that purportedly overturns all other peer reviewed literature. OMG, give the man a Nobel, now! Sorry nutter, you will have to excuse me if I don't take someone who calls himself "imajulianutter" too seriously - political motives (rather than science) are just a tad too obvious, imho. . SM Yeah, Thatcher was a brilliant leader and visionary in tackling global warming too - pity the Australian conservatives don't have the same vision and leadership qualities Margaret had, R.I.P. Posted by bonmot, Saturday, 23 July 2011 2:49:10 PM
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yesLexi… I will tell you about those unemployed numbers in Uk
the fact is they were unemployed for years before Margaret stopped propping up those union-infested sheltered workshop known as “The Nationalised Industries”…. you know Coal, Steel, Railways, telecoms the result… the same numbers employed in real jobs in the private sector but the chronic overmanning, restrictive practices and union thuggery in the public industries was transferred from “pretend employment” to the unemployed. This did two things 1 it made more skilled people avialble for real jobs 2 because the government were not taxing like crazy to subsidise loss making public industries, the money was left in the hands of private investors to put into real businesses. “Finally she lost the support within her own party and was ousted - making our current PM's leadership problems seem quite small by comparison” Oh yes… she was ousted… after 15 years at the helm of government Hawke lasted half that time - before Keating “ousted him” And lets face it, Whitlam, Keating, Krudd have all been one-term failures who never got a shot at second terms, Julia herself fixing Krudds chances of losing a general election And now, Gizzards is travelling the same path as the rest. Like others have said “Comparing Gillard to Thatcher is a joke.” Thatcher was a stateswoman who strode the world stage making the USSR quake and in tandem with Ronald Reagan…. Saw the collapse of the Evil Empire Julia Gizzards, instead of making long strides on the world stage would (following the examples of her other government “initiatives”) trip and fall flat on her face. And sad to say, even with the help of Ronald McDonald, she could not work out which end of a Big Mac to bite first. Bonmot “Sorry nutter, you will have to excuse me if I don't take someone who calls himself "imajulianutter" too seriously” I feel the same about those who call themselves 'bonmot' Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 23 July 2011 3:17:19 PM
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>> Bonmot “Sorry nutter, you will have to excuse me if I don't take someone who calls himself "imajulianutter" too seriously”
I feel the same about those who call themselves 'bonmot' << Let me guess, Col Rouge is your real name. Let me guess, Col Rouge speaks fluent French. Let me guess, Col Rouge remembers Margaret Thatcher's strong leadership and vision regarding global warming. Let me guess, Col Rouge suffers cognitive dissonance ... 1 out 4 ain't bad. Posted by bonmot, Saturday, 23 July 2011 3:35:27 PM
there you go again. You and Gillard and her leftie greenie mates are in denial about the past 12 months weather patterns and their effects on your precious average global surface temperatures.
None of your now revamped claims regarding the effects of global warming is supported by peer reviewed literature.
Oh and please read the current peer reviewed literature on rising sea levels. It seems that since the carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere has risen the actual rises in sea levels has been decelerating.
It seems you lot believe, one foot is on the accelerator the sea levels are rising, whilev you are refusing to see the other foot is on the brake, winning the contest and slowing the actual rises.
Mate the weather and newer science is now making you lot and particularly Gillard look in denial of the evidenced weather and facts (Peer reviewed), simple, silly and pig headed.
Gillard's irrelevant. She's a conned dullard who lacks leadership.
You've simply been conned and now you are the denier.