The Forum > Article Comments > The Australian Democrats are no template for the Australian Greens > Comments
The Australian Democrats are no template for the Australian Greens : Comments
By Patrick Baume, published 18/7/2011The Democrats were a party of the centre, but the Greens are a party of the left. That makes the dynamics quite different.
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I have been playing the printed form of verbal tennis here and before in other forums in defense of My ALP for near ten years.
Some times I took the birch stick to my party, its remnants in NSW 2 years before the train wreck.
Of all the battles and there have been many, only the Greens form crows councils.
We now and again just for the fun of it should look at our selves.
All of us here in OLO.
No saint no fountain of knowledge myself, but some who come here, what can I say.
The insults! gee twice I ran away never intending to come back! fragile and foolish, that was me.
I came back and rolled my insulting opponent on every confrontation, by fair debate.
Look at the near rabid right, babbling and ,you can see them shouting in their words.
But here now watch the sticks on my back, because my thoughts are disliked by? the greens.
Labor has never been lower, why are the greens not greatly increasing their vote.
Can it be conservatives are gaining by green fearing ALP voters going to them.
IF ALP problem is we are too far to the right how come the greens are not picking up our lost kids.
Can it possible be true, more Australians will never vote green than ever will vote for them.
Not yet but one day, I will return to general comments section.
But at present it is in green hands and I reserve the right to think for my self.
I wish to remind one ex friend to both over estimate your understanding and under estimate others is no proof of right or wrong.