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The Forum > Article Comments > The Australian Democrats are no template for the Australian Greens > Comments

The Australian Democrats are no template for the Australian Greens : Comments

By Patrick Baume, published 18/7/2011

The Democrats were a party of the centre, but the Greens are a party of the left. That makes the dynamics quite different.

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I know better, should avoid this thread and subject like the plague.
I have been playing the printed form of verbal tennis here and before in other forums in defense of My ALP for near ten years.
Some times I took the birch stick to my party, its remnants in NSW 2 years before the train wreck.
Of all the battles and there have been many, only the Greens form crows councils.
We now and again just for the fun of it should look at our selves.
All of us here in OLO.
No saint no fountain of knowledge myself, but some who come here, what can I say.
The insults! gee twice I ran away never intending to come back! fragile and foolish, that was me.
I came back and rolled my insulting opponent on every confrontation, by fair debate.
Look at the near rabid right, babbling and ,you can see them shouting in their words.
But here now watch the sticks on my back, because my thoughts are disliked by? the greens.
Labor has never been lower, why are the greens not greatly increasing their vote.
Can it be conservatives are gaining by green fearing ALP voters going to them.
IF ALP problem is we are too far to the right how come the greens are not picking up our lost kids.
Can it possible be true, more Australians will never vote green than ever will vote for them.
Not yet but one day, I will return to general comments section.
But at present it is in green hands and I reserve the right to think for my self.
I wish to remind one ex friend to both over estimate your understanding and under estimate others is no proof of right or wrong.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 18 July 2011 1:39:46 PM
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Has anyone noticed?
Am I being too harsh.
Once I would have had our Morgan in about third place.
On my list of top ten posters here.
My list no longer exists.
I have been sent to Coventry by greens and new recruits.
NO not conservatives, not my forever opponents on the silly walks bench's of the tea party right.
But by Morgans mob!
My sins? Saying the Malaysian solution would work, it already is.
Being one of the majority, yep it is a sin to say most want the boats to stop.
For[ quite rude of me] reminding greens more dislike them than EVER WILL VOTE for them.
Silly me, I insist on asking why, with Labor near death, refugees vote conservative and greens votes are frozen.
And to the endless tripe! Labors march with the voters to the right costs us votes.
WHY do greens not make great gains right now at our lowest.
Hide under that rusty sheet of Iron the greens are, but understand that is all it is not a home for voters from middle Australia.
Order in the house gentle men and women, if every opponent of every party is as Morgan says of me and other realists telling lies we need to take a breath.
Debate must be free but civil.
If the greens poll is stagnant now tell me when will it get better under what cercomstances, Green Acres is only a dream, for most Australians it forever is a nightmare.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 18 July 2011 4:26:05 PM
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Ascencion? ASCENSION? of green senators? By what divine force?

I'd say scrabbling aboard, knocking women and children out of the way in their haste to be unrepresentative.
Posted by hugoagogo, Monday, 18 July 2011 6:46:08 PM
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Belly you ask "Am I being too harsh."

I don't want to divert this thread. Have a look at the thread you started on Federal elections and preferences, it may be a better spot to sort that out.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 18 July 2011 7:43:36 PM
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Well, it seems that the huge attraction towards the Greens (and Democrats) is they seemed to be staunchly against cronyism and political corruption rife in the major parties;

The Democrats instantly lost all their credibility when they proved they were putting on an act and were just as crooked and jumped on the bandwagon to privatize telstra, and never recovered.

The Greens so far had actually managed to prove that they are serious about their 'keeping the bastards honest' stance, and have shown they aren't going to be compromised away from their promised stances, which is clearly why their support is growing (and Labor is slipping since Julia backflipped on the Carbon Tax after explicitly denying she would do it).

And I think the only policies that the Greens endorse that turns most Australians off them are their soft refugee policy and their carbon tax policy.
Posted by King Hazza, Monday, 18 July 2011 10:11:06 PM
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morgonzola "I think that the "lying, manipulative trolls" are generally those who endlessly tell lies about the Greens in online forums, despite having been made aware of the facts."

one of the "Facts" you rely is where you stated there was no Greens before 1992....

but a few of us can recall early movements in the 1960's and entryism by trotskyites in UK green / environment movements in 1980s...

all before your claimed "birth date" in 1992

So if that is what you rely on as "facts" I guess you must go to school with the lying trolls who presented fraudulent J curves of warming to obtain more grant funds and make hysterical claims to justify more pointless intrusions into the lives of previously free people.

Which makes your notions of "truth" just another example of "lying, manipulative trolls of the green and left of centre political movements

now Morganzola... I trust that is now clear or would you like me / do I need to, elaborate further?
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 19 July 2011 12:02:14 AM
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