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Government deception won't reduce family violence : Comments
By Greg Andresen, published 9/6/2011The truth is that violence in families is an equal opportunity crime.
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True RObert, but how many times do any of the usual protesters on OLO ever acknowledge that men lie in child custody cases. If you took on board some of the nonsense on here you would think only women lie in the Court system. Most marriages end with mutual agreements it is only ever the difficult ones that end up in Court.
Do you think an abusive husband (or wife) is going to stand in front of a judge and say "Yes Your Honour, I have beaten my wife and kids" or "Yes Your Honour I have molested my children".
There seems to be a growing trend to put parents' rights before children but the objective should always be children first. They are the most powerless in this relationship. I believe shared parenting should be the standard but where there is any form of abuse from either parent the children should be protected until further investigation can uncover the truth. False claims about violence should also be treated as abuse because the impact is clearly negative for children.
Men also lie to gain custody. I know of one case where during some marital tension a husband threatened his wife with taking the kids if she divorced him because she had just got over an illness and he was going to use that to say she was unfit. The illness had nothing to do with her ability as a mother and she was fully recovered but with ongoing testing to check if the cancer had returned.
Some of the other stories would make your hair stand on end. Fact is the first priority should be children and there should be greater scrutiny of any alleged claims.
Too much violence and abuse is being 'dumbed down' in the interests of gender political correctness.