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Christians flex their political muscle : Comments

By Rod Benson, published 24/3/2011

NSW Christians are flexing their muscles, but is it all posing or will it lift mountains?

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"As for me, I share the view of Christian apologist Norman Geisler who once said he would rather vote for an outright pagan with the right policies than a born-again Christian with the wrong policies."

The fact that you even feel it necessary to say this indicates a minor disconnect with reality. Who in their right minds could possibly think otherwise?
Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 24 March 2011 6:22:09 AM
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It’s telling how when Christians voice their views it’s an issue. Whereas, when Muslims opposed to women’s rights raise issues they still belong to “a religion of peace.”

Of course, when it comes to religious fundamentalist views, the Greens are the most extreme, by any measure. They’re tree worshippers. They have a long history of false prophecies.
Posted by BPT, Thursday, 24 March 2011 8:38:33 AM
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Maybe it's just me, but I find this speaks volumes for the condition of our political processes:

"This is also the first true Twitter election for NSW. Both party leaders have long been active on Twitter, and social media can no longer be dismissed by party machines and politicians. Social media (such as Facebook and Twitter) offer an unprecedented opportunity for direct connection with voters. It’s about cultivating a genuine relationship, appearing responsive, presenting oneself as an ordinary person."

Try as I might, I cannot see anyone cultivating a genuine relationship with me through "social media".

Getting a message across in 140-character bursts would be good discipline, I accept. But it is far more likely to have the effect of reducing the intellectual content of the policies to 140 characters as well.

As for the idea that I should "befriend" a politician through Facebook, I reject it totally. The nature of the medium - especially given that it will be managed by political minders, rather than the actual person - also lends itself to convey material at the lowest level of banality. The concept that it might somehow be more "real" is utterly laughable.

Sorry, that was a bit off-topic.

But the reality of "the Christian vote" boils down to nothing more than identifying the faction or factions that you as a politician most need to please. Given that, as the author tells us "many other Christian voices, as well as the voices of people and groups of other faiths, speaking into the public space of Australian politics and public policy", you are left with the standard approach of pandering to the largest groupings, while offending as few as you can get away with.

With so many different religious views out there, there is no other way to approach it. And if it turns out that the Christians, in whatever combination their numbers and proclivities are sliced and diced, hold a majority view, well, that's democracy.

As indeed it would be for Muslims, Mormons, Scientologists and Hindus.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 24 March 2011 9:35:04 AM
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The Green dogma has all the hallmarks of false religion.THey worship mother earth and hate Father God. The Greens use 'selected'pseudo science as their epistles. They support a big tax on electricity, water, gas, petrol knowing that it will not change consumption or alter temperature. Many of them are very indulgent but will get their tax back from the Government they are in bed with. The Greens hate any form of authority but still want to impose their godless values on society by force if necessary. Killing the unborn so they can continue having sex with whoever and whenever is a vital part of their doctrine.How anyone could claim Greens are not religous with their hopelessly flawed evolutionary faith defies logic. This whole global warming hoax is a result of accepting men in coats making up lies and justifying it by 'settled science'. Unfortunatley this Green religion has brainwashed many young voters who need to grow up and face truth. Religion is dangerous and the Greens top the bill.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 24 March 2011 10:32:39 AM
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“The Green dogma has all the hallmarks of false religion.” I agree with you "runner" and your point that they “worship mother earth and hate Father God” is also well documented.

Their worship of Mother Earth along with green praise songs, anti-meat eating rituals, so-called carbon credits to offset “carbon sins” and so on, borders on the bizarre. I see plenty of projection among the inner-city elites. They’re forcing their green religions onto us too.

Therefore, it makes sense to beat up on Christians and distract the public from their green zealotry.
Posted by BPT, Thursday, 24 March 2011 11:14:10 AM
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"NSW Christians are flexing their muscles, but is it all posing or will it lift mountains?"

I hope above anything else that it IS just posing.
The last thing this state needs is a bunch of angry, superstitious authoritarian types that feel the greatest threat to humanity is people being legally allowed to NOT be forced to obey their teachings.

Sadly, despite the considerably low number of people that even bother practicing Christianity in this country these days (check church attendance statistics and see for yourself), the fundamentalist Christian minority lobby seems to be the leading culprit as to why basic freedoms like euthanasia, Gay Marriage and as far as Conroy goes, Freedom of Information, seem so far out of reach.
Posted by King Hazza, Thursday, 24 March 2011 2:12:48 PM
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