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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia must make a stand for West Papua > Comments

Australia must make a stand for West Papua : Comments

By Charlie Hill-Smith, published 14/12/2010

It's time for Australia to step up for our tortured and murdered neighbours to the north in West Papua.

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"Indonesian military invaded in 1962-63, it has killed 400,000 West Papuans yet few Australians know anything about these killing fields."

What has happened to West Papua and, still continuing, is similar to Sudan and other Islamic countries where jihadists make use of the opportunity to kill the native population and impose radical Islam onto the local population.

The only way to bring peace to the world is to thoroughly defeat and completely annihilate jihadist mentality found in such countries like Indonesia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, etc.

We need to put a big FULLSTOP to what is another form of "Arab Imperialism"

(Obama and Arab Imperialism)

(Islam: The Arab Imperialism; Islam, the Self-Perpetuating Tool of Arab Imperialism)
Posted by Philip Tang, Tuesday, 14 December 2010 9:25:39 AM
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The recent security operations in Puncak Jaya area was law-enforcement response to continuous attacks done in the Mulia area by some rag-tag OPM barbaric armed separatists who during 2009-2010 alone has killed more than 10 innocent people, both of native Papuan and non-Papuan ethnicities:

1) Asbullah (employee of PT Modern, highway contractor)
2) Elimus Ramandey (employee of PT Modern, highway contractor)
3) Hans Ling Satya (employee of PT Modern, highway contractor)
4) Agus Suhendra (police officer)
5) Muganif Pulance (motocycle taxi driver)
6) Atril Wahid (grocery store-keeper)
7) Thamrin (employee of PT Modern, highway contractor)
8) Muhammad Amas (motorcycle taxi driver)
9) Sahrul Mahulau (police officer)
10) Zainal (motorcycle taxi driver)
11) Solihin (motorcycle taxi driver)
12) Saiful Yusuf (soldier)
13) Riswandi Yusuf (motorcycle taxi driver)

Indonesia is not a lawless and powerless country where murderers can get away with their crimes. They are pursued, and thanks to the effective security operations, we have captured more than 15 suspected perpetrators resulting in no violent incidents in the past two months.

It is completely offensive for the article writer to connect the murder investigation with irrelevant comments on gold mines, resources, multinational companies, or what have you.

It is also completely hilarious if the writer expects that comments from some clueless and misinformed foreigners can prevent us from enforcing law in our own country, and allow murders to go unpunished.

Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Tuesday, 14 December 2010 10:39:25 AM
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Bravo to the author of this article.

I was a longterm Labor supporter, but the actions of Rudd and Gillard mystify me. The Indonesians bamboozle them, promising all kinds of things. Apparently we still give Indonesia aid for education and for not cutting down forests.We give aid for natural disasters. Does Indonesia ever give us anything? I doubt it.

Indonesia has shown its contempt for anyone who doesn't subscribe to its own exploitation and exploitation of its neighbours.

Western imperialism and corruption- bad. Indonesia looking after its own interests , or rather of the wealthy Javanese- good.

Wikileaks is showing how amateurish are all the recent efforts in defence and foreign policy. And with what contempt Australian efforts are held by USA, Israel, etc. No wonder they want to shut it down and lock up Julian Assange.
Posted by Bronte, Tuesday, 14 December 2010 1:12:23 PM
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Australian "monetary aid" is no leverage that can be used to intimidate or coerce Indonesia. We never asked for these money, your government gave us all that cash to keep us as friendly country. Our country is the world's 15th largest economy in the world, there are 21 Indonesian billionaires (see latest Forbes magazine). Our middle-class is much larger than the entire population of Australia.

As far as I remember, Indonesia has always been a friendly country with Australia and we never harmed Australian interests. Instead, Indonesia helped Australia to control people smuggling and illegal fishing which absolutely gave us no benefits. G-to-G relationships between the two countries has always been healthy.

However, expecting that Indonesia will somehow allow a non-entity like Australia to control our domestic policies are absurd and hilarious.

We gain the right to exercise sovereign rights over our country by blood. We killed 5000 Dutch soldiers, 1500 British soldiers, and 3000 Japanese soldiers working for the Allies during our war of independence. There were 35,000 gallant Indonesians who sacrificed their lives to secure our independence.

We shall not dishonour the sacrifices of our heroes by allowing some foreigners to dictate our internal policies and tamper with our sovereignity, which these heroes fought and died for.

Your self-flattering assumption of the role of "human rights defender" can only be responded with increduluous ridicule by Indonesians. We are familiar with your past history of invading, murdering, and dispossessing the real Australians, the Aborigines. You are colonisers occupying and squatting at Aboriginal lands. No wonder Indonesians value "human rights advice" from Australians like a handful of dust.

You are no better than us. You want us to "leave" Papua, then you better start returning Australia to Aborigines and returned to whatever European hamlet your colonialist ancestors came from!
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Tuesday, 14 December 2010 2:16:11 PM
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Proud to be Indonesian:

Include the facts and leave the crap for those who are gullible.

Australians built up Indonesia through tourism, incredible funding given over 30 years, introducing, implementing and succeeding in programs and projects for the benefit of you and the Indonesian people now living today.

Many Australian peoples' time and energy were given to the Indonesian people and governance, borne out of our exceeding generosity, forward thinking, planning, research and studies.

Further, your wealthy billionares would not be in the place they are today, without the Australian people and Government.

Human Rights are a separate issue altogether.

An eye for an eye is the point you illustrate between Indonesia and Papua.

A loss for all.

There is no 'win win' for you or any of your groups possessing an archaic revengeful mentality.

Australians [the majority] and Government have never shied away from assisting our neighbouring countries' people who have been totally outnumbered and victimised [assaulted, murdered and massacred] over past generations.

The situation will never change.
Posted by we are unique, Wednesday, 15 December 2010 1:09:49 AM
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@we are unique:

I am sure there are altruistic Australians, but you need to keep a sense of perspective when measuring your country's leverage with others before trying to engage in intimidation and coercion.

Indonesia is fairly popular in international circles, and is actually a country of high strategic importance. As consequence, we received aid packages from heaps of countries. Our major donors include Japan, China, and to lesser extent European Union, USA etc. Australia is fairly down the bottom in terms of aid volume. Unlike arrogant Aussies, these countries (especially the Asian countries) never tried to dictate and interfere with our internal affairs like Australia.

"Further, your wealthy billionares would not be in the place they are today, without the Australian people and Government."

Interesting self-flattering assumption. I wonder how you see this view as valid. As far as I can see, none of these billionaires have any major business with Australia. They prosper mostly by selling to the huge domestic market (240 million people) or by trading resources to the entire world market. Their success can be attributed to firstly their own enterpreneurship, the rich wealth of Indonesian archipelago, and to good macroeconomic policies of Indonesian govt.

"There is no 'win win' for you or any of your groups possessing an archaic revengeful mentality"

The pursuit of the barbaric Papuan criminal separatists are not about "revenge", it is about law enforcement. We are not a weak and powerless country who will let dastradly murders go unpunished.

Funny, from your point of view, it seems if a Papuan separatist got fondled in the genitals, it is such a huge "human rights issue" which requires attention of the Prime Minister herself. Yet, if 13 Indonesians were killed (some were mutiliated), you don't care and you even want the perpetrators to be given immunity.

It confirms our opinion that people like you do not value Indonesian values. Do you seriously think we would value opinions or even the lives of people who do not value our lives?
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Wednesday, 15 December 2010 10:41:02 AM
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