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The Forum > Article Comments > The insidious apartheid of thinking pink > Comments

The insidious apartheid of thinking pink : Comments

By Monica Dux, published 23/11/2010

There something disquieting about the sheer ubiquity of the pinkification of our girls.

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If you wish simplistically (and laughably) to imagine that most women sit around in their pink jammies not taking "responsibility" - that is your prerogative.
The fact that many men undertake dirty and dangerous work is to their credit, and not something to be used to lever a wedge between the genders - especially in a situation that has resulted in a tragic loss of life - one that you chose to further your own agenda.
I find it difficult to separate your own constant vilification of women from the similarly couched rants of over-the-top feminists.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 25 November 2010 5:00:14 PM
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Dane:”I might have brought them into this thread but it was you who disrespected them. 29 men are killed and you say you are sitting in your 'pink jammies'. You really have no shame.”

Don’t you ever talk about my jammies!

Which are my favs even though I know with my skin tone looks better in blue. They’re some silky thin material and the top is a little spaghetti strap item, the bottoms are kinda low cut and they are terrible for actually sleeping in when it’s this hot but good for swanning about the house in. They’re the sort of jammies you wished you had when younger and going on sleep overs. I love my pink jammies dane.

Anti:”I hope I manage to bear up under the social pressure.”

Just promise me you didn’t have a thin black leather tie, white jacket and black trousers that went with the red shirt to begin with.

Wish you guys were here, neighbor is throwing bricks on the road and screaming obsenities at me. He's very very drunk, and I am home alone (not for long though). Err... maybe he saw my jammies?
Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 25 November 2010 5:44:07 PM
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"neighbor is throwing bricks on the road and screaming obsenities at me" - oh lucky you. I'd been not overly thrilled about changes of neighbors which had happened this year, had the loveliest neighbors for years and the couple in there now have a had a few late night arguments which apart from keeping me awake are just unpleasant.

Visiting elsewhere recently and the people down the street are standing around on the edge of the street watching a couple of 4wd's doing donuts on the road right near them (one woman holding an baby at the time). The next step was smoking the tires in the driveway. Compared to that and the sort of neighbor who stands around throwing bricks and yelling obscenities I like my neighbors lot's.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 25 November 2010 6:01:28 PM
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"donuts....smoking tyres on the driveway"

4wds?! Get away with you, can you swear that on your pinkie? Next it will be Hyundai Getz doing burn-outs and drag races.

That is what happens when pink gets out of control, the Butterfly Effect, absolute chaos.
Posted by Cornflower, Thursday, 25 November 2010 6:37:48 PM
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Swear to god my neighbour has some fluro pink item on. Like a road workers waist coat thingi.

Who knew... it's never been men or women - it is pink!

Was it Ludwig who said that up until the 50's boys wore it? Isn't that when it all started going wrong for men and the womens got meaner?
Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 25 November 2010 7:00:30 PM
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You try to paint it as an illegitimate comparison. But just because you find it uncomfortable or inconvenient doesn't mean it isn't true.

Perhaps you can tell me the last time 29 women gave their lives working for their families?

Why is it men are just expected to give their lives but when the issue is raised women try to belittle and minimize it? Why is so hard for women to admit any sort of male virtue?

TPP, anti and Co,
I've never seen your type of callousness on OLO before. Are you women's studies graduates?
Posted by dane, Thursday, 25 November 2010 8:42:14 PM
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