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The Forum > Article Comments > Ethics should be a course for all pupils > Comments

Ethics should be a course for all pupils : Comments

By Robert Haddad, published 22/11/2010

We shouldn't assume that children who do religion classes don't need ethics as well.

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old African saying says ""takes a whole vilige to raise a Chil"" very wise words

Typicl of the Socialist guvment to brainwash our kids about Ethnics and MultiCulti!!
Posted by Huggins, Wednesday, 24 November 2010 8:45:15 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

I don't see how your last message refers to what I wrote, except for the fact that I mentioned "contemporary ideas". Since I did not even refer to Christianity, your response puzzles me.

I stand for the rights of parents to educate their children in whatever manner they want, whether or not it coincides with contemporary ideas.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 24 November 2010 8:51:51 AM
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Dear Muggins

There is a world of difference between 'ethnics' and 'ethics', even amongst the filthy communist socialists.

Or is that filthy socialist communists?

Mind you, you might be onto something when you moan about governments making it easier for multi-cults to have access to our children.

I quite agree, and see no reason for any cults to be given time and space in our schools.

So, when do we rid them of the cancerous cults that Pell and Jensen represent?
Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 24 November 2010 9:11:42 AM
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@ Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 23 Nov 10:59:23 PM

Y: "what about children who do NOT want to be educated in contemporary ideas? what about children who WANT to be on the outer of their society and the rest of the world?"

What about children that reject their parents desire for them to be on the outer of their society and the rest of the world ??

Y: "Our delicate child should be protected .. "

"delicate"? Emotive language like that makes many wary. What part of any public school curriculum is evil?

Societies generally do not have ideas, let alone false ones - people or groups in them do. Besides, all ideas and counter ideas should be assessed on their own merits and stand or fall by those merits.

Y: ""what would your approach be should the parents representing the child tell you: "Current 'knowledge' is mere ignorance. Current understanding is mis-understanding. Peak bodies serve only the devil. ""

The parents are eccentric nutters.

Y: "contemporary society is corrupt. contemporary community is dysfunctional and spiritually crippling."

There are many things I do not like about contemporary society, such as drug abuse, alcohol abuse, overt sexuality, etc.; yet, equally I do not like more main-stream things like really big cars, clothing, hair, and the English language ;-))

Ideas should stand on their merits and people out not be afraid of ideas when they are suitiably presented to children in an age-appropriate way.
Posted by McReal, Wednesday, 24 November 2010 8:07:20 PM
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McReal, you seem to evade my basic question: would you use coercion or not?

"What about children that reject their parents desire..."

Since you ask, I believe that they should state that fact the moment they are able to, then be allowed to choose different parents, but that's digressing: I referred only to the simpler case of a cohesive family where all are in agreement.

""delicate"? Emotive language like that makes many wary. What part of any public school curriculum is evil?"

How can I tell? it's the parents who claimed so, not me. It is also the parents who used "delicate": who am I to know better about other people's children?

"Societies generally do not have ideas, let alone false ones - people or groups in them do."

Aren't school-teachers people? aren't schools groups-of-people? so is mainstream-society, and so is the group of other-children-in-school, along with the ideas they bring from home.

"Besides, all ideas and counter ideas should be assessed on their own merits and stand or fall by those merits."

That's irrelevant. The parents tell you that according to their belief-system, their delicate-child should not be exposed to certain ideas. They also tell you that contemporary techniques and methods would harm their children, not only ideas.

(BTW, merits are relative to the goals in mind)

"The parents are eccentric nutters."

Perhaps so, at least according to yourself and contemporary-society, so what?

You are entitled to your judgements, but you are not entitled to use violence on others who have done you no harm, such as to take their children away and force your type of 'education' on an unwilling family.

"There are many things I do not like about contemporary society, such as drug abuse...."

I share some of your sentiments, but wouldn't impose my sentiments on others.

"Ideas should stand on their merits and people out not be afraid of ideas when they are suitiably presented to children in an age-appropriate way."

Who mentioned fear? The family simply stated that they don't want their children to be exposed. Who are you to force it on them?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 24 November 2010 9:41:43 PM
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