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Lest we forget: The Coniston Massacre : Comments
By Amanda Midlam, published 11/11/2010What was the Coniston massacre? Lest We Forget became Best We Forget as Australia developed amnesia.
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Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 14 November 2010 1:18:40 PM
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not much has changed in the justice stakes in Australia. Just consider the justice Mulrunji Doomagee recieved at the hands of qld policeman Chris Hurley. Chris remains a free man and poor Mulrunji is dead. Also look a the tazering issue in WA recently. It is funny how people solemly remember Gallipoli but claim that the dark deeds of Australia's past 'happened a long time ago' and suggest that Indigenous people should 'get over it' etc. Unfortunately, I doubt you will get support to re-examine the Coniston massacre/s, particularly as some of the decendants of the perpetrators might get upset. Imagine for a moment if it was found there was some gain attained by the perpetrators of the massacres, would their decendants have to give back assets wrongfully gained by their fathers/grandfathers? Imagine the repercussions that could flow on from reopening a case like this. I think non-indigenous Australians prefer to retain their selective amnesia of past events, and foster the myth that Australia is the land of the 'fair go'. Posted by Aka, Sunday, 14 November 2010 1:54:44 PM
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Poor choice of words on my part, CJ.
>>The Coniston Massacre wasn't a "random historical event". Rather, it was well-documented mass murder...<< But my point was not to diminish the act itself. Simply to illustrate what history tells us: that we can expect to commiserate over a never-ending stream of "well-documented mass murders", for many hundreds of years into the future. The cult of the victim, once it takes hold, is highly resistant to appeasement, and extremely open to constant venting of emotions through the opening and re-opening of old wounds. And this would appear, in context, to smack of special pleading... >>I have to say that I think your historical analogies are spurious, not least because the English/British were colonial invaders in each case.<< Your explanation as to how this does not apply to Australia, particularly given the nature of the crimes, the perpetrators of those crimes, and the cultural history of the victims, seems more than a trifle expedient. There seems absolutely no possibility that we will ever arrive at a position where the past may be mutually and amicably put to rest. So we have to accept that we will be perpetually "in the naughty corner" in this country, and never be allowed to adopt it fully as our own. As Boaz so lucidly put it - albeit probably accidentally... >>...the Celts who lived in Britanny (French coast) who had been expelled/driven out by the Anglo Saxons... Every day of their LIVES reminded them of what the Anglo Saxons had done to them<< It is clear that Aboriginal Australia too, reminds itself every day of their lives, of what the colonial invaders have done to them. We will never be allowed to live guilt-free here in Australia, that's all there is to it. How you react personally to that fact is your free choice, but entirely irrelevant. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 14 November 2010 4:41:04 PM
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CJ..I can rejoice that your stint in rehab did wonders for your ability to analyse important issues :) well done! We agree.
You say: Amanda Midlam, What do you think would be achieved by a new enquiry into the Coniston Massacre? I was under the impression that the facts of the mass murder are quite well-documented. YES.. absolutely so... but the 'wolf' under Amanda's sheep skin is this. She is not interested in anything other than 'abolishing the white race' all means neccessary. (i.e..White Race as a "Social Construct" of course) She says: The official finding was self-defence. Do we want to live with that in 2010? If we don't address this what does it say about us as a nation? Amanda...hey..let's go back to EVERY jolly bad thing which happened prior to the establishment of Australia.. in fact let's go back to CAIN and ABEL..... start there..and work your way through alllll the 'bad things' which ever happened...if you have the time! The ONLY possible point in regurgitating this issue is to heap scorn and guilt on 'The White Race'....thus undermining majority Australia and eroding any self of self esteem or dignity which white people might have. It's as though Amanda wants a 'new finding' which enables her to say "seeeeee....WHITE people did that..they MASSACRED those poor defenseless aboriginals"... and in so doing (even with it being true) she has effectivly LABELLED all White Australians with that genocidal brush. After all.. is anyone alive who can be 'convicted' of that incident? Amanda... I'm sure you already work there..but hey.. here's a great organization for you. Australian Critical Whiteness Studies Association You'll love it, it fits your script. or.. here's a beaudy for you: The author happens to be Jewish.. and a Marxist. (A HARVARD man no less) OH SHOCK HORROR.. David Duke of the KKK has latched onto this. (can't figure out why ? ? ? ) Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Sunday, 14 November 2010 5:03:24 PM
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Pericles....your last post deserves special mention....(you didn't do a bit in rehab with CJ did you ? :)
You are spot on in that post. By the way... my 'by accident' thing ? Nope.. I know it applies and you should realize that it's for that same reason the Serb/Croat punch up occurs each year at the Tennis. You have signalled a change in direction toward declaring MultiCulturalism (as understood and practiced, rather than how legislated) is doomed for the trashcan of history. Thankyou and well done! Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Sunday, 14 November 2010 5:08:21 PM
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In your dreams, Boaz.
>>You have signalled a change in direction toward declaring MultiCulturalism (as understood and practiced, rather than how legislated) is doomed for the trashcan of history.<< Where, in your fevered imagination, is there even the faintest smidgeon of a link between the historical massacre of aborigines by colonialist invaders, and multiculturalism? You are becoming embarrassingly one-track minded, I'm afraid. >>Thankyou and well done!<< If I believed for one instant that I had done or written anything to deserve these thanks, I would be mortified. The horror. It doesn't bear thinking about. Fortunately, I don't suffer your monomaniacal insistence that everything is contextualized by "multiculturalism", and can therefore see that you are merely stirring the pot. Sad, really. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 14 November 2010 5:44:40 PM
I know nothing of forensic science, but if the exact site (or sites) of the Coniston massacres could be identified, and thorough examinations done of the sites, suppose babies' bones were uncovered ? Those of old men and women ? Bullet-casings but few signs of Aboriginal weapons ? What would constitute evidence of massacre rather than 'self-defence' on Murray's part ? Even after eighty years, it may be possible to find such evidence.
As well, given that ration-stations in the area would have kept lists of names of recipients, if those recipients suddenly disappeared, never claimed rations ever again, and included those of babies and old men and women, could this have inferred the possibility of massacres ?
CJ, I'm tired of scams. That's all there is to it. Give me the truth and I'll fight and die for it, but lies and fraud ? Never.