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Australia racist? Well, der! : Comments

By Bill Collopy, published 30/8/2010

Australians like to think we left xenophobia behind with the days when we couldn't buy bok choy at the supermarket.

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Racist just means White, it's an opinion based on an interpretation of White behaviour toward other races.
Non White people can't be racist, because they're not White, if you're interpreting their behaviour as Racist you'd be wrong because you're expecting them to behave like White people, you're projecting Whiteness onto non White people.
Anti Racism is a code word for Anti White.
Any action that's taken or any policy that's made in the name of anti Racism is inherently anti White.
If anyone's wondering why anti Racism isn't a high priority in this country then they can't be too bright can they?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 30 August 2010 5:01:31 PM
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Why do the racists always accuse reasonable people as being racist ? Haven't they got anything else to start an argument about ? Getting rather boring lately, not even our resident OLO chief bleater of racism has bothered to put it's two bob worth in here. That's saying something !
Posted by individual, Monday, 30 August 2010 7:14:36 PM
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hilarious...HILARIOUS... how cheap and whacky is the article.

Want proof? :) I have it....

Let's see first though, what the goal of this article was.

"US" 'Australians' = 'white anglo' it would appear, strongly implied.

'They'= leb,pole,maori etc.. insert as appropriate.

"We White Aussies are 'der' level racist towards all these others.

But wait.... let's look CLOOOOSERRRRRRR


Zara is called a 'terrorist' etc by 3 younger girls.


1 in 3 people in Dandenong is from a NON English speaking background.


a) 2 of those 3 younger girls were from a non English speaking background. (or..could have been 1 with the other 2 English speaking)

b) Thus.. they might just as well have been Christian Iraqi's who have been viciously persecuted by the male side of the hijab, Muslim Males in Iraq.

or..they might have been Christian Pakistanis, who are also (now) being persecuted by the male counterpart to the hijab wearing Muslims.

or..they might have been Christian Sudanese, who are still being killed in Sudan by Muslims.

or..they might have been Christians from any number of places where their relatives or family have been killed by.... "Muslim Terrrorists"

So..when those 'unspecified' children said "You are a terrorist, you kill people" they may well have been speaking from PERSONAL experience of their own families or relatives.

So.... this offensive and weak article needs no sympathy from any of us.. rather -outright condemnation of the most strident kind.

Let's look a bit further.

"V people are queue jumpers." Actually.. to be very specific, traditional Chinese from Malaysia would fit this perfectly!

Just try it some time there. Singaporeans are good queuers..Malaysian Chinese are often.. 'survival of the fittest' Ohhhhhh how they HATE those places where you have to take a number ! ! !

They are sufficiently so, for it to be a noticable habit across a broad spectrum of their race. To notice such, or comment on it is not is purely affirming our own culture in our own land.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 30 August 2010 7:50:27 PM
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@ Individual.
Option 1: They've called No platform For Racists, which means they won't post here, that's a win for common sense.
Option 2: They've realised that when White people try to lead non Whites in a revolution it doesn't end well, ask Ernesto Guevara.
Option 3: They've realised that their BS just won't fly anymore, that when faced with the Iron Question they have nothing and that the only reason people still hold anti Racist views is that up to this point no one has been game to laugh them out of existence.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 30 August 2010 7:53:56 PM
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Phillipino Drivers......

IF.. a Filipino person brought his nations driving habits to Australia, and did what I once saw.. an old man looking straight ahead.. driving his little car the wrong way up a one way street during bumper to bumper peek hour traffic....(and getting away with it)

He would be road raged into such shape as to be unrecognizable as a human I'm sure.

Filipino drivers do NOT 'give way' as we do to people coming out of side streets (at times).. there is only ONE way to get onto a major road from a side road there.. "Grit your teeth, drive like hell, wave your hand up and down....and pray"

Do that here and you might get "You asian idiot... what the expletive) hell do you think you are (expletive) doing you moron!"

The abuser would be correct on race..and behavior.
The behavior is beCAUSE the man is a filipino..asian.

I suppose we could sanitize it a bit.. take out the "Asian" bit and leave the rest.. then it would be not racist ? Problem is.. he won't realize it is because of his 'Asian' background that he has the driving problem.

Wake up and smell the aussie roses folks..
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 30 August 2010 7:58:05 PM
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One of the feeders to racisum in Australia has to be those annoying Indians wanting to sell you a phone plan you really don't want.

Who doesn't hate those calls. Thanks Testra!

Now as a business owner, I have hung up on customers simply because they are Indian, assumming they wanted to sell me a plan.

The other problem, which has been touched on by a previous poster is, how many of the imigants that come to Aus don't like Aussies.

Now is that not racisum?

Racisum will continue here so long as people from other countries are allowed to come here and bring thier religious/political baggage with them.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 30 August 2010 8:00:28 PM
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