The Forum > Article Comments > Why a sustainable Australia needs multiculturalism > Comments
Why a sustainable Australia needs multiculturalism : Comments
By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 20/8/2010Neither of the major parties has a policy that addresses cultural diversity as a dimension of policy planning.
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You may recall that originally you asked if it was possible to have a rational debate about multiculturalism.
I said that it was.
Words like multiculturalism seem to threaten the hell out of lots of people. But any subsequent posts were not directed at you.
I really am not sure if it is worthwhile trying to keep posting in this thread - maybe OLO could find a way of establishing what could loosely be called private threads - this would mean that those people who simply want to use this as a vehicle to vent their spleen can do so.
Your point about the workaround being clumsy is reasonable but it needs to be seen as a principle for guiding public policy.
Your comment about a crisis is spot on. I was reading a travel guide about Dafur written about 15 years ago. In the tiny village of Madu there are two mayors, two schools, two market squares and invisible boundry that runs through its centre - the reasons for this dualism that there are two tribes the Berti and the Meidob in times of plenty there are no problems but when there is a shortage you do gets strife as we have seen in recent years in Dafur.
This is why it is so important that we have a sensible population policy. Population pressure in the big cities is already leading to a situation where the vicious bile that has been evident in some of these posts is in danger of becoming a justification for the arbitrary denial of human rights to some members of the Australian community.
So maybe Andrew Jakubowicz was not drawing such a long bow after all. If we recognize that cultural diversity is normal then we will remove the justification for discriminating against people on cultural grounds.